
PlayStation VR is beginning to feel a bit like the Vita

From EuroGamer: "The Vita might not have been ones of PlayStation's biggest successes, but it's certainly one of its more cherished pieces of hardware; its intention to offer big console experiences on the go fell a little flat (even if Nintendo did prove the concept could work some short years later with the Switch), but its pivot to independent and mid-tier studios opened up the handheld to a new breed of fascinating games. In turn, Sony offered up a captive audience to smaller developers, resulting in a love-in that's made the Vita adored by its faithful."

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fr0sty2233d ago (Edited 2233d ago )

PSVR is doing better than ever. Each new game I get becomes even more addicting than the last. RE7 started the trend, then Doom VFR provided another solid AAA experience. Wipeout Omega Collection showed how the game was always means to be played, Moss proves that platformers can be better in VR, Last Guardian is coming to VR as is ZOE2, Ace Combat, Super Hot, Knockout League, all top quality gaming experiences either recently or soon to be released. Over 100 games so far, and it just got $100 cheaper.

It's dragging the entire VR market along, outselling its PC competition 2 to 1. It's not just doing well in the VR market, it is creating it. The most expensive and yet still one of the best selling console add ons in history.

Dirty_Lemons2232d ago

Superhot is already out for PSVR, and it is insane. I still have to try The Inpatient and Wipeout, now we got the VR update, but I agree that it looks like it’s doing pretty well all things considered.

JaguarEvolved2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

A lot of games are scheduled to be released on the psvr this year with some very compelling titles coming out in 3rd and 4th quarter. The psvr to me is quite a good device and I think the games are getting better as time goes on. Imo vr is here to stay and the psvr has convinced me that vr is the future of gaming. I think vr will be a lot bigger next-generation because its a lot more immersive than traditional 3d-2d games. I'd like to get a vive pro vr unit but imo it doesn't have enough games I'm interested in as of yet to justify the price. The vive pro is the best vr unit at the moment but the inferior psvr just has a lot more compelling games with a lot of games announced and coming soon.

Sam Fisher2232d ago

I hope it makes it, i thought it was a gimmick. Man was i wrong when i bought it. I can see this as a main gaming device and not just addon. I cant wait for firewall. They just need to make the moves with analog and we are great

mikeslemonade2232d ago

The vita is already dead for 3 years. The psvr is alive. I see no similarity.

Lexreborn22232d ago

This type of article happens when we view success in terms of relatives instead of what it is. PSVR should only be compared to other VR devices and how VR is succeeding as a whole.

Instead articles like this look to paint a negative in their twisted perspective. I really hate post like this

Eonjay2232d ago

PSVR is the the industy leader in VR... by a huge margin. I wonder why we never get that in context.

Death2232d ago

PSVR is not the “industry leader”, it is the sales leader. Vive has been the leader in technology. At 2 million units sold, PSVR has sold the most in a market that has underwhelmed since launch. Yes, it is the best selling, but it isn’t selling well. Sony’s lack of support shows how the platform is doing. VR has immersion that is second to none, but it has a long way to go before it becomes a must have platform. The wires need to be cut, fidelity needs to increase and there is a dire need for content made for the platform that shows what it can truly do.

2232d ago
DigitalRaptor2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

@ Death

PSVR absolutely is the industry leader. http://lexicon.ft.com/Term?...

Saying otherwise because of technology, is like saying the PS2 wasn't the industry leader against Xbox and Gamecube. Whether the Vive or Oculus are better overall products than PSVR is opinion because consumers will decide what they think is a better product for them - whether it's more accessible, or is more comfortable to wear. It could considered that PSVR is more important than its contemporaries because Sony is doing more (or managing better) to bring VR to the masses and grow interest in a more profound way.

You say it's not selling well... I look at 2 million units priced at $349-399 sold in just over a year before price was slashed to $299 very recently. Considering that the parts are cheap to source and manufacture (based on teardowns that have been done on the headset), Sony is making a tidy profit on each unit sold and has made over half a billion dollars for them in just over a year.

You say Sony has not been supporting it... yet more games seem to be coming out from SIE and partners as the years go on. How the platform is doing, is making profit, and at $299 it's going to continue making them profit.

Death2232d ago


By the definition you linked it can be argued Sony is “an industry leader”, but not “the industry leader”. Sony was the last of the big three VR platform holders to release their product. Leaders usually lead from the front, not the end. They aren’t the industry leader in tech either since PSVR is the least capable of the three and it is used on a closed platform. How is PSVR leading VR on PC when it’s not even a player there? They have sold the most with the least capable, cheapest and one of the last released headsets on the market. If you want to call that the industry leader, you are more than welcome to.

Loktai2232d ago


Actually its only JUST NOW that Vive has a better headset . Vives tracking is better but
its not ideal for a livingroom setting. If you compare the overall experience the PSVR has less screen
door effect than Vive and is more or less on par with Oculus in terms of field of view etc. The new Vive which
is quite expensive and brand new is better than anything else mainstream but the REAL bottleneck here is the PS4 itself not the headset. You can see that simply by looking at different games where if the machine does not need to render a whole lot you have a much much nicer looking higher resolution world ...

So "PSVR" technology is actually fairly on par- and well above anything else in its pricerange (a used vive may come close but then you need a PC to support it that costs much much more)

paintedgamer19842232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

Wow well said... but the best will ALWAYS be put on a good and bad pedastel... haters gone hate

How about what this guy said 👇 and we praise the psvr's amazing successes when it could have failed in a flock of flames... at least SONY stepped up to the plate win lose or draw and knocked it out of the park. While ms and nintendo didnt even try.

fr0sty2232d ago

Yeah, if I had a dollar for every "PSVR is failing" article I've seen, I'd be able to buy a few PSVRs.

killswitch802232d ago

bawah ah industry leader in what ..having crappy wand controllers and tracking....Vive and Rift are far better than this. The tech just doesn't match other products on PC

Cobra9512231d ago

Proof positive that people don't read articles before forming opinions about them. You and all who agreed with you are wrong. This short piece is not negative at all. It is hopeful. Give it a read.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2231d ago
Ol_Boy2232d ago

By ZOE2 do you mean Zone of the Enders 2?

Sam Fisher2232d ago

Yes, they coming with a vr version, im fu$&ing hyped!!!!!!!! My favorite mech game

kevnb2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

this post feels like a series of straw man arguments. The original comparison is to the vita, the vita also got some support and is still getting games. Many folks love the vita even if it will ultimately be considered a failure. The psvr feels very similar to this, a device that will get some support and many will love.. but it will never be considered much of a success or something recommended to the average consumer (at least not in its current state).

generic-user-name2232d ago

The psvr is the most successful of the big 3 VR headsets (not including mobile VR). The Vita was not the most successful handheld. The comparison with Vita is wrong and also completely ignores that VR is new and devs are still finding their feet with this tech.

kevnb2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

that's a straw man argument, it doesn't matter how well the pc focused headsets do (it would probably help psvr if the other headsets werent so incredibly niche). It also doesnt matter why most devs aren't supporting the device, the end result is the same.

rainslacker2232d ago

The measure for success of PSVR is going to be much different than the measure of success for the Vita.

Whether it ends up like the VIta depends on how Sony handles it going forward. But for right now, Sony is supporting it, and marketing it, with no signs that they're backing off like we saw with the Vita where they didn't even bother to show it or talk about it much.

I think it's only going to be in retrospect if we can tell if it's a success for a failure. Making such a claim now is just premature.

generic-user-name2232d ago

Last Guardian is not coming to VR, that demo was just an experience.

Neonridr2232d ago

it might be outselling the Rift or Vive, but that doesn't paint the entire picture. I own both a Rift and PSVR. I do like what Sony has done with what they put out, but there are still major drawbacks compared to PC VR. Yes there are some great experiences, which help, but they are still few and far between. The titles you listed all released several months apart from each other, which means quite long periods of dry spells.

Remember when PSVR users where hyping up Bravo Team whenever anyone questioned quality releases upcoming? :P

I just think the forward facing only setup really hurts them. And the move controllers are definitely not an ideal option for tracking and I really hope we get some upgraded motion controllers soon.

But if you are enjoying it and think it's the best VR out there, then I am happy for you.

_-EDMIX-_2232d ago

That's nice, you could have made the same argument against the PlayStation 1 and it became an absolute monster that cause Nintendo to go into the "on the go" Market only..

So we're simply seeing the beginning of something evolutionary , so they're going to continue to make it better over time, so understand that PlayStation 1 did not invent 3D, they were not even the pioneers of 3D even slightly but clearly they captivated the market and got majority control and became the identity of this concept going forward.

So I'm not worried with what PlayStation VR is today no different than I'm don't worry about what PlayStation 1 was when it first release of course it's not going to be anything compared to the top of the line PC, but you can't move an Industry with products so expensive only a small amount can possibly afford the actual specs to even purchase some of these computers to actually run those type of VR setups are absolutely unrealistic and out of touch with the common consumer.

Just like some of the top-of-the-line PCS were back on the PlayStation 1 first released.

PlayStation 1 move well over 100 million units so it very much propelled the concept of 3D forward more than any other company in gaming at the time.

Trust me they're going to do the same thing for VR. So something being "better" in regards to technological advancement means nothing if the price is not easily obtainable by the common person, but also has very little relevance in regards to sales.

Neonridr2232d ago

What does any of what you just said have anything to do with PSVR and PCVR? Ramble much??

The PS4 isn't a PS1, it isn't some primitive hardware. VR looks very good on PSVR. How do I know this? Again, I actually own one (do you?). I also happen to own a Rift. So the comparisons for me are extremely relevant and valid. I am sorry that it doesn't paint Sony in a super bright light, I really do. But it's the truth. Great that it's a lower barrier of entry, that is key. Why else does Gear VR sell so well? Because it's cheap and easy. Obviously PC VR requires more tech to run, but a 4 series i5 and a 1060 isn't exactly breaking the bank either (in terms of minimum requirements).

Lots of people have gaming PCs. Thus lots of people could potentially run VR if they want to. Plenty of people have already jumped on the Vive and Rift trains, don't act like nobody is purchasing them.

2232d ago
_-EDMIX-_2232d ago

Agreed if anything PlayStation VR starting to feel a lot like PlayStation 1

you know the beginning of something...

CorndogBurglar2232d ago

Have you played that mech game yet? I can't think of the name but you are basically piloting a giant mech. That and Ace Combat make me want a PSVR.

Although I'm pretty sure Ace Combat will make me toss cookies all over my living room.

narsaku2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

Cheap as potatoes - 15 year old technology - buyout 3rd party timed exclusivity scam deals

PSVR is the JOKE of the VR industry, and the only saving grace is that it's cheap so it sells a lot.

New technology is supposed to be enthusiast until it's worked it's bugs out and is ready to reach the mainstream, that is what PC-VR platforms are doing right now. Trying to work out Foveated rendering, increased resolution, integrated wireless, proper roomscale, locomotion tweaks, increased FOV. Basically EVERYTHING VR needs to be a successful mainstream technology. Something PSVR isn't.

All Sony did was see an opportunity to low-end it's brand into another industry and sell it to the poor as a broke ass mainstream-marketed experience.

Big round of applause for Sony.

Sam Fisher2231d ago

But the poor is what drives the cash flow tho, not the rich dummy

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2231d ago
corroios2233d ago ShowReplies(9)
Leeroyw2233d ago

I played two hours of Wipeout VR yesterday. This tech is now less limited by the hardware and being freed up by amazing software.
I love it.
And when friends come over they don't want to play my backlog of games, they want to play VR.

PhoenixUp2233d ago

“its intention to offer big console experiences on the go fell a little flat (even if Nintendo did prove the concept could work some short years later with the Switch”

PSP already proved the concept console work more than a decade ago and it ended up selling 80 million as a result of it.

Neonridr2232d ago ShowReplies(5)
Imalwaysright2232d ago

No it didn't. PSP wasn't even close to having home console quality titles and neither did the Vita. The Switch does having the 2 highest rated games of this generation, AAA games and with BotW being the most complex game made this generation alongside shadow of mordor.

_-EDMIX-_2232d ago

Try again

the PlayStation Vita was playing games like Killzone and Uncharted Gravity Rush ,the PSP with literally playing Grand Theft Auto God of War Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy Gran Turismo and many other big AAA properties that released on the PlayStation 2 to the point of them being indistinguishable from each other.

Keep in mind no one is trying to erase what the switches doing simply stop trying to erase what the PSP did why can't you understand both are doing similar things? You're literally trying to argue that something like breath of the wild a very popular LAST generation game made on Wii U is running on a next-generation handheld that is no different than Metal Gear Solid 1 or Final Fantasy 9 receiving a boatload of awards and then appearing on the PlayStation Portable....

Buddy I'm sorry for the God of War was one of the most complex games released during that generation and it had several games on the PSP where you literally could read the reviewers saying that it was literally identical to the PlayStation 2 version, you had multiple Grand Theft Auto games that existed on PSP that were literally identical to the PlayStation 2 counterparts so you telling me that Grand Theft Auto 6 is going to be coming out on the Nintendo switch and running just like it's running on PlayStation 4? This which is not even getting Red Dead Redemption 2 lol

So it's not really comparable because the Nintendo switch is not actually receiving the top of the line AAA third-party games that are releasing right now ,the PSP actually did.

So the Nintendo switch having 2 the highest rated games this generation doesn't actually take away from what Phoenix is actually saying..

The Phoenix is saying is that the PSP proved that concept a very very long time ago. Regardless of what you're trying to argue he is not incorrect because the PSP literally was playing the games that were releasing with literally the exact same quality that we were used to seeing on PS2.

Whereas the switch is actually not releasing with games that are the top of the line AAA games that are coming out on PlayStation 4 it's a literally just releasing Lost Generation looking games something that you would see on the Wii U which nothing is wrong with that but it can't even be comparable to the PSP to the same regard because it's technically actually not playing the top of the line AAA games that exist.

So something like Doom is not indistinguishable from the Nintendo switch to the PlayStation 4 but clearly something like Grand Theft Auto or God of War or Kingdom Hearts are literally indistinguishable from those counterparts.

Imalwaysright2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

The Vita can't be hooked to a tv so it can't provide a home console experience by default. Also how many of those games were AAA? How many needed to sell 2 million copies just to break even? How many were made by a studio with 200 plus people? How many are more complex than pretty much EVERY game (there is more to BoTW fire than propagation and cooking something that you wouldn't know for obvious reasons and its just one element in the game) on home consoles? How many were even in the running for GOTY let alone winning one GOTY award? How many Vita games can hang with the likes of Bloodborne, Persona 5, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 etc in terms of quality like BoTW and Mario can and do?

PSP GoW close to GOW2 in terms of quality? Is this a joke? Not even close! GTA PSP games are a JOKE compared to San Andreas. Are you trying to make me laugh?

PSP and PS2? the Xbox 360 was released the same year the PSP was and even comparing the experiences that the ALMIGHTY PS2 provided (RE4, GT3, MGS3, SOTC, GOW 2 etc) with the PSP is worthy of a facepalm that could destroy this universe.

Try again.

_-EDMIX-_2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

Why did you try the strawman the argument about the PlayStation Vita? Nobody said anything about the PlayStation Vita playing on the TV in fact you're the only one that brought that up to try to straw man argue...

At the end of the day it sounds like you're really really really triggered that stuff like Grand Theft Auto God of War Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy Granturismo Madden FIFA and so many other AAA games at the time appeared on the PSP I have no clue why you tried to bring up the 360 considering it's a completely different generation it sounds like you're just trying to strong man argue again lol

Stay mad buddy the PlayStation Portable was playing Home console games...

It was literally playing PlayStation 2 ports and Playstation 1 Ports so it is an irrefutable fact stop trying to argue about something that is factually objective.

No one said anything about Game of the Year

nobody said anything about sales

no one said anything about any of those things ,so it sounds like you're just trying to argue and chest beat about something no one's really saying....ie desperate straw man argument to avoid the fact at the end of the day those games existed on PlayStation 2 in PSP and we're basically identical and even ports from the PlayStation 2 came to the PSP you're just upset Nintendo was not the first to do it first.

Keep in mind neither is Sony you're just mad that Nintendo was not the first. You are triggered and you're just mad a lot of your post just sound like you're upset that were telling you these facts lol 😎

Keep in mind Metal Gear Solid Resident Evil 2 Final Fantasy 9 and so many other PlayStation 1 games won many Game of the Year Awards and they're completely playable on the PSP, so I don't know how you could say it's not playing console games when it's literally playing PlayStation 2 and Playstation One Ports lol

So you're basically lying about a fact that anyone could look up right now? Buddy seriously how pathetic does that have to be? You're literally trying to pretend that history never happened just to argue about something?


Review itself tells you it is basically identical to Graphics to production value to gameplay of its console counterpart I'm sorry but you could keep hating all you want the PSP was already doing what the switch is doing right now.

Trust me I know that little fact makes you very very mad 🤓


stay mad..



Imalwaysright2231d ago

Are you really asking me why did I say something that is a fact? LMAO

Triggered about the nonsense you're spewing? LMAO

"No one said anything about Game of the Year" I did because it shows that the Switch not only provides experiences on par but also superior to those found on other home consoles.

"playing Home console games" How can you be this dense? It was playing games that were built up from the ground up for it. It wasn't playing home console games.

"It was literally playing PlayStation 2 " You ask me why I stated a fact and I'm going to ask you if you are a bold faced liar or just ignorant? Do you know what a port is?

"and Playstation 1 Ports" LMAO it was providing PS1 experiences in the year the 360 was released. It was providing games made for a console that was released 11 years before it. Do you know how much gaming changed in those 11 years? Simply put the PSP was not providing games with the standard that was expected from console games in 2005.

" and we're basically identical" No they weren't, "Review itself tells" Like I care. That game is nowhere near San Andreas, Ghost of Sparta is nowhere near GOW2 and birth by sleep was released in 2010. The same year as ME2, RDR and others and you're telling me that is AAA? LMAO

"Trust me I know that little fact makes you very very mad" And yet reading your nonsense amuses me.

Try again.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2231d ago
_-EDMIX-_2232d ago

They're not trying to hear that fact

I love that suddenly people now have amnesia and they're trying to pretend that stuff like Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy Grand Theft Auto God of War Gran Turismo Madden FIFA in so many franchises existed on the PSP that looked almost identical to their PlayStation 2 counterparts.

I also love that they're trying to ignore that the PSP was closer to the PlayStation 2 and even more powerful with some of its specs than the actual switches to the PlayStation 4 or even Xbox One.

So the PSP was the closest thing that we had to that concept ,the Nintendo switch is just the way weaker than the home consoles that are out right now to even actually be legitimately comparable in regards to a 1.1 comparison the PSP was just more powerful relative to the majority home consoles that were out at the time.

Segata2232d ago

Nomad predated PSP by 9 years. It did it first.

FallenAngel19842232d ago

Yet it wasn’t successful like PSP

Segata2232d ago

Fallen no but doesn't matter Nomad was the first with the idea. Before PSP or Switch.

_-EDMIX-_2232d ago

yes it did. So I agree with you many companies were doing this before Nintendo

your correct

FallenAngel19842232d ago

Yeah but unlike Nomad, the PSP was the first to prove that such a concept could be successfully viable

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2232d ago
PhoenixUp2232d ago

@ Neo

How does that invalidate PSP selling 80 million? Is such a total something you can easily disregard? That’s one of the highest selling platforms in the industry.

monkeyshawn602231d ago

The PSP was an added feature. The Switch was built from the ground up to be a home console you could play as a portable.

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Garethvk53d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta53d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts52d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos52d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts52d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa52d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.


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Warner Bros. Discovery is closing down Adult Swim Games, delisting its published games. Thus putting Rick and Morty VR in jeopardy.

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Knightofelemia61d ago

Hence why physical will always be better then digital.