
Sea of Griefs: Why Early Reviews of Sea of Thieves Aren’t Accurate

Andrew from Xbox Enthusiast takes a look at early reviews of Sea of Thieves (both good and bad) and why reviewing a game of this nature too early is a disservice to not only the game but the developers and consumers as well.

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LaWiiG2245d ago

Reviewers can’t make up their mind if it’s good or bad. I am amused.

affrogamer2245d ago

the site is called xboxenthusiast lol what did u expect?

Xb1ps42244d ago

So..... what should we expect from reviewers that we have never heard of until this game came out?

nix2244d ago

also... maybe every reviewer wanted to review the game after spending ample time but then after few hours they realised things won't get better beyond this or maybe they got bored... ever thought that way xboxenthusiast?

2244d ago
Eonjay2244d ago


At what point do you reach end game and does that change the other part of the game that people hate? Why does it matter if you have to play through countless fetch quests to get to legendary fetch quests. How much leeway do we need to give Microsoft?

jent2244d ago

This site is called n4g. If you read the comments and the votes, it may as well be called playstationenthusiast (too bad its already taken). I agree that reviews by obviously partisan sites should be viewed with suspicion, but the ones people should be more concerned about are ones that hide their partisanship. N4G is no exception.

Xb1ps42244d ago


I can’t answere your first question I haven’t played the game, however I do have it through game pass and will give it a shot but admittedly this isn’t my kind of game.

I’m not asking to give ms leeway.... all I’m pointing out is that a lot of these reviews are from places I have never heard of until this game came out so they might be a bit unfair and biased.. personally I like ign and gameinformer reviews they seem to be on the same track with me on what I would like..

Chevalier2244d ago


They can rate it the same way that GT Sport, NMS and Drive Club were. As you suggest it the game is incomplete. The 'end game' is BS and you know and everyone here know its just an excuse to give it a pass. If those games listed got a bad grade for being short on content even though they all got free content that far expanded each then same for SoT. So yeah its ironic how you always give MS a pass on any garbage they try to pull. $60 for an incomplete game is unforgivable according to your own words so yeah being a hypocrite as usual. If this were a Playstation or Nintendo game you'd be here crying about how the low grades deserved for 4 years of work and repetitive garbage. Shoes on the other foot and you prop it up instead? Uh... Okay there bud that's some good 'objectivity'.

Christopher2244d ago

***This site is called n4g.***

And it's also not a site selling you 'their' opinion. Any opinion here is from the community, not from writers or people aimed to sell you something.

You can't say "most people on N4G are sony fanboys, therefore we can't take any site credibly." That's not how journalism works. They're journalists, we're not. And you're comparing community focus with journalist opinion/bias.

TheRealHeisenberg2244d ago

I can say with the utmost certainty that N4G is mostly Sony Fanboys. That does not change the fact that this game has come up short.

Rachel_Alucard2243d ago


Well that's not hard when the other side fails to draw in fans in the first place.

FinalFantasyFanatic2243d ago

For everyone calling n4g's community too playstation biased, remember when the 360 was doing well? Some of you people are either too young or just have to ridiculously short memories. As for Sea of Thieves, it was obvious it would turn out like this, after all the demos/videos we saw. I think some people are just desperate to have a good exclusive on the Xone.

TheRealHeisenberg2243d ago

I agree, failure to draw in more fans is definitely on MS. Maybe they can turn it around, maybe not. I'm set either way.

As for when 360 was doing well, what was that 2006 and 2007, this site was still full of Sony fanboys. I witnessed it. The difference now is that there are significantly less MS fanboys which is likely due more to what Sony has done right compared to what MS done.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2243d ago
Slurms2245d ago (Edited 2245d ago )

Reviewers seem pretty set on the negative. It's interesting that reviews are hating on the depth content even before a single player in the world has access to the legend voyages though.

Kribwalker2245d ago

exactly. Not a single person has reached the end game yet. I’ve been having fun playing it, and been playing it with random people too. Most reviewers are saying it’s a lot of fun but not enough variety in the things you do. I could see that becoming an issue, and will have to see what they’ve got coming up to add to it

LaWiiG2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

Wait, so you should finish a game before reviewing? 🧐

2244d ago
Kribwalker2244d ago Show
2244d ago
letsa_go2244d ago

So I guess by your logic, there shouldn't be any reviews of any games until they release all the patches and dlc required to make the game feel complete. Right? Maybe we should just wait a year before games get reviewed and tell everyone "buyer beware, you are on your own!"

Belinker3002244d ago

Destiny 2 debuted with better reviews and we all know how that turned out in due course

The_Jackel2244d ago

yes and no
story - yes
gameplay - no
graphics and preformance - no
main missions - yes
side quests - no
online only games mp/pvp - no
online only with sp/coop - yes
and in saying that if reviewers got early copies which they held back which we know the reason why now some of them might have done enough in a week and on release day wouldnt have to rush to try and do reviews for peope that go by reviews to spend the money they may not have much of to spend on a game but saved up to get it.

Slurms2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

@letsago no not at all, but the pirate legend stuff is in the game now.

If it takes too much grind to get there then score it down, but it's weird the reviews are out before anyone in the world has done what Rare say are the best voyages, and none of them even make honest note of the fact they haven't seen that stuff

81BX2244d ago

I don't think he's saying finish but play it more in depth. Honestly though even with that consideration $30 should've been the price point. Maybe after a couple of updates $60, just not now

trooper_2244d ago

Krib, this game has been in development for a while. Come up with things for it?! NMS was trashed left and right for a lack of content. How is this game different?

2244d ago
DaDrunkenJester2244d ago

Alright guys... well, MakoD has determined this isn't really a game, not really. So let's all just roll up the sails, cancel our game night with our friends and cancel GamePass or return your physical copy.

Apparently everything I'm doing, the fun time with friends and PvP, the cosmetics that I'm unlocking and customizing my character and boat with just means absolutely nothing... Because apparently it's not a game, not really.


Chevalier2244d ago


Whoa so the guy who always suggest GT Sport was incomplete is going to give SoT a pass after 4 years of development? For so called 'end game' content?! Lol. What a total hypocrite. SoT is just a badly designed and implemented game. You guys should expect way more than you're getting. Pretty sure you suggested paying for an incomplete game was not cool. Yet here you are propping SoT up? Lol.

Kribwalker2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )


If no one has gotten to the end game content how can they rate it?
they haven’t finished the content in the game. I’m not asking they wait for all the DLC, but you don’t even know what the endgame content is. it could be different but you never know

NMS was trashed because they lied to everyone about what it was. If they hadn’t lied, it wouldn’t have been hated on like it was. Rare hasn’t lied about a thing with this. It’s a online co-op pirate adventure.

go read through that guys further reddit post. People are asking him to prove he is who he says he is and he’s making up excuses the entire time. It’s still not confirmed it’s him and not some fanboy (if you look at his other comments from before it definitely looks like that could be the case) So quit acting like his words are the gospel and repeating them every time you comment..

Perjoss2244d ago

ok, so I guess we wait until the first players/reviewers unlock and finish these 'legend voyages' you're talking about. I was super interested in this title but reviews, videos and streams are really not winning me over right now.

2244d ago
darthv722244d ago

@letsa_go... there have been several sites that have gone back to re-review a game after some time has passed. Especially if there has been significant content that changes the overall aspect of the game. It's nothing new anymore since most games are released in an incomplete state.

Post release content is usually viewed and reviewed either by itself or as a whole to the game in a re-review.

ocelot072244d ago

No one may of got to legend voyages but that could because people get bored after a while. I have put about 6 hours or so into this game so far. About 2 of those 6 hours I have had some fun taking on other ships ect. The rest of those hours have been spent just sailing around doing fetch quests being very bored. Am at the point now where I can't even force my self to play it by my self and am simply waiting for 1 or 2 friends to come online and hopefully the game will become fun again.

UnHoly_One2244d ago

Hate on this game all you want but you can't say "it's not a game".

People could argue that something like a Telltale game or a Heavy Rain is "not a game", but they'd be wrong too.

You not liking it doesn't just make it "not a game".

All of these arguments about lack of content and whatever else, it just sounds to me like 1 of 2 things.

1) The haters that were never going to play this because it's Microsoft

2) People that wanted the game to be something different than what it was obviously always going to be.

There has been a decent amount of info about the game out there, nobody should be surprised.

It's exactly what I expected it to be, and I love it.

I know some people won't, but I knew that a long time ago as well.

One-Shot2244d ago

This is dumb. If I have to play hours and hours of repetitive gameplay to get to one more new thing then what is the point?

rainslacker2244d ago

End game content is usually just expanded and more difficult early game content. It may be more fun, but I can't imagine they have a hugely different set of quests and things to do at the end.

343_Guilty_Spark2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

Doesn’t matter the grind to legend is uninspired and lacking content.

BlackTar1872244d ago Show
cooperdnizzle2244d ago

How dumb are people. “You haven’t seen the best part of the game”. Well if the game sucks what’s the point of going to the end? Talk about a carrot on a stick! You guys are being so tricked it’s not even funny. Multiple things with this game is a trick. Wake up

Slurms2244d ago

Legendary voyages aren't necessarily "end game" or "a grind to get to". The idea is that anyone can go on legendary voyages with a player that has got there, so you could potentially do them the first time you ever play the game. That's not an horrific grind.

I dare say in 3-4 weeks these will be quite common. I get the haste in releasing reviews, and I get the criticisms. I am not pinning much hope on pirate legends being the saviour of the game, but it just seems nuts to completely fail to mention them in these early reviews.

Christopher2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

***Not a single person has reached the end game yet.***

Well, that's not true. Plenty of people have unlocked the special end quests and have told us they are the same. All you're doing from there is just more quests for more cosmetics/faction gain that goes nowhere for now. Remember also that the Kraken, which tons of gamers have encountered, was considered an 'end game' event as well.


If you want only people who have 'done everything' to review games, more often than not you're going to exclude 90% of the gamers of this sort of game because most people are going to get bored and stop playing because it's boring before they even get to what could be more fun or could just be more boring.

The argument here is whether or not you can properly review a game for what it is in a few days. Every other MMO has been reviewed like this, but suddenly this one game with lots of criticism shouldn't be? Yeah, sorry, but I get not listening to 'I played all day yesterday so I know' reviews, but this late after release, people understand how the game is played and they know what the end game content is.

Slurms2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

@Christopher Rare anticipated it would take the community 2-3 weeks to get the first pirate legend, and they expected that player to become something of a celebrity. I expected a bit of a song and dance when it happened and if there has been then it passed me by, but that's certainly possible.

If there are already loads of legends I guess that is a further indication that Rare over-estimated the content they had included.

Christopher2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

***If there are already loads of legends I guess that is a further indication that Rare over-estimated the content they had included.***

I don't agree with this as it's a common issue with people working way harder than planned to achieve goals in MMOs. The average gamer isn't unlocking that content, they're still weeks away from it. But, those people who spend their lives in games, streaming, putting up gaming videos on how to do everything in a game? They have this stuff down because it's what they do and they make money off of it in this day and age.

I don't think it's fair to assume that their ability to know how to and work towards end game content means they don't design well for the average gamer, they're just an exception that they can't limit without further limiting everyone else in a much larger way.

I think Rare is happy with the content. I think there was also a ton of miscommunication on the expectation of content in the game as it obviously didn't meet expectations. I think this game turned out how whomever decided what it was wanted it to turn out. I just don't think that it's a far-reaching style of content like most sandbox type of games.

I think like some other games, we need to realize that this is a niche game. It's not intended to be for the masses. Minecraft was a fluke, not the norm. We need to realize that and hold our expectations back a little.

Having said that, reviews of the game can be legitimate in representing an opinion as well as a general expectation of the game based on what they've been told. A lower scored game doesn't always mean a bad game so much as a game that isn't for everyone. One of my favorite games from last generation, Alpha Protocol, was poorly scored but hit all the marks for me (other than boss fights early on).

DarXyde2244d ago

Didn't the armchair critics criticize Gran Turismo Sport for launching before enough content was available for them to make it a "full experience"? I actually thought Sport deserved its criticisms for launching before the wealth of content was available and I would argue that Sea of Thieves should not be held to a different standard.

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 2244d ago
letsa_go2244d ago

Every other game ever released was reviewed on (or before) release. Why should we give this one a special pass for being unfinished? The whole point of reviews is so we can make an informed decision before we buy it. This is so ridiculous!!!!

porkChop2244d ago

I don't care if this type of game gets reviewed at release. That's fine, and that's fair. However, not a single reviewer has actually gotten through to the end game content.

I *do* think you should play through a game til the "end" before you review it. How can reviewers comment on lack of content when none of them have actually gone through all the content? That doesn't make sense to me.

notachance2244d ago

because before getting to the end the content is already lacking?

if you have to lock the "end game" behind hundreds of hugely repetitive fetch quest, you can't whine if the reviewer, hell, any sane person that doesn't give a crap about console war get bored before said "end game"

2244d ago
letsa_go2244d ago

How can there be endgame content if there is no leveling up system? And is a game really good if you have to play until the end to see if there is any enjoyment to be had? I can usually tell if I will enjoy a game or not within the first hour or two of playing.

Realms2244d ago

@ porkChop

You don't need to play an entire game to understand the game mechanics or what the game developers intention was in order to review a game. The game is tedious you can have fun with games like these but it really shows the lack of depth in the developers part if you are forcing the player to have to make his own fun. The bottom line is that when you critique anything you are critiquing what you like and what you don't like many people do not like how tedious SOT plays it is what it is.

_-EDMIX-_2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

Pork- it is an extremely poor excuse it would be like trying to say if inside of a game that had over 8,000 let's just say "Demi seeds" that in order to give a proper review somebody needs to collect all 8000 of them so if I'm playing this game and the story doesn't exist ,the game mechanics are non-existent, the game was filled with bugs , the enemies are not even properly modeled and completely unfinished I mean do you really believe I need to collect all 8,000 demi seeds to give an opinion on this game? So what you're saying is after the 7999 seeds I can't tell you if it's bad or not? Only after I get every last one? Come on pork I read lots of your post I know you're not a dumb person but this just doesn't make any sense whatsoever you're literally trying to say and opinion cannot be rendered unless the game is completed but I believe if the game is of poor quality you don't need to do 100% of it to realize that

no one is really that stupid.

How can I give a crap about a games endgame content if the quality of the entire game is garbage? Do you seriously believe after 1000 hours it's suddenly going to turn into Assassin's Creed 4 type of gameplay story quality?

So you have to understand that if they've already played enough to realize that the elements of this game are garbage I don't think they need to go through all the content to come through this consensus. I remember having a similar debates regarding Battlefront 2015 and one of the things I remember reading was an individual saying that the game is not bad but it lacks content so they weren't going to purchase it and I have to question if the game is fun what does it matter how much content the game actually has if you enjoy it?

It's why I firmly believe that the strongest issues with Battlefront 2015 was not the amount of content I would argue it was simply the Bland gameplay itself only because in order for somebody to want more content the game was actually be fun in the first place.

So are you going to tell me you're going to have no problem playing a thousand hours of this game filled with content and it's one of the worst games ever created? You're basically asking for a lot of something bad.

It would almost be like trying to say someone needs to play a thousand hours of Bubsy 3D to know if it's actually bad 😂😂😂 28514;

So I want you in all seriousness the think of the worst game you've ever played in your life... if the game was 5000 hours long and it was just terrible every single hour are you telling me you're dumb enough to keep playing the game just to give an opinion? Are you literally telling me you're unable to understand the game as bad regardless of how long you decide to play?

Like I said to someone on here before if you don't like Battlefront with 10 Maps you're not going to like Battlefront with a thousand Maps the volume of content is not going to change your damn mind if you're not having fun.

zerocarnage2244d ago

How can someone review something when only played the game for 5 minutes, or in sea of thieves case not even half a day which isn't enough to warrent a review. This is why devs need to stop handing Copys of games out because there's a very biased approach out there and a trend that reviewers are now setting, review a game quickly and destroy it fast and they have done this with good games all to often and often they are wrong..

rainslacker2244d ago

I wonder what people expect to be so amazingly awesome with the end game content. Is it going to be different from early game content? Is there more variety to the quests? Are there multiple bosses, and if so, enough so you aren't just grinding the same one over and over?

Even games that do end game content don't vary things up so much from the rest of the game that is say it'll suddenly be fun. It's usually more challenging, and sometimes adds in a unique aspect, but it doesn't become a whole new game all of a sudden. Anyone that has played an mmo knows this.

Goldby2244d ago


Then I guess unless every reviewer has every single car in GT sport or Forza before they can say they finished the game.

As for lack of content and "endgame" content and reviews.

If all there are is fetch quests for chickens and pigs and bananas a d chests before the "end game content" that is fun begins, than it is completely fair to say there is a lack of content to keep people occupied and immersed before hitting end game.

Games aren't supposed to be about just end game content but the journey there as well. And if the journey consists of dangling a carrot in front you with promises but all you see is bananas around you, it's safe to say some people won't be bothered to make it to end game.

cooperdnizzle2244d ago

Porkchop you are not very bright if it doesn’t make sense to you. Sorry man. If the whole game is repetitive and horrible and bland, what makes you think the very last part will be any different. The core of most games present themselves pretty quick, I mean this just seems like an excuses to prop the game up. You could do this with any game. Yeah mass effect sucks but that end part was amazing! 10 out of 10

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2244d ago
81BX2244d ago ShowReplies(1)
Aceman182244d ago Show
2244d ago
IamTylerDurden12244d ago

Reviewers have made up their mind, it's 62 on Open Critic and rated worse than No Man's Sky on Metacritic and Open Critic.

Dragonscale2244d ago

The majority have and it doesn't look good.

jwillj2k42244d ago Show
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2243d ago
AspiringProGenji2245d ago (Edited 2245d ago )

Lol this is just SAD! Don’t launch incomplete games and devoid of content end of story! Instead of blaming it on reviewers for doing their job, how about you ask what was Rare doing all this time? Even F2P games get reviewed day one despite their post launch growth, and certainly they don’t get Re-reviewed. Why should SoT be any diferent?

LaWiiG2245d ago

How many hours did you lose to it so far?

AspiringProGenji2245d ago (Edited 2245d ago )

0 hours!!

Why bother when all the warning signs are obvious?

Also the article is about reviewing games “of this nature” and that is what I responded

LaWiiG2245d ago

I’ve never played it other than the beta 😂😂😂

moegooner882245d ago

A piece of turd after 10 hours is still a piece of turd after 20.

Germaximus2244d ago

I agree with most of that but plenty of games do get re-reviewed especially after drastic updates. =)

coolbeans2243d ago

"Even F2P games get reviewed day one despite their post launch growth, and certainly they don’t get Re-reviewed."

Well...maybe semantically that may be correct, but to disregard re-assessments of certain F2P games from big sites isn't true. Warframe is one popular example especially with the Planes of Eidolon update.

And while this skirts away from main thrust of the argument: I'm just SUPER curious to see just how many cheering on your sentiments have been apologetic to Driveclub and/or GT Sport in the past (and I extend that curiosity to you as well).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2243d ago
neolego2245d ago

I have played every night since launch and I absolutely love the game. More and more reviews are becoming a hindrance more than a help. They are subjective based on the person reviewing it and their circumstances. I haven't had any issues and would recommend this game to anyone. Great article Andrew.

2244d ago Replies(3)
Kokyu2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

You sound like some one who just wants his purchased justified instead of actually believing your own statements. If you like the game great but dont bag on people whose job it is to play a game for a set amount of time and give a fair account and impression of that game, its been tought this gen to be an Xbone fan and I feel for them. The truth is most people are going to stay away from SoT because of the repeative nature of the game and what reviewers are saying, which brings me to another point when did a game become all about what comes after you beat it or the end game? No one buys a game thinking "oh man I cant wait for that sweet end game, only 15 more hours or grind." Thats nonsense. People have bailed on Destiny, Destiny 2, No Man's Sky and other games because of the same thing. Just because this is one of the only high profile games coming for Xbone in a good while doesnt mean it should get a free pass.

doos_vd_kak2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

There's ZERO honesty and people are making excuses, moving goalposts. Why can't people let it go?

DaDrunkenJester2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

I am also having a ton of fun, but I don't blame the reviewers. However, I do think some are a little sensitive when it comes to PvP stuff. They got their loot stolen once and they decide the game is filled with griefers... well there are other outposts to go to if you aren't comfortable confronting that person.

Just yesterday I had a sloop follow me into port (I was by myself btw), I sailed around the island a couple times, did the 90 degree turn anchor trick, blasted him out of his boat with my cannon and the proceeded to dock and cash in my loot...

That's why i cant relate to all these people who are screaming the PvP is ruining the game... when this is what being a pirate is. If you don't like it because it's not your style then that is fine, but don't blame the game or design because you got your treasure stolen by a better pirate...

zerocarnage2244d ago

Every game has a repetative nature, its always there.

A game that is played mostly at sea and people are expecting miracles.

Games are now unfinished upon release yet I find it hilarious people are gathering over sea of thieves, far more money was dumped into other games and not this much stink was kicked up on when they found those games were released unfinished.

Well I played it with my son and his friend and honestly it was fun and that is what counts to the people playing it, which doesn't and shouldn't evven concern anyone not playing it.

rainslacker2244d ago

Here's the train of thoughthought for this.

That last jrpg I played wasn't very good. It had a shallow story, repetitive uninspired game play, and wasn't much to look at. I found it passable, and fun at times when playing with my friends around because when groups of people get together it's easier to.have fun despite us still not really enjoying the game, and that one guy who gets excited rubs off on the rest of us and in our drunken stupor, we can say we are having fun. Despite all that, that last boss battle in the game was actually pretty good, so look forward to doing that over and over again until the dev graces us with some dlc

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2244d ago
kayoss2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

They are only "subjective" when it suits you right, especially when it deals with anything Xbox??

neolego2244d ago

No, reviews are opinions and opinions have been and always will be subjective.

2244d ago
Christopher2244d ago

***They are subjective based on the person reviewing it and their circumstances. I haven't had any issues and would recommend this game to anyone.***

Those sentences back-to-back are interesting to read.

cooperdnizzle2244d ago

Just like your opinion is subjective... Duh

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2244d ago
manabyte772245d ago

How shocking... An Xbox news site decrying all the poor SoT reviews 😂😂😂.

TheGuitarist2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

If you actually read the article you’d see he isn’t “decrying” reviews that give it a negative score, he’s complaining about people who review the game after only playing a few hours (irrespective of if they give a good or a bad score).
You could argue that it’s akin to some idiot making a snap judgement of an article from just reading the headline and the source. 😂😂😂

UCForce2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

The game doesn’t have a story and doesn’t have a tutorial. Rare is just shadow of former self.

2244d ago
aconnellan2244d ago


I get the complaints about the lack of story, but really no tutorial? So because it doesn’t hold your hand, that’s a bad thing?

Kokyu2244d ago


When did explaining a control scheme and how the game functions become hand holding? And to answer your question yeah its a problem for a large segment of the gaming population makes it a bad game.

2244d ago
2244d ago
Strange_Evil2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

Why should games that charge 60 bucks off the gate not get a day 1 review? All games went through the same ring including service based games so why should SOT be given special previlage?

You are expecting people to dish out 60 bucks and 'try' the game on their own expense to which I say no thank you! Reviewers can take a second look after a few months and change the review jf they want which happens for many a games. But judging a game that costs 60 bucks on day 1 is totally valid.

thejigisup2244d ago

I went to a restaurant. It looked great. Had the appetizer, kinda small portion, kinda bland but it was cheap. Ordered salad, didn't come with dressing, it was just wet lettuce onions and tomato. The soup came, I wasn't feeling great about it. Asked the waiter what it was, this cloudy bowl... he said try it..i did literally tasted like chicken top ramen. Not bad but not impressive, after all I am at a restaurant right? Main course, steak and potatoes, can't mess it up. Out comes this beautifully plated steak a handful of those nice little red potatoes. I cut into the steak, at least I try to, it's rubber. Literal rubber. I don't even bother with the potatoes. I complain to the waiter and ask if it's a joke. I get up to leave and everyone is saying stay for dessert.... f outta here. Stay for the full meal, review the full game, wahh you gotta play more, no, no we don't if tghe game is that bad, that early then there's something foundationally wrong with the game and it deserves the score it got.

UCForce2244d ago

A lot of new players don’t know how to play this. So they can easily get confused. So yes, the game should have tutorials in first place.

OffRoadKing2244d ago

That's really odd cause I didn't see any complaints when that 9.3 score came out less then 24 hours after the game released.

Servbot412244d ago

There is nothing new to do after a handful of hours. Why wouldn't it be fair to review it at that point. With the knowledge the game is adding the requirement to spend gold upon death and that they are adding microtransactions after release, I'd give them an even lower score than the current average myself.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2244d ago
Achamian2244d ago

And can you beat down the tribalism that resides within you? Imagine this is a cross platform game, PC PS4 and Xbox. It becomes just another game.

OffRoadKing2244d ago

No it becomes an empty boring repetitive cross platform game. If NMS was cross platform it wouldn't have suddenly made it a better game.

rainslacker2244d ago

I have a feeling if it didn't get that exclusive bump....that extra hype that exclusives seem to get, no one a round here would have bothered with the game. It seems like a f2p game, and those don't typically get much attention around here.

FallenAngel19842245d ago

Doesn’t mean this game isn’t lacking in so many areas

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The Finals Underperforms for Nexon in Q1 2024

Nexon has released its financial statement for 2024's first quarter, and it looks like FPS The Finals isn't proving the hit the studio was hoping for.

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BlackDoomAx6h ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...


Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk771d ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE21h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware73021h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor18h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos18h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor17h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos17h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion23h ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus22h ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning7722h ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC21h ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion21h ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware73021h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC20h ago(Edited 20h ago)


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion18h ago

" That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind"

No, it simply implies that some media all over the world might (keyword MIGHT) not properly cover the event like having proper articles for each game announced, or having a proper preshow. maybe some popular YouTubers won't have time to prepare or simply your local newspaper doing an article on tech and game.

So why would Sony take a chance?
What benefit would that give them?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18h ago
Petebloodyonion21h ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance20h ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

KwietStorm_BLM16h ago

You're assuming media outlets don't know about it.

gold_drake13h ago

i can tell you that no one cares if ign is pissed or not.

watching a livestream and writing stuff aint the world. many habe done that before your god ign.

fr0sty8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

As a former gaming journalist that covered Sony & Nintendo's E3 conferences 3 separate times and was flown out to multiple press events for THQ, Square, and EA, let me inform you of this thing called an "embargo" that journalists are put under... it's very possible that details of this event have been given to the gaming press, but they are not yet allowed to discuss it. In fact, that may be where our leaker got their info...

Petebloodyonion6h ago

Tks for sharing this info :) but let's be honest I doubt that Jeff Grubb would left in the dark due to his notoriety while the rest of Gamespot ppl are in the knowing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 6h ago
21h ago
Hofstaderman20h ago

Going in with no expectations but likely will see something that resonates with me.

FinalFantasyFanatic9h ago

I hope there's something impressive in there.

DeadlyFire15h ago

Nah they will announce it probably, but it won't happen right away soon though yes.

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