1UP: Phantasy Star Portable Exclusive Developer Interview

1UP: "At the Tokyo Game Show, we sat down with Phantasy Star Portable director Satoshi Sakai and grilled him about the minute, detailed tidbits about the game that only a true loot whore would care about. Then again, if you're reading this, then that loot whore is you. As a veteran of Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe, I wanted to know about the changes to the portable version from the recent console versions (and expansions) of PSU, and Sakai fielded my questions like a champ. Stayed tuned for in-depth, hands-on impressions of Phantasy Star Portable very soon."


What do you need to know about Phantasy Star?

Man, Phantasy Star can be confusing. There are so many different kinds of games in this series, but they all get tossed under the same umbrella. The oldest games are turn-based RPGs. The newer ones vary between MMOs and action-RPGs. Wouldn’t it be nice if things were simplified...

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EddieNX 2390d ago

Phantasy Star online episode 1 and 2 is one my all time favorites. Just make that better...

ApocalypseShadow2390d ago

What I need to know is when is Sega going to make and release Phantasy Star 5. All I need to know.

SegaGamer2390d ago

Even if they did, then i doubt it would be released outside of Asia. We haven't had a Phantasy Star game since Phantasy Star Portable 2, and that was 7 years ago !

I don't know why, but Sega seem's to have abandoned the west when it comes to Phantasy Star.

ApocalypseShadow2390d ago (Edited 2389d ago )

Pretty much. You would think that sequels to some of their franchises or remasters of games like Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, Headhunter, Virtual On online, Jet Set Radio, etc would make them some easy cash as digital titles. Even VR titles of Virtual Cop, HofTD or even something crazy like Crazy Taxi VR. Nope. The Sega I knew just isn't there.

Maybe Sammy has them on a tight leash and just uses their assets for Pachinko games like Konami does. It's a shame being a Sega game fan but no Sega games to look forward to.

fenome2389d ago

Seriously though! When I first saw this I thought I missed an announcement or something. I thought it was to prep people up for the next game. Damn

Azurite2389d ago

"Phantasy Star Online 2 (GameCube, 2012)"
May want to change that to (PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Android, PC and iOS, 2012)

Nybz2388d ago

I need to know when the fuck SEGA is gonna wake up and make a full on PSO 3 with the unreal 4 engine or some shit so I can get lost in the best god damn futuristic world with my pet mag as their god-tier PSO themed music blasts my ear drums forever and ever.

Wake the hell up SEGA, the time is NOW!


The Retro Game Review - September 2012

Here’s the latest episode of The Retro Game Review - a summary of September's retro gaming news. This month I look at a batch of fan translations being released, the latest retro releases to arrive on the 3DS and Wii, a book on Sensible Software that you should buy, and the end of the unofficial Nintendo magazine era...

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A Challenge: Play Your Portables In Public

Digibred wants you to play your games in public and stop worrying about evil glances.

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jujubee884363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )

But, I exercise my freewill all the time by playing my VITA - given that the time and place is okay (and I am not in some dark alley where thugs can beat me up and take my VITA).

Whenever I casually play my VITA in public, it is really no different than imagining a serious philosopher like Socrates playing spinning tops in public (back in 400 bc).

Interesting story though. I gotta feel bad for that girl who plays "Farmville". Girls like that usually suffer from a lack of identity and they feel the need to attack others to build up their own self-esteem.

Gotta have fun, people!


TBM4362d ago (Edited 4362d ago )

I play my vita everyday on the train going to work, and going home. the only time i can't play it is when the train is too damn crowded going home after work.

i also play it in my office and our lunch room i don't give two sh*ts what anyone says i paid good money for it and imma play it wherever and whenever. and im 38 yrs old.

dboyman4362d ago (Edited 4362d ago )

Here Here! I too am over 30 and proud to game too, despite what other people think! You deserve a bubble TBM...

Knushwood Butt4361d ago

Yeah, I was just playing mine on the train home..

MagicAccent4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Well said!

I would play my Playstation portable more when I'm out and about, if only it was a little bit more 'portable'.
Maybe if I get a 3ds some day, I'll probably play the hell out of that.

Also, to anyone who feels embarrassed and feel like a child with a toy, when playing in public, you 'are' being childish, who cares what the "cool kids" do and think.

I'm an adult, and nobody makes decisions for me, but ME. Just give em a "no, you're the freak"-stare right back and game on.

homer4362d ago

No thanks. The only people I see playing games in public on anything other than a smart phone are young children. I could see getting away with the vita though becuase it could pass as a smart phone if held in a deceptive manner.

TheFirstClassic4362d ago

Why is it cool to play on phones in public but not video games?

Hicken4362d ago

So... exactly why do you disapprove? So far, I gather that you haven't seen anyone other than kids do it; does that mean that, in your eyes, it's childish to play on a handheld if you're in public? If so, why do you think so?

Me, I'll play my Vita whenever and wherever, same as I did my DS and my PSP. I could not care less what someone else thinks about it, since I'm not playing for their sake. I'm playing because I like to play.

Screw their dirty looks.

Sheikh Yerbouti4362d ago (Edited 4362d ago )

I whipped mine out in public and started playing with it. A few young ladies saw me and asked to play with it too. They were all into it too, so much they drew a crowd. Guys were patting me on the back, wishing they had one like it. It is pretty awesome I guess.

...the Vita I mean.

dboyman4362d ago

Same thing happened to me too, but not just young ladies, but some kids and their parents too. I was playing Gravity Rush as well as uncharted golden abyss and Wipeout 2048 for the PS Vita. Some were really so impressed not only just the graphics (there jaws did drop for games like Uncharted ) by the but the smooth controls you cannot get from a smartphone. One parent who's a Assassin Creed fan said he plans to get the PS Vita when AC Liberation comes out

sarydactl4361d ago

Well done, good sir. For the double entendres, I mean.

WildArmed4362d ago (Edited 4362d ago )

I play on the train often. I remember I was sitting next to a lawyer, he saw me playing my PSP.
He got out his 3DS and started playing...
thou he kept getting killed so he eventually put it away.

But the point being is that he wasn't comfortable enough to take it out until he saw me playing.
Which is sad, because gaming is a hobby. You shouldn't be ashamed of doing it in public.

I occasionally whip it out at restaurants. But i get dirty looks, so I put it away before i get hit over the head by her >.<

Moncole4362d ago

How do you know he was a lawyer?

WildArmed4362d ago (Edited 4362d ago )

I assumed? Saw a law firm logo on his bag and paperwork, so I just assumed. Either way, not the point ;)

daggertoes834362d ago

"I occasionally whip it out at restaurants"If you whip it out in a restauant i would look at you funny to. I will play with my vita in public though.

Tuxedo_Mask4362d ago (Edited 4362d ago )

An Even Greater Challenge: Play Your Portables In a Public Restroom! (With the volume turned all the way up!)

WildArmed4362d ago

Taking a dump in a public restroom has never been so much fun.

TopDudeMan4362d ago

I openly sit on the bus and play pokemon. I'm 19 years old. No one dares say anything.

omarzy4362d ago

There is a mutual understanding between gamers, and the general public that you do not insult pokemon under any circumstances.

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