
Skyrim VR is out on PC now

Play it for the 50th time.


I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

Replaying Skyrim after 13 years is a reminder of the progress made in western RPGs over the last decade, but also what's been lost.

anast60d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22960d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko60d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way


Modder brings actual brain-powered magic to Skyrim VR

A modder has created a "real virtual magic" mod for Skyrim VR.

The mod uses a brain computer interface that measures your concentration.

The more you focus, the higher your magicka bar becomes. Fill it up and you'll do double damage; let it drop and you'll do less.

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Up to 68% off Fallout 4 GOTY, Rage 2 and Skyrim

Amazon has discounted Fallout 4 Game of The Year Edition to $23.00, Rage 2 to $29.99, Skyrim VR to $27.00 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition to $17.00.

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william_cade1688d ago (Edited 1688d ago )

I wouldn't recommend anyone to spend more than 10 usd of their hard earned money on Fallout 4. I went into it think I was going to get a New Vegas style Fallout, instead I got a dull reskin of Skyrim.

I also picked up Skyrim and I'm enjoying it for what it is. I should have gotten Skyrim first and replayed New Vegas for my Fallout fix.

P.S. Rage 2 is poop, not worth the price tag.