
'God Of War' Review: The Best God Of War Game In A Decade | Forbes

Dave Thier: "This new God of War does that for Norse mythology, but in a different way: we still have the grandeur here and there, between the massive, stone-swinging trolls, the great coiled World Serpent and a few other pieces of set dressing I won't spoil. But it does something beyond that, too, giving us a much more involved look at the twisted family drama that make up these stories as well. The Gods here are more human then they've ever been, and there's something as captivating about that as there was about the larger-than-life absurdity of characters like Poseidon and Hades in the original series. God of War works for what it keeps and works for what it changes. It's a foundation for a series that's suddenly a tentpole once again."

DigitalRaptor2249d ago

God of War is an immaculate and transcendent experience by the sounds of it.

Game of the Generation so far... until RDR2, Spider-Man, The Last of Us Part II and Death Stranding.

PS4 owners are blessed.

2249d ago Replies(2)
SuperSonic912249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

Is it safe to say that games 80 and above corporate reviews are generally good games in their genre?

Tokasmke2249d ago

God of War will be better then Spider-Man

TyrellCorp2249d ago

Idk man I’m personally more excited for GoW and obviously the bar has been set very high, but I have a lot of faith in Insomniac to deliver a special game. Look up some gameplay on Spider-Man, the fluidity in navigation and combat looks outstanding.

OffRoadKing2249d ago

I agree with this, I think Spidey will do really really well but I thing we're looking at more like an 83 to 87 meta on that one, its going to be fantastic I just dont think it will have the depth of story God of War has. Regardless Spider-Man will be another incredible must own Playstation exclusive.

2249d ago Replies(15)
Shiken2249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

Yeah it seems like a must play experience. At this point I think we can call Kratos the official PS mascot. He has been around since the PS2 days and he does not appear to be going anywhere soon.

I used to think Nathan Drake or Crash, but Uncharted is over sadly and Crash is multiplat now. There are so many mythologies to tackle for GoW though, and it seems like the directors are doing a fantastic job evolving the franchise. Ascension had me worried, but I am stoked for this masterpiece arriving on the 20th.

Xb1ps42249d ago

Well.... he is old now and has a son... sooooo... who knows how long kratos will be around, looks like his son may be the one to be around a while?

Shiken2249d ago

He is the son of Zeus, and is literally a God himself. I am sure he has more time left in this world than you realize.

Xb1ps42249d ago

I hope so! Cause my only disappoint when I first seen the new kratos was that he is old now, I didn’t even want to believe that it was him! Lol

This is the only game franchise that my wife has played... she was disappointed that he no longer has the chains of chaos.. or what ever it was called.. regardless day ☝️.. this will be the only game that I will pay for more than just the standard edition.. tomorrow can’t come soon enough!

Shiken2249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

Indeed, I almost got a Pro over this game. But the limited bundle was sold out and that would have been the one I wanted.

Still it looks beast mode on a standard PS4 as well, so I think I will hold out a bit longer on a Pro, oending on when PS5 drops.

G20WLY2248d ago

His beard isn't even grey yet and we all remember how tough his dad and grandad were! He's good for a while yet lol

LordCheezus2249d ago

I seen a few comments in the past trashing forbes as not a credible source when it said favourable things about xbox now it says something good about ps4 I dont hear a single word lol, people on here are so weird and hypocritical if only they could see it. Anyway back to the game, I am looking forward to giving it a try, this game could possibly be the only single player game I would actually enjoy.

OB1Biker2249d ago

I get what your trying to say but then if the who!e internet tells you something you are not going to doubt it just because Forbes says the same thing, are you?

LordCheezus2249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

im passive about it all mate, i just play the games myself and form my own opinion i dont really pay too much attention to the media. but i see what you are saying also.

AspiringProGenji2249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

Depends of what you really mean because Forbes has said some shitty stuff before.Care to elaborate what are yoo talking about specifically?

Oh wait why do I ask that? Xbox fans always come up with this “bu bu If it was xbox” bs putting everything in the same context... this is a review so it is a totally different thing. And if anything, Forbes has been more pro Xbox than PS4.

Bathyj2249d ago

I've heard this exact argument many times about many different publications. All I can say is, we agree with them when we agree with them and we don't when we don't.

Isn't that a good thing?

Who they are doesn't matter. Say something correct and people will agree.

Are we supposed to disagree with everything they say forever because we disagreed with something they said before? Na. Play each ball in its merits.

G20WLY2248d ago

That hypocrisy would only be possible if it were the same people saying it in both articles, surely? Even then, it's tenuous at best, given people are free to agree and disagree with anything at any time.

That's just how opinions work.

I don't think there's anyone to lynch here. Just play they game and have fun mate, it's not worth the fuss.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2248d ago
Xb1ps42249d ago

The head line has me a bit confused... does anyone know the release dates for all the other god of wars? Seems to imply that god of war games over 10 yrs ago might be better?

isa_scout2249d ago

God Of War 1 and 2 were released over a decade agao. So maybe they're saying it's not quite as amazing as the first two. Either way its amazing praise. The only GoW I disliked was Ascension so I'm sure I'll be extremely satisfied come Thursday at 9pm.

Sunny_D2249d ago

It’s possible they are rounding it from 2010 which was 8 years ago so almost 10 years. Thus, the best God of War in a decade. Maybe to them the 3 and ascension were not as great as the first 2. But, then this new one has proved otherwise?

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God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

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Nacho_Z14d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt14d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z14d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan13d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq14d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard14d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole14d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


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