
Thank You for Supporting Our Sea of Thieves Voyage

As the sun sets on week one, the team at Rare wanted to say thank you to all the players who have joined us adventuring in Sea of Thieves.
Since launching on March 20, we have seen an incredible number of people from around the globe playing and enjoying the game, which has led to some humbling early momentum. We have watched amazing stories unfold with a number of players working towards becoming our first Pirate Legends.

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lxeasy2260d ago

This game is there fastest selling IP not including Gamepass, that's impressive.

TGGJustin2260d ago

Yes but at the same time maybe not that impressive. Quantum Break was the previous holder and it only sold 200,000. That is still a low number.

Eonjay2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )

The correct self congratulatory term is 'Fastest Selling New Microsoft First Party IP of the current gen'.
Because they count all published games as First Party that means that it sold FASTER (not more) than Cuphead, Ryse, and a few other titles.

I think this is a tragedy. One, because they don't have much in their own war chest this gen to compare it to,
Two, because since most of those sales came before critical reception (IGN just published a review) a lot of those people didn't know they were buying a repetitive empty shell of a game.

The real thieves in my opinion. It impressive how much they are allowed to get away with.

2260d ago
bouzebbal2260d ago Show
FITgamer2260d ago

What other first party new IP have they released this gen other than Project Spark?

DaDrunkenJester2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )

@everyone replying

Halo 5 is a 1st party title "Halo 5: Guardians Smashes Record with Biggest Halo Launch in History"
Gears 4 is a first party titles estimated first week sales were over 600k
VGChartz estimates Forza 6 was 250k first week.

So for Sea of Thieves to be the fasting selling first party game is pretty impressive.

Edit: NVM I see they say "New IP"

2260d ago
slavish02260d ago

SMH at the salt from people that have never played it ... lol

butchertroll2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )

Fastest selling beating their previous fastest selling new IP - Quantum Break. We all know how this game finished. A DUD! Btw. 2 million players DOES include Gamepass. Download don't because bunch of players just used Gamepass trial for download and trying Sea Of Thieves.

Quantum Break Becomes the Biggest-Selling New Microsoft Studios IP for Xbox One

Nice try, Greenberg. Nice try! Well, you succeed in spinning.

_-EDMIX-_2260d ago

I mean that's kind of depressing that doesn't even say much about the team in fact I think it might even question how bad they've been doing for so long that if one of the worst reviewed games of the year is one of their fastest selling ...?

So exactly how low was the rest of the games they were releasing in regards to sales? It's starting to sound like this team might get closed down by Microsoft because we've seen Microsoft close Studios for lesser things.

I mean this is just impressive to a team that has had a long string of failures so it's not really saying much. if 22k is the fastest selling for you you might need to worry about Microsoft closing you down just saying

Army_of_Darkness2260d ago

Any ms first party exclusive will make xbone fans happy at this point lol! It's Slim pickin's bro :-p

2259d ago
joab7772259d ago

Very similar to NMS and how it sold gangbusters. Luckily, they continue to support it.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2259d ago
PhilSpincer2260d ago

The Spin from MS is absolutely pathetic. They have that many conditions that have to be worked out in there statement.

"Fastest Selling New Microsoft First Party IP of the current gen"

So lets break it down.

The only new first party new IP of the gen is Ori And The Blind Forest. Thats it. So they are basically saying sea of thieves sold better than 1 other game.

Instead of all this sad misdirection why don't MS just come out and say what it actually sold like Sony do? They are such cowards compared to Sony

notachance2260d ago

Moon studio, Ori's developer is a second-party studio

that makes SoT the only MS first-party new IP this gen... well of course it's gonna be the "MS fastest-selling first-party new IP of this generation"

PhilSpincer2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )


Good spot.

I'm pretty sure when I last checked wikipedia it said Microsoft owned Moon Studios. But it appears not.

That makes the statement even more ridiculous than I thought

Eonjay2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )


Aaron said: 'That is correct all Microsoft Studios titles we consider 1st party.' So his use of the term 1st party is unique to his use making it more difficult to evaluate his own claims because since the beginning of time until today, there was a clear difference between 1st and 2nd party. Anything published by Microsoft Studios regardless of their ownership is considered 1st party for the purpose of this spin tweet. It would be equivalent to Sony claiming that Minecraft is a Sony first party game because Sony publishes it on PS4.


Therefore, Aaron does include Ori in this tweet from from his own admission.

PhilSpincer2260d ago

They should just come out and say the numbers sold if they want to make a statement. Either that or what is the point in making a statement at all?

rainslacker2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )

I think the only new 1st party IP they've had this gen is Project Spark....and I'm not even sure if that had an official release.

Most of their new games this gen have been 2nd party. However, 1st party may refer to IP's owned by MS, but potentially made by a contracted studio....which would put in things like Quantum Break, SSoD, and Ori. Some others too, but my brain can't recall them at the moment.

Guess MS will have to define what is considered 1st party to make comparisons relevant. We all know they can play fast and loose with terminology.

Either that, or I'm forgetting some other 1st party(how we define it) new IP they've released this generation.

Edit: Apparently they did define it. And they expanded it to include 2nd party. In which case, I'm not sure what the numbers are, because I don't recall any of their new published IP's this gen to have really gone on record as selling extraordinarily well in the first week....or lifetime in some cases.

_-EDMIX-_2260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )

😂😂😂 28514; I don't even get the point of what they're saying if they're basically just saying it's the fastest selling of default of not even releasing many ips in the first place lol

Into the rest of the comments the fact that this is even being debated between Ori and the blind forest or Project Spark or anything like that shows just how little is publisher eyes even done why should this be up for debate? lol

If the install base literally has to question how many new intellectual properties the publisher has released this generation it only goes to show just how terrible they've done.

The Order 1886
until dawn
Horizon zero Dawn
days gone
death stranding

etc just off the top of my head and that is just a few and not all.

conanlifts2260d ago

There are other random games like Screamride but it certainly paints a picture of how much MS need to start making more of their own games. They are too reliant on other developers, which causes a huge problem for them when the developers decide to move across to other platforms.

conanlifts2260d ago


Your response is random as this is about first party games. The games you listed for PS4 like Bloodborne, Death stranding, the order are not 1st party games. They are all made by external developers and are 2nd or 3rd party.

MS has released numerous new IP's this gen, but they have outsourced the development. Games like Ryse, Recore, QB etc etc. This is about 1st party games like Sea of thieves, project Spark, Screamride etc.

Besides i think the developers are referring to 1st and 2nd party games, but that is speculation.

fiveby92260d ago

It's really quite sad now. MS looks so pathetic sometimes. MS clearly should have delayed another year to have Rare add more content. Next up...State of Decay 2. I hope that game is not a disappointment.

_-EDMIX-_2259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

@sd- first party is in reference to ownership.

Bloodborne just like Demon Souls is owned by Sony Computer Entertainment no different than Ratchet & Clank it is a first-party intellectual property regardless if it's made by a team owned by the company or not.

The death stranding trademark was actually filed by Sony Computer Entertainment so if they already own the name it is very very likely they own the intellectual property as that is extremely rare that a company owns the name but not the actual intellectual property.

Keep in mind that when talking about first party or not in regards to game or Studio it is in reference to ownership..

Naughty dog is a first-party studio because it is owned by Sony ,Insomniac clearly is not because it is an independent Studio not owned by Sony therefore cannot be first party.

sooooo I have no clue why you would assume that when referring to game it suddenly means something else because we're not actually talking about the studio, it would almost be like trying to say something as dumb as Shadow of the Colossus is not a first-party game because blue point games did the remake lol

Bluepoint games is not a first-party studio but shadow of the Colossus is a first-party game it is a property owned by Sony Computer Entertainment.

So if you could understand that I'm pretty sure you could also understand that bloodborne is a first-party game ie a game owned by Sony ie the first party publisher. sooooo no, bloodborne is not a third-party game it is a game 100% owned by Sony Computer Entertainment you might as well argue Ratchet & Clank is not owned by Sony Computer Entertainment because Insomniac has been outsourced to make it for multiple generations.

So when Microsoft did the deal for Tomb Raider to publish it, the game was not a third-party game because Crystal Dynamics was creating it the game was actually a third party game because Square Enix owned it and not Microsoft it had absolutely nothing to do with the actual developer itself and everything to do with who actually owned the property.

So if you ever hear in a legal dispute somebody talk about the "party of" they're actually referring to the owner of what's being discussed, or the side. I've actually never heard of a first-party "game" being disputed based on the developer because that's kind of irrelevant to the owners.

Because based on your logic the Uncharted collection in Shadow of the Colossus are third-party games lol

Ratchet & Clank is not a third party game

Demon's Souls is not a third party game

The "party" of ownership very much is Sony Computer Entertainment.

In fact the only time something like second party even gets discussed is if the development team has some sort of legal ownership over the property along with the publisher which is actually pretty rare. Because of legal disputes you actually see that happen less and less.

conanlifts2258d ago

@Edmix "first party is in reference to ownership"

"The only new first party new IP of the gen is Ori And The Blind Forest. Thats it. So they are basically saying sea of thieves sold better than 1 other game. "

Again a random reply. MS owns the majority of new xbox ips like recore, ori, QB , crimson dragon etc. Your reply is incorrect.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2258d ago
Perjoss2260d ago

There be many a salty old sea dog in these comments here

DJStotty2259d ago

The salt is real, hard, and persistent these days.

Me personally i enjoyed the beta and am going to invest in game pass come payday.

FPS_D3TH2259d ago

Same here. About 7 or 8 of us in our clan of 15 got it and love it. Couple picked up an Xbox on cheap just for it. I’ve been playing every night. I get the gripes but I’m still having fun.

Slay those disagrees salty dogs but I’m having too much fun each night to care.

ThinkThink2260d ago

Some of the funniest moments I've had in gaming in a long time. It's going to be fun watching this game grow. I wonder if we'll ever get to the point where we will be able to build our own ships.

xX-oldboy-Xx2260d ago

I would've thought that's something that should've been there day 1. It's depressing that it's a 'I wonder if' and not a 'we have'.

Godmars2902259d ago

But did the fun come from playing with friends, and their interactions, or where you on your own?

FPS_D3TH2259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

Yup same here. Having a blast with my clan using all sorts of tactics and having new experiences every day. This game can turn around and be a must have title pretty easily.

combatcash2260d ago

That's fantastic! Well deserved!

IamTylerDurden12260d ago

I love the spin and focus on fuzzy numbers. Rare/MS is really congratulating themselves for this game. "The fastest selling new Microsoft 1st party IP this gen". Really? What did it beat out? What does MS even consider 1st party anyway? I remember Aaron called Super Lucky's Tale a AAA 1st party game. It is literally neither. How many of the 2 million players were from Game Pass? I can't stand the PR nonsense from MS. The entire gen they've avoided sales numbers and focused on spin. At a time when they should be reassuring people that content is coming they are instead congratulating themselves.

DJStotty2259d ago

you cant stand PR nonsense, but your focus is on "PR nonsense"

I dont listen to PR BS from any company, if i like a game, i buy and play it, regardless of how many it sold day 1, how it is performing against a game on a rival platform, that stuff means jack to me.

Just buy/play whatever game you like

Animal Mutha 762259d ago

its a really fun game people. I've had 3 evenings on it with a mate and we have barely scratched the surface yet apart from building up our gold collection rep and seeing if we can run a sloop onto a beach at fun speed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2258d ago
Heelix2260d ago

"The worldwide excitement for Sea of Thieves has made it the fastest-selling first-party new IP of this generation"

Wow. Despite the critical reception.

IamTylerDurden12260d ago (Edited 2260d ago )


The review embargo was up so long and it took so much time for trusted reviews to actually start coming in that most of the players who bought it did so blindly. Many of the purchases were relatively uninformed because sites like IGN only just now published their review, 8 days post launch. Some people may enjoy it and some are just stuck with it making the best. Overall, if the game was universally loved there would not be a huge backlash and there wouldn't be such a poor critical and user response. The game has issues.

UltraNova2259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )


This is why its going to be the 1st and last statement from MS regarding SoT's sales since reviews are out now and sales must have plummeted as a result of the lookwarm reception. It was their last chance to spin and they did.

Edit: I remember the relentless bashing NMS and Hello Games had tongo through for very similar reasons and think to my self, damn Rare and SoT dodged a bullet (a full clip tbh).

Superjudochop2260d ago ShowReplies(5)
lxeasy2260d ago

Heelix I don't think they meant of this generation I think they meant for Rare

Slurms2260d ago

Nope, they meant of MS published games for the One. Including things like Sunset Overdrive, that were developed externally but published by MS.

So it outsold Ryse, Crimson Dragon, Ori, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, and Screamride. That's all I can think of.

2260d ago
Slurms2260d ago

One of the execs clarified it on a tweet. Aaron something. It also excludes Game Pass numbers.

Christopher2260d ago


Not outsold but sold faster during a specific period of time (first week). Outsold sends the impression it's sold more overall.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2260d ago
bluefox7552260d ago ShowReplies(4)
rainslacker2260d ago

Did he quality that with "for MS"?

I'm sure Horizon sold more than SoT in it's first week. 2.6 million in 2 weeks.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2259d ago
corroios2260d ago

If this is the fastest selling game, well microsoft... Tired of a full gen of PR. A rent game isnt a game sold. But amazing job on selling a early access game at 60 and people complain about pugs.

Kribwalker2260d ago

They said they’ve had over 2 million players, (which would be gamepass and sales) and it’s MS fastest selling new first party IP. Youre the one suggesting they are counting game pass as sales, to which they didn’t even mention sales numbers. They said there have been over 2 million players in the first week, but they didn’t say there has been 2 million sales in the first week

corroios2260d ago Show
Godmars2902260d ago

You know, two million players doesn't translate to two million sales. Not necessarily.

Maybe they're being honest and forward this time around or maybe not. The issue for me that by all reports the game is shallow and empty, too much style and barely any substance, and MS is only going to manufacture responses to it.

UnHoly_One2260d ago

corroios you need some reading comprehension.

They said 2 million players. Which obviously counts game pass. Those are players.

They said fastest selling new IP. Which does not count game pass because it's not a sale.

They never said 2 million sales anywhere.

You're just 100% incorrect and all the fanboys are upvoting your incorrectness.

This is the problem with this website. It makes you look like you're correct when anyone with a brain knows you aren't.

rainslacker2260d ago

MS had to redefine 1st party to get that metric. MS likes to redefine things to make them look better. The term exclusive. Now the meaning of 1st party being anything they publish. While this redefinition does allow them to actually compare it to something, so I guess there is that, it doesn't mean that the games they had that fall into the comparison have sold exceptionally well for this number to really mean anything. For the most part, we have a good idea about what the other games sold, and as it stands, they're only saying it's the fastest selling, not the highest selling.

But, PR is PR, and anything can be spun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2260d ago
Superjudochop2260d ago

Well there goes that excuse.

TGGJustin2260d ago

The 2 million includes Game Pass. What he is saying is the "Fastest selling new IP" part doesn't which means it beat Quantum Breaks's 200,000 record. That isn't saying a lot honestly.

darthv722260d ago

"and people complain about pugs"

what's wrong with pugs? I mean they are small dogs and can get breathing problems but they are cute and cuddly.

bluefox7552260d ago

Well, I heard they are sometimes Nazis.

Chevalier2259d ago

Depends on the person. My brother has one. I would rather have a Welsh Corgi if we're talking about small dogs. Its all preference.

2260d ago Replies(5)
CloudStrife9002260d ago

The game is decent, and I'm really glad it's doing so well. But to brag it's the best selling NEW first party IP this gen... hardly stiff competition now, is it?

Sgt_Slaughter2260d ago

There's no way it outsold Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne, etc. It's probably just Microsoft's best selling new IP this gen.

Vasto2260d ago

How much did those games sell first week?

Goldby2260d ago

it is just for MS. theres no way the game sold 2 million units. as its 2million players including game pass yet sales do not include game pass

1.83 million copies of horizon
731k copies of bloodborne
where as the fastest selling new ip from ms this gen was quantum break at 200k.
so sea of thieves sold at least 201k in the first week.

Razzer2260d ago

"How much did those games sell first week? "

Good question. We don't know and neither does Microsoft. Only Sony knows its own sales numbers. So MS cannot make any ales claims in comparison to other companies games, only in comparison to their own.

doos_vd_kak2260d ago Show
2260d ago
danny8182260d ago

i think MS meant Xbox fastest selling new ip

rainslacker2260d ago


Horizon sold 2.8 million in the first two weeks(13 days actually). One can assume the majority of that was probably in the first week, as that's typical for a new game that is heavily marketed. But even if it was only half...assuming constant momentum, that'd be 1.4 million.

At best, MS has stated that they had 2 million players by the first week. That included Game Pass though, and given that game pass had a free trial, I feel it probably had more people wanting to try it out that way before buying it.

Lots of assumptive reasoning needs to be given to make a determination, but I can't imagine that SoT outsold Horizon.

_-EDMIX-_2260d ago

@Gaming- what's even more terrifying is there actually revealing that those other properties are not even Microsoft owned.

2260d ago
IamTylerDurden12260d ago

Wait, did they just say it was the fastest selling new 1st party IP without saying "Microsoft IP". Are they attempting to confuse people or are they actually suggesting it outsold Horizon?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2260d ago
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Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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helicoptergirl6d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens525d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn4d ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl4d ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn4d ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing695d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE5d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast5d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas4d ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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PlayStation Store: April 2024’s top downloads

Last month’s most downloaded games chart features newcomers and old favorites alike.

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Jin_Sakai26d ago

This should be a warm welcome to all other Xbox games heading to PlayStation.

XiNatsuDragnel26d ago

A sign that xbox will become 3rd party in the future since there games sell better on playstation

P_Bomb26d ago

Sea of Thieves is a hit! Sadly Hi Fi Rush looks like it fell off.

VersusDMC25d ago

Love to see Stellar blade selling well. 2nd only to helldivers 2 in the US. Currently going for that platinum.

Where the F is Rebirth?! I wonder if people just don't know it's the sequel to remake. It is too good to be overlooked.

solideagle25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

I have been playing Rebirth for few days now but it feels like a mini game galore than an actual Final Fantasy 7 remake sequel. Too many mini games, I still think they could do whole Final Fantasy 7 in 1 or maximum 2 parts rather trilogy. This is my opinion

VersusDMC25d ago

Well i am not one for asking a developer to censor themselves by asking them to cut stuff out of their game...but you do you.

Remake and Rebirth are GOTY to me and you always have the original for you.


Review: Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 | Console Creatures

`Court writes, "Sea of Thieves can be whatever the player wants, which is part of the game's magic."

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