
SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm – A +18 lewd visual novel of Sarah Kerrigan and “Starcraft”

I (Robin Ek, TGG) just found out that the Shadow portal team (the makers of "Camelot: The Game") launched their F2P lewd visual novel-like "Starcraft" PC game called "SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm" not so long ago. Well, since it's the early access version of "SlutCraft", here's what's known about the game so far.

Asuka2243d ago

This has a very... Interesting title xD.

TGG_overlord2243d ago

I know :P I wouldn't even have found out about the game if it hadn't been for a random picture from the game via duckduckgo.com (I was just looking through a lot of "Starcraft" art).

Asuka2243d ago

Fine example of rule 34, this is... XD

FinalFantasyFanatic2242d ago

Well, they're extremely creative, I'll give them that.

Sciurus_vulgaris2243d ago

I think Blizzard will be taking this down.

TGG_overlord2243d ago

Perhaps, but by then tons of people have already downloaded the game.

yeastori2242d ago (Edited 2242d ago )

and dirty

TGG_overlord2243d ago

@Asuka "Fine example of rule 34, this is... XD"

- Very much so ;) I'm just surprised that the game got dropped now. I mean, I thought that something like this would have been created much earlier? Then again, perhaps no one had the guts to actually do it?

TGG_overlord2243d ago

@Sciurus_vulgaris "Then Blizzard can sue....."

- SEGA didn't do that with SOR Remake, and Nintendo didn't do that with AM2R (they just told them to take the game down). Furthermore, the game is free-to-play, and it doesn't use "Starcraft" in the title. So it's like ID or Bethesda would go after "MiniDoom". Then again, Blizzard did go after a handful of lewd "Overwatch" videos, but all of them used "Overwatch" in the title.

TGG_overlord2242d ago

I just wanted to add that the Shadow portal team (the devs of "SlutCraft") just informed me that I'm going to get a chance to review the full game once it launches. So "hopefully" that means that I will get to play the full release a couple of days before the game launches for everyone. In other words, I could have a review ready on the launch day.

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It Seems Pretty Clear Why StarCraft 3 is Not a Thing Yet

Even though fans have been clamoring for a StarCraft 3 for years now, it seems like Blizzard really has no reason to spend time making one.

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StormSnooper204d ago

They sort of ran the story as far as it could go.

Also, it seems like blizzard is more busy with mediocrity at this point in time.

Jingsing204d ago

The problem with Blizzard is they have franchises that don't need sequels. People are happy playing the games that they previously made. What they need is new games, none of this business of trying to transport the old audience into a new version of an old game which only ends up nickle and dime'ing users.


Star Discord is a StarCraft lookalike optimised for mobile by a one-man team, out now

Illogical Games has just announced the official release of Star Discord, the one-man indie dev's charming StarCraft lookalike on mobile.

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XiNatsuDragnel874d ago

I wish for a console version too


What needs to change in the RTS Genre

RTS; it's a beloved genre...but it's in dire need of originality or it risks being consigned to a small pool of fans.

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dmonee1180d ago

In my opinion, they have evolved and become more complicated. Way back in the day with command and conquer games, they were easier to pick up and play. I’ll actually go further back to a $70 Super Nintendo game called “Metal Marines”. Not sure if I’m off the mark, but these cellphone, real time strategy games become overwhelming quickly to me. There’s too much going on at once and it turns me off. Not sure if there are any on consoles to be honest. If there is a RTS that is on PS4, I’m open to the recommendation

waderae1180d ago

Metal marines... what a game, and Herzog Zwei too.

Ensemble Studios and Westwood closing spelt absolute disaster for RTS games, with exception of blizzard, no one made any real good ones. Microsoft and EA ruined two top franchises before closing the studio. such a shame

BenRC011179d ago

Over complicated. Dawn of War 1 was almost the perfect rts, its all been downhill since.