
Monster Hunter: World Sells an Estimated 2.45 Million Units First Week at Retail

The action RPG from publisher and developer Capcom - Monster Hunter: World - sold 2,475,315 units first week at retail, according to VGChartz estimates.

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2263d ago Replies(2)
tamiper2263d ago

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FallenAngel19842263d ago

All those naysayers of how this game could’ve only succeeded on a handheld got further silenced

The 10th Rider2263d ago

I mean, Monster Hunter 4 sold almost two million in it's first week on a single platform in a single region. Obviously now we know MHW did quite well but considering those 3DS sales and the uncertainty surrounding the world-wide appeal of the series, it wasn't unreasonable to be skeptical of how MHW would perform.

aaronaton2263d ago

I think i must be only person that sold the game after a 1hr play through. Personally i wouldn't give the game more that a 6/10.
Bang average gfx coupled with poor main character animation. Combat was clunkier than Bloodbourne too.

kevnb2263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )

I know you are trolling, but it really depends what weapon type you use. Also, bloodborne plays really well.

narsaku2263d ago

Man you smoking drugs. The game looks really pretty and has great animations from what I see. Combat was pretty nice, it's just slow.

MY problem with the game is it's really only about 2 hours long if you take away the filler, which the vast majority of the main quest line is. And the ending left me feeling so unsatisfied. I was like... No way.. That was all????

I guess you keep killing the same monsters with different color skin with stat boosts but I don't really see why people would care to? But I didn't play multiplayer so maybe that is really good or something, idk.

G3ng4r2263d ago

Monster hunter has that effect on people. You either get utterly addicted or wonder why it's popular. Latter here.

kevnb2263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )

I know it sold a bunch, but vgchartz... you may as well just post a random bloggers best guess.

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A Late Look: Monster Hunter: World

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "While it was a mixed pleasure overall - at times exhilarating, at others agonizing - I would have to say I enjoyed my time with Monster Hunter: World and found it to be surprisingly addicting. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that I was surprised by how little had changed from previous titles, given how this particular entry took the series to unheard levels of popularity, but while it retains both positives and negatives from them, at the very least it’s a stellar-looking game that brings more freedom to the hunt than any of its predecessors (Monster Hunter Rise could possibly be a different story, but that, my friends, is a game for another article)."

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Monster Hunter: World Tops 25 Million Units Sold Globally

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) today announced that Monster Hunter: World has sold over 25 million units* worldwide.

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Why are Players Returning to Monster Hunter World?

Launched in 2018, the action RPG has seen an explosion of players on Steam. Here's why and what makes Monster Hunter World so great.

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