
SSX 3 on Xbox One X is Stunning | Gamerheadquarters

SSX 3 returns as an Original Xbox Backwards Compatible title bringing with it an incredible Xbox One X enhancement that holds up better than one might believe.

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chaos-emeralds2215d ago

I'm amazed at what they are doing to these old games. Booted up star wars force Unleashed on my xbox one x and wow that looks great. As does red dead etc. Really happy to have purchased it.

starsi3602215d ago

People disagree with you, so just in case you’re unclear what that means .... you are NOT happy to have purchased it. Stop lying! 😂😂😂

sizeofyou2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

Or like me...who hasn't disagreed by vote but...they probably aren't amazed with what "they are doing". Can't comment on SSX but I managed to get red dead for £10 so thought I'd try it. Wasn't going to at full price and wish I hadn't bothered. Love the game but can't see a huge difference. As previously posted, boosting low res textured games by resolution and frames aren't what I bought an X for.
These resolution and frame bumps are to do precisely what I did...sucker to another purchase. I want new games. And a reason to own the most powerful console. Not regurgitated stuff...

gamer78042215d ago

@sizeofyou so you aren't amazed that the developers found a way to make 360 discs backwards compatible and on top of that enhance them? Microsoft should have hired you years ago if you could have done it. Or per haps you are just disagreeing off topic?

Kizwiz62215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

sizofyou, then these games aren't for you. Simple. In this case, they're not making modern SSX games anymore so how else can us fans enjoy the game without having to own the old hardware?

There's thousands of old gems at steal prices for many people to enjoy. Shocker but not EVERYONE is content with modern, overpriced games. Why dampen the mood for the rest of us?

starsi3602214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

These backward compatible games with enhancements are fantastic. SSX 3 is the same game i remember playing on a blurry scart input, now with X rendering magic making it look pristine! Yes some of the textures are a little basic but overall it looks really good. Easily as good as some of these released 'remasters' that are all the rage at the moment!

neutralgamer19922214d ago


no people disagree with that because you bought a $500 console to play decade old games. Don't twist the disagrees to fit your agenda. many gamers have a problem with xbox fanbase baseless defense of xbox/ms. They will praise the smallest of things in defense of their purchase, instead of demanding more for your purchase you are settling and asking others to expect less

if after 18 years of being in this industry ms still doesn't get it and don't have many 1st party games than they need to realize that and fix it. Releasing old games shouldn't count for not releasing new games

so yeah i clicked the disagree because i disagree with you 10000000%

this is coming from someone who bough OG xbox over PS2. MS showed potential and cared but now it's all about the GAAS and old re-release

xbox one will finish a distant 3rd to ps4 and switch and it deserves every thing that's gone wrong with the brand and it's fanbase. Have fun playing oh i mean waiting on rare to fix SOT

starsi3602214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )


Unfortunately the Sony fanboys bleat on and on about the same thing... lack of exclusives. I have a PS4 too and I use it to play game like The Last Of Us and Horizon. But the fact of the matter is that my gaming time over the last year (at a guess) looks something like this;

PUBG 50+ hours
Titanfall 2 50+ hours
Call of Duty 50+ hours
Last of Us remastered 10 hours
Horizon zero dawn 10 hours
(Amongst others)
Back compat titles - maybe 50 hours in total

... basically storyline based exclusives are great but they don’t come close to the gaming time I spend playing online multiplayer games. I think that’s probably the case for many gamers. So personally I’d rather have the best of both worlds, but exclusives are not the be all and end all, in fact far from it - they make up a small percentage of my gaming time.

And I didn’t buy a £500 console (actually £399) to play just BC titles. I bought it to play PUBG, and multi platform titles in the best quality possible. So stop twisting the argument to suit YOUR agenda!

Bottom line, I prefer my xbox, you prefer your PS4, who gives a toss just enjoy it.

neutralgamer19922214d ago


exactly my point keep settling. You want me to believe you have a ps4 and you rather play BC games for more hours than actual new games.

to each their own i am glad sony/nintendo don't think like ms otherwise gamin would suck

BLAKHOODe2214d ago


If you don't see a huge difference in Red Dead Redemption you need your eyes checked. The enhancements to that game are astonishing.

Gman322214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

you and all the rest are clowns who be on here everyday attacking Microsoft Xbox one x

sizeofyou2214d ago

Responding to chaos-emeralds. Off topic if his comments are.
As for getting the games up and running...if you're impressed by the power of MS (but more likely, 3rd parties, hoping to sell additional copies) getting games from 8 years ago running on a platform of MS (with common architecture) two iteration newer then you have your own opinion. I hold mine.
Roll on E3. I STILL hope MS are good to their word, have been busy behind the scenes and can make their own hardware shine.

starsi3602214d ago


You talk like older critically acclaimed games that maybe we missed at the time or want to revisit are somehow not worth our time as much as new games. By that logic lets delete Jurassic Park (wow) from our movie libraries because we have Jurassic World (ugh). At least it has more modern special effects, eh?

I'm glad Microsoft DON'T think like Sony and Nintendo, because if they did we wouldn't have EA Access, Backwards Compatibility for some absolute classics, a 6TF console, Play Anywhere, Game Preview (PUBG for one)

Sure you can rattle a list of couter arguments that Ninty and Sony bring to gaming, but thats the exact point I'm making... competition is healthy as it brings lots of different options. Those of us that are lucky enough to own all three consoles get a great range on entertainment. What's to complain about?

Sony clearly also subscribe to the theory that people love playing last gen games, otherwise why did they invest so much in Playstation NOW?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2214d ago
chaos-emeralds2215d ago

@sizeofyou you must have a really crap TV or bad eyesight to not see the difference. Its jaggieless smooth.

hamzilla2215d ago

Folks just another typical troll out to do its bidding to make a downer on a positive post... I own all systems and love what M$ is doing with the X and backwards play. I wish Sony would open their eyes and make for something like this for PS1 and PS2 games on PS4... PS3 I do not think can be emulated on a PS4 or Pro due to the Cell processor... but PS5 if its hardware is what they speculate should be able to emulate PS3 no problem if they wan't to do it right... so far I am very impressed with Conker, SSX3, RDR, Oblivion, Morrowind, Crimson Skies, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gears of War 2, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and BLACK (old XB shooter from EA/Creition)

sizeofyou2214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

Troll? Really? Read.
I too own all the systems - and plenty of older ones. And agree that the X could be a splendid machine.- but I want mine to be more than a glorified Mame box. You may not. Difference of opinion isn't trolling...

Nodoze2214d ago

I am honestly considering picking one up JUST to play some of the older titles. SWBF I and II. Force Unleashed...and especially RDR!

chaos-emeralds2214d ago

Force Unleashed looks like a remaster. I couldn't believe how good that looked.

b777conehead2214d ago

Hey neutral I work hard for my money so why I paid 500 for the xbox1x is really no concern to you. I own all 3 systems. So I can play any game. But that’s why I work hard. You have Sony so far up you know where. All 3 systems have there pros and cons. None are perfect. But I have a nice oled tv that the x1 shines on. So I’m enjoying it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2214d ago
DrShoe2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

We're getting a lot of these "... and now they're so pretty on xbox one x" articles from a bunch of no-name/Grade CCC gaming sites. Is this all part of a Microsoft marketing campaign?

WharenPeace2215d ago

Probably - Microsoft has banked hard on backward compatibility - so it would make sense. I would have preferred in a post-gamergate world for these websites to at least state that their articles are "sponsored". That would have been the ethical thing to do.

Gazondaily2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

Really? It couldn't be the fact that the results are great?

"I would have preferred in a post-gamergate world for these websites to at least state that their articles are "sponsored". "

If people can't bring forth evidence regarding the baseless conjecture then they really need to stop getting swept up with that narrative.

ShottyatLaw2215d ago

So your working theory is that they're paying "no name" sites with minimal web traffic to promote their product to a few hundred viewers at best?

This is the website that posts file sizes for upcoming games. Nothing against the people running the site (they don't resort to click bait fanboy war stuff), but you seriously think this is the platform MS will moneyhat to promote BC?

maybelovehate2215d ago

Lol, you really don't know the demographic of this site.. They really honestly believe these things. It is hilarious.

2214d ago
corroios2215d ago

This new tatic wont work. The video is just bad so outdated. Do you even know what stunning is? With the money you got buy a new pair of glasses

2214d ago Replies(1)
timotim2215d ago

Was pleasantly surprised that I got this one for free somehow...it just showed up in my ready to install list. Looks pretty good for such an older game. Microsoft needs to find a way to get achievement into these games...even if it's just amount of time put into them, would really help.

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The first OG Xbox games have hit Xbox One via Back-Compat – but which should you head back to first?

Carlos writes: "For those interested in OG Xbox games however, the list of available titles has been somewhat limited. This month’s planned releases look to change that with as many as 19 new arrivals set to take pride of place on the Xbox One.

This week sees the first of those new arrivals, but which of the OG Xbox additions should you be heading back to first?"

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Orionsangel2219d ago

Too expensive for such old games. I was expecting $4.99. Which they will be eventually during a sale.

Sgt_Slaughter2216d ago

Go find them in shops, you can find a few for cheap. Or just pay $10 which isn't even that much more. They're cheaper than Wii games are on the Wii U so you're still getting a deal.

Orionsangel2215d ago

Yeah but I haven't bought physical media in like 3 years. I went all digital.

2219d ago Replies(2)
Kokyu2219d ago

None xboneX should be getting new exclusive

hiawa232219d ago

I just don't get it. The same people continually complain about no new games. What is the point to that? If MS doesn't have the games you want, then don't support them but this constant negativity, I just can't get with. I always own multiple consoles so I don't get attached to them but these gamers who constantly want to beat MS over the head with ever Sony release is ridiculous to me.

Gman322218d ago

@hiawa23 thats how they do on here everytime theres a article about backwards compatible games

Sayai jin2218d ago

Hiawa, that's N4g for you.

TheSplooge2219d ago

I want Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 😁

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Original Xbox Backwards Compatibility – Spring 2018 Batch Prediction

ThisGenGaming says:"The first batch of OG Xbox games was announced on Twitter and Major Nelson’s site, but he also mentioned that a new batch of games will be made available Spring 2018. Here are 15 games we would love to see being made Backwards Compatible..."

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2393d ago
Primal Rex2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

1.Jet set rado future
2.Jade empire
5.Brute Force
6.Panzer dragoon orta
7.Blinx the time sweeper
8.Stubbs the zombie
9.The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
10.Oddworld strangers wrath
12.Conker live and reloaded
13.Mace griffin - Bounty hunter

These are what i want would be nice to have them again !!!

Christopher2393d ago

I don't know whether to be disappointed that Jade Empire isn't #1 and Morrowind isn't #2 or amazed that someone actually knows about Blinx and Mace Griffin.

darthv722393d ago

I'd like quantum redshift and bloodwake to be part of the program at some point.

optimus2393d ago

I doubt they would offer conker when it's in rare replay.

darthv722393d ago

Grabbed by the Ghoulies was part of Rare Replay and it is on the og BC list.

Sciurus_vulgaris2393d ago

Conker: Live and Reloaded, was not included with Rare Replay.

bloodyspasm2393d ago

as said by others: Grabbed by the ghoulies was also in Rare Replay and that didn't stop them + it would be like a reward for people who own the disc as they can now play it in 4K on their Xbox One X. Also: Live and Reloaded had Multiplayer, Bad Fur Day did not

2393d ago
Paytaa2393d ago

1. Blood Wake
2. Gunvalkyrie
3. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
4. PGR2
5. Blinx The Time Sweeper
6. Forza 1
7. Hunter The Reckoning
8. Deathrow
9. Jet Set Radio Future
10. Mechassault
11. Azurik: Rise of Perathia
12. Timesplitters 2
13. Dead or Alive 3
14. Brute Force
15. 007 Nightfire

Honorable mentions: Area 51, Sega GT 2002, and Jade Empire

bloodyspasm2393d ago

Time Splitters 2 is one of my favourite console shooters ever! that opening level is the closest we'll ever get to a GoldenEye 64 remake :p

Sgt_Slaughter2393d ago

Why so much time in between?

Should be every few weeks or so.

Cy2393d ago

Because it takes time to sort out licensing/legal issues and to iron out all the bugs that comes from getting 15+ year old software to run on hardware it was never designed for.

TGG232393d ago

Pretty much there's not as many OG Xbox BC titles compared to 360 so it's not possible to do new titles every week. It seems like they want to go with the batches route. I guess it's going to be 13 or so at a time.

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5 Original Xbox games that must be on the Xbox One X Backwards Compatible list

Richard writes "E3 2017 and many people tuned in to Microsoft's E3 conference to find out about the highly-anticipated Project Scorpio. Of course, we now know it as Xbox One X and it will be the world’s most powerful console. As we also discovered during the same conference, not only will the Xbox One X be able to run in native 4K, HDR, blah blah blah, but it will also be able to play games over 15 years old as part of the announced Original Xbox Backwards Compatibility! They confirmed that Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge will be the first game available from the original Xbox and Microsoft have even gone as far to say they may be able to retrospectively add Achievements to first party games. So this got me thinking…"

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yeahright22478d ago

if I still had my xbox the ones I'd be clamoring for would be KOTOR, Shenmue 2, and jade empire. None of them made this list.

Benoski2478d ago

They should've chosen another game instead of Fuzion Frenzy, as that's already been confirmed for BC.

Harmy6662477d ago

You chose Super Monkey Ball Deluxe and Fuzion Frenzy, over The Simpsons Hit and Run?

When was the last time you played Fuzion Frenzy, it's an awful game, that is only entertaining to a child.

When you're naming these games, you're only thinking nostalgically.