
Why Below has taken half a decade to make

"Making a game is obscenely challenging," Nathan Vella, boss of Toronto, Canada developer Capybara tells over the phone.

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mandingo2241d ago

A game like this should not take 5 years. It's sad cuz the devs spent 5 years making this and it likely wont sell. :(

cellfluid2241d ago

5 years making this crap?? This could have been made with a etch a sketch in 2 hours!! Unbelievable. Microsoft has differently dropped the ball this Gen.. It's over.. Sony is releasing god of War and Microsoft is releasing a cells in a petri dish looking game..

RuleNumber52241d ago

Awesome read. Highly recommend.


Greetings from the newly minted CEO - Shams Jorjani

Operating under the username BigKahuna_AGS, Jorjani created a lengthy thread on the Helldivers subreddit to introduce himself to the community following his appointment as CEO in early May.


Frostpunk 2 Dev Talks Creative Risks, Supply and Demand, and More

Game Rant speaks with Frostpunk 2 co-game director and design director Jakub Stokalski about everything 11 bit poured into the sequel.

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Frostpunk 2 Q&A - Back to the Wasteland

At a recent visit of 11 bit studios, Wccftech got hands-on with Frostpunk 2 and spoke to the development team about it. Here's the exclusive Q&A.

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