
The Struggle is Real: Far Cry 5 or God of War?

COGconnected: The very real struggle of picking one new game to play, and just what it means to have to try and make the right decision along the way.

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fenome2224d ago

I picked up Far Cry just for something to mess around in while I wait for God of War. It's been fun, I haven't played on since Far Cry 3, so I'm not burnt out on the formula. Time is still moving way too freaking slow though, the 20th needs to hurry up already!!

Xenophon_York2224d ago

Between God of War and Infinity War I feel as though time is stuck on the 405 two days before XMAS.

dekke2223d ago

i pre-ordered GOW Limited Edition yday...FC5 got platinum trophy few days ago and its awsum game

Tsar4ever012223d ago

To me this article was pretty STUPID. Why does it have to be a STRUGGLE on which game you should choose? If you what both games, then F**KING GET BOTH GAMES!! Why does it even matters which game
you even buy 1st? If you don't care for either title than get neither, see how simple that works?

US8F2223d ago

What IF you can't afford paying $100 for each title, including tax, which one would you choose? You see how that worked out that it does make sense having an article like that. However, I do agree that an article like that is stupid. One is an open world guns game, while the other is linear viking style game. Who approves these sites anyways?

GNCFLYER2223d ago

I'm just answering your Q.

The author states he can't justify paying for both right now, nor does he have the time to play both right now, being an adult with responsibility.

It's a weird article though, and he seems to hype FC5 up more so I dont think it's the real question he is asking.

Very different games, it's not like asking Infamous or prototype. One is multiplatform and open world, the other is exclusive and more linear.

The differences dont stop there it's just the most obvious ones.

Weird article.

OB1Biker2224d ago

So the article starts with 'the following piece you are about to read is going to come off as whiny, annoying, '
OK Im done reading haha

Based on the title though I don't see where the problem could be given
1 choice is a good thing
2 they are very different games
3 still two long weeks to wait for GOW

Kyizen2223d ago

Yeah I don't get it. If they came out on the same day maybe but there is a decent space between them. It's one of the reasons I like Sony release schedule. MS would stack everything during the holidays so it would be do I buy the new MS game or the huge 3rd party coming out, and it wouldn't just be one huge 3rd party...

Sayai jin2223d ago

What does MS have to do with this?

DigitalRaptor2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

God of War, every day.

Far Cry 5 is just another Far Cry game.
I don't wish to minimize the hard work done by Ubisoft staff, but you could pick any of the recent ones for cheap and it follows more or less the same formula with a different background and certain deviations.

God of War is not just another God of War game.
From what we know, and according to Mr. Balrog there is no video game (let alone GoW game) that gives you the same experience.

Gazondaily2224d ago

"From what we know, and according to Mr. Balrog there is no video game (let alone GoW game) that gives you the same experience."

What makes God of War unlike any other videogame?

DigitalRaptor2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

The first thing that comes to mind is the single-shot camera that persists throughout the entirety of the game. Pretty excited to see how well that's done and how it helps create an uninterrupted flow of gameplay and story. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

But I was basing that particular part of my comment on what the creative director chose to say about his game, and I guess I trust him.

Gazondaily2224d ago

Over the shoulder camera aka Ryse and many other games? I don't think that's unique at all? It's just a camera angle too.

Hardiman2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

He's not talking about the camera angle but the continuous shot from start to end credits. That's very difficult to do hence why Square Enix said no for Tomb Raider. It's really unheard of. That on top of the fact it's being made by Santa Monica and is a beloved series that's going in an entirely new direction makes it news worthy and unlike any other video game!

firelogic2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

It's not just an over the shoulder camera. The entire game takes place with one single shot. That means there are no fades to black. There are no cuts between one location to another. There are no loading screens. From the moment you start the game to the end credits, there are no interruptions. They use one camera and it never shuts off. I've seen it done in movies but doesn't happen a lot in games.

Of course if you die or quit the game there are cuts but that's obvious.

bluefox7552224d ago

The entire game was shot in one camera take. No cuts, no loading screens. I can't think of another game that has done that.

The7Reaper2224d ago

@Septic The single shot camera is not the same as the over the shoulder camera dude lol

The Wood2224d ago

Lol. . . .all of the above

Legatus2224d ago Show
RememberThe3572224d ago

I would assume that same sort of things that separate most great games from the rest. Exectusion, feel, immersion, all that nuanced shit you're fully capable of comprehending.

S2Killinit2224d ago Show
Gazondaily2224d ago

"It's not just an over the shoulder camera. The entire game takes place with one single shot. "

Oh I didn't know this. My bad. So no cutscenes then? Or they blend from the shot into a cutscene and back to the shot?

kevnb2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

I’m not sure the camera always following the action really makes the game any better or worse. The previous games were pretty poor story telling wise (and the voice acting was laughable at times) but cool things happened in cut scenes to make up for it.
What I’m worried about is that the original formula was Jaffes baby, but let’s see what Barlog can do on his own.

DigitalRaptor2224d ago

I appreciate you owning up to not knowing what I was talking about, but c'mon dude.

There was a purpose to me posting that video, which explained it all.

masterfox2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

What makes God of War unlike any other videogame?

Answer: Kratos.

here let me give you more examples what I mean:
What makes Metal Gear Solid game unlike any other videogame?
answer: Solid Snake
What makes Devil May Cry game unlike any other videogame?
answer: Dante
What makes a Zelda game unlike any other videogame?
answer: Link
and now:
What makes a Farcry game unlike any other videogame?
answer: hmmm killing for fur I guess? XD

See the difference ? ;)

Forn2224d ago

What makes this God of War different than any other game?

1. The care taken with the game world as far as the setting. Using Old Norse language in the soundtrack. Encountering Norse God's and characters from Norse Mythology all interwoven into a unique and epic new story.
2. Continuous camera with no cuts.
3. Unique combat systems that haven't been implemented the same way in any other third-person game.
4. Unique puzzles that require teamwork between Atreus and Kratos.
5. Semi-open world with completely fresh and unique locations to explore.

This is just a few examples.

CrimsonWing692224d ago

You might need to do research on the game before you make a comment, just sayin’ is all.

Ceaser98573612224d ago

Someone explain Septic the Meaning of Single shot camera, No cut camera... Lmao!
Okay here is a small piece what Single shot camera means.. And stop talking about Ryse puhleeez! Some people are comparing Ryse with GOW. Good lord.. Anyways check out the video its from Dare devil Season 1


Realms2224d ago Show
MegamanXXX2224d ago Show
frostypants2224d ago Show
bouzebbal2223d ago

Your opinions are worse and worse.
I just hope it's on purpose to get attention. I really hope so

Gazondaily2223d ago (Edited 2223d ago )

^^ And what do you add? I asked a question. Someone clarified and I acknowledged my oversight? That's what adults do.

GTgamer2223d ago

" And what do you add? I asked a question. Someone clarified and I acknowledged my oversight? That's what adults do."

SOOOOOOOO you expect us to believe this the first time you heard of the single shot set up for GOW mannnnn Get outta here, like seriously just stop.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 2223d ago
ZombieKiller2224d ago

The fact that you dismiss it as "Far Cry 5 is just another Far Cry game" tells me you didn't play it. It's better than all the other games in the series and although similar, it's very different as well. You should try it if you like the series even a little. Something tells me you don't though

gangsta_red2224d ago

"From what we know,"

But we don't know, because none of us has played it yet.

"Balrog there is no video game (let alone GoW game) that gives you the same experience"

What experience is that? You're being extremely vague and cryptic.

bigmalky2224d ago

Considering he's refused to give spoilers, is very secetive about story and some mechanics and has sent out review copies 2 weeks early, I'd say there's something special there.

That last one is a good tell that the game is going to be something amazing.

DigitalRaptor2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

@ Gangta_red

Vague and cryptic?

Anyone with a modicum of interest in the game knows exactly what I'm talking about. It's not my fault you decide not to have a clue what you're talking about when it comes to Sony's exclusive games. I'm not here to appease the ignorant, especially not somebody who was obtuse and utterly denialist when I gave him facts about Uncharted 4 that he didn't want to hear.

Cory Balrog and company have presented lots of information about the game so far in a number of ways, which proves that it's not *just* another God of War game, but an overhaul of what the series once was. Whether it's combat, the gameplay as a whole, the mythology, the camera, the characterisation, level design and structure of the world, or the size and length of the game. It's a rather huge difference. There are well over a dozen previews from people who have played the first 2-3 hours of the game and touch on what is the same and what is different and talk about all of this stuff. You clearly care more about disagreeing with me than seeking the truth.

In terms of "experience" I already explained to Septic about the single-shot, no-cut camera and I also said that it was the director of the game that said this... these words were not mine. I guess we'll find out how deeply unique of an experience this is, and in what way, when the reviews come out in 4 days. ;)

@ ILostMyMind

Goddamnit. I knew his name is Barlog - typo :)

Ceaser98573612224d ago

Well there is a Video regarding how they did the single shot camera. So its true..


Jaypi032223d ago

@Digital Raptor, it seems like you said a whole bunch of nothing. Yes the single shot camera is cool, but you didn't actually list many new features. In truth while God of War is likely to be a fantastic experience pushing it as something we've never seen before based on what we've seen so far, seems a bit ridiculous. RPG elements? Over the shoulder camera? AI companion? Compelling story? Old character returning? Length? The characterization (we know nothing about yet) It's all stuff we've seen before in games so lets not act like it's a whole new experience.

That said i'm hyped for the game, getting it day one, but i'm not going to pretend it's more than what it is until I get my hands on it. To your point, I guess it is different from other God of War games, but until we play it, it's all up in the air.

DigitalRaptor2223d ago (Edited 2223d ago )

@ Jaypi03

A game doesn't need a whole suite of new features to be considered a game unlike any other. So looks like the point went completely over your head. The single-shot camera is kind of a testament to this claim alone, but you want more? Doesn't need it. I quoted Cory Barlog who said that he believes there's no other game out there that gives you the same experience as this new God of War. If what they're trying to build for the player through a no-cut camera that enables an uninterrupted flow of gameplay and story, ends up making it a unique experience like no other then that is an amazing accomplishment.

Anyway, my initial comment was expressing my opinion about which game I would choose, because Far Cry is just another game in the series that follows the same formula and doesn't deviate much, whereas God of War is an overhaul and completely different to the old games and something new. That is why I would choose it if I had to.

chiefJohn1172224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

So a camera shot is the difference? 😑
Oh that's a must play right there

Ceaser98573612224d ago

Ya thats a must play and not only for the camera shot diff. But alot of things.. Cory and the rest of his team have explained alot. The Previewers shared their experiences too..

DigitalRaptor2223d ago

I'm not to blame that you are ignorant to what that flow can bring to the experience. I understand though, you're clearly not interested.

joab7772224d ago

Very well said! There is no comparison. If GoW released against RDR2, then we might have a real choice in our hands. But a GoW with a story, actual customization and rpg elements, a one shot cinematic experience in glorious 4k, brutal combat and the rememergence of an iconic character.

Nuff said!

chrisoadamson2223d ago (Edited 2223d ago )

Looks very like Lord of the rings combat to me . Nothing new

Gazondaily2223d ago

Just watched your video. My bad- I didnt look at it before. I get it now. Its very impressive.

KickSpinFilter2223d ago

Looks great, first looks look very promising and getting great previews. But time will tell.

2223d ago Replies(1)
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Hardiman2224d ago

I'm playing FarCry 5 now but on 4/20 it's all things God of War!

2223d ago
bloodybutcherblocked2223d ago

Uhmm...no, you cannot. At least according to the disagrees. Gotta love n4g

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DefenderOfDoom256d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot56d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor56d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos56d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius56d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8856d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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