
Wired Review: Nintendo Labo

Jeffrey Van Camp from Wired: "I was a rambunctious, energetic child. It was hard for me to sit still for anything, but if you gave me a box of Lego and a good set of instructions, I could sit for hours. I had Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, K’Nex, model cars, you name it.

There’s a wonderful zen to quietly assembling something. But then, what do you do after you're done? The true test of a building toy is whether you find creative ways to play with it once it’s finished. Toys like K’Nex could always be repurposed for games or rebuilt in perpetuity. Models and electronic Technozoids (yes, they were a real thing) on the other hand tended to end up in the closet or on a garage sale table sooner rather than later.

As crazy as my little building projects got, nothing from my childhood was as ludicrously weird and inventive as the new Nintendo Labo. Nintendo’s latest nutty idea is a pair of Switch games that each come with more than two dozen sheets of corrugated cardboard. To play the included games, you must first spend at least an hour snapping and folding together what Nintendo calls Toy-Cons: cardboard controllers."

darthv722216d ago

If Nintendo were smart.... they would release do it yourself software and allow people to create their own stencils and cut outs. Share them with others and really turn this novelty into something bigger.

2216d ago Replies(1)
The 10th Rider2216d ago (Edited 2216d ago )

It's pretty clear Nintendo is positioning Labo as a educational and creative platform, rather than as a video game. If you look at the companies that Nintendo has targeted with these Labo reviews they're predominately not typical game reviewing websites, they're tech websites. They even did a video with Bill Nye about the product (which is a questionable decision considering how awful his Netflix show was, but it certainly shows the type of audience they're targeting).

I have reservations about the product's success considering the price of a Switch + Labo. However Lego Mindstorms does very well at a price of $350 and anyone that owns a Switch only has to pay $70 for Labo. It'll be interesting to see how it performs.

Neonridr2216d ago

well Nintendo isn't necessarily banking on you going out to purchase a Switch just for Labo. Just something additional you can do once you purchase one.

The 10th Rider2216d ago

Yeah, that was mostly as a comparison to Lego's robotic program, which is common for educational programs and schools. I can see people buying Labo, but schools that would have to purchase Switch too it's a bit more of a tough sell.

Zeldafan642215d ago

Who cares if Bill Nye made a Netflix show that wasn't well received? Does that somehow make him a bad person? I've always liked the guy and I'm glad he's promoting Labo.

quent2215d ago

You should google nintendo and find out more about the company and what they've being doing for the last 50 years or so

Prince_TFK2216d ago

Good reviews all around for the Labo.


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ocelot071096d ago

Skyrim vr on the switch???? I honestly couldn't imagine it. It ready looks a blury mess on psvr. So imagine what a switch vr port would look like.


Nintendo Labo is awesome - so why did it die?

— Nintendo Labo:

Nintendo Labo is an ingenious combination of technology, cardboard, and creativity on Nintendo Switch, yet it didn't sell and is now being forgotten. Why?

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ApocalypseShadow1245d ago

It was imaginative, creative and unique. But ultimately, just another Nintendo gimmick. Tech demos.

They dabbled in it, made high profits on what is basically, expensive paper. AR Mario Kart will be following right behind it and Labo VR that they didn't fully support. Because the RC Kart only works for one game. Just like most of the Labo.

Power Glove and Virtual Boy will have a new friend in the closet to sit next to that eventually, will getting trashed or donated.

Inverno1243d ago

They were tech demos sold with pieces of cardboard. Anyone could see this wasn't anything more than just a one off thing