
SEGA Mega Drive Classics Has 53 Games, But Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles Aren't Two of Them

Rich at GameSpew: Arriving on PS4 and Xbox One on 29th May, SEGA Mega Drive Classics includes over 50 fantastic games, but Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are strangely absent.

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-Foxtrot2270d ago


And they’ve lost a sale. The last gen version had both so what the hell is going on here. Unless they are secret unlockable games

SegaGamer2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

It does seem like a stupid decision. I noticed that the Ecco the Dolphin games weren't included either. I'm hoping these games and a few more are unlockables..........or maybe they will sell them as DLC ( Eurgh )

InactiveUser2269d ago

I'd bet it's because of sjw political correctness due to Ugandan Knuckles.

Let the sjws cost you half your sales, smart move.

InactiveUser2269d ago

Keep your 30yr old unmastered graphics, 4:3, incomplete package

InactiveUser2269d ago

I'd maybe have some interest if it was actually a complete package, and I'd like to at least see native 16:9 and less pixelated graphics.. whether that would ruin the feel or not I don't know, but I'd like to judge that option or all new graphics.. same exact look, but no pixelation. I'd want to see that as default with a Retro Mode that has the original look. I was done with 30yr old graphics over 20yrs ago.

*couldnt edit previous comment to add this due to time limit

DarXyde2270d ago

Make that two sales.

Shinobi III, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, Golden Axe, and Comix Zone are among my favorite games/franchises on the Sega Genesis, but excluding Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles (and, consequently, Sonic 3 & Knuckles) is a huge no-no. I don't know if they're planning a DLC heist, but that's a deal-breaker for me.

343_Guilty_Spark2270d ago

Dynamite Heady is a Treasure IP NOT SEGA

DarXyde2270d ago


1. I want you to re-read my comment and understand why what you said has nothing to do with what I wrote. Where do I say Dynamite Headdy is owned by SEGA?

2. I'll humor you for a moment: Treasure developed Dynamite Headdy, but I doubt they own the IP. They also developed Gunstar Heroes, which only saw releases on Xbox 360, PS3, and even PS2 with SEGA's consent. Fair to say SEGA probably owns the IP(s).

3. For good measure, it's Headdy*

Swiftfox2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

There are a few possibilities but my mind goes to either a copyright dispute over the music in Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles, or they're planning on selling the missing games as DLC later.

I say music because Micheal Jackson worked on the music for Sonic 3, and when the first Sega collection for the Ps3 and Xbox 360 launched he was still alive and probably gave permission. Now that he's gone the current rights holders may have said "No".

keegamer802270d ago

I would think the owners of his estate would have no rights. He's not even credited in game. He always distanced himself from it. I really enjoyed the music from both games.

FallenAngel19842270d ago

That’s an instant snub from me

G3ng4r2269d ago

It's hard to look at that list and not see a massive gap. Not interested.

Relientk772270d ago

That's so stupid ugh

Looking at the list, no Earthworm Jim either

lptmg2270d ago

but that's not a Sega IP

MetroidFREAK212270d ago

No Switch release either... Pass

Cmv382269d ago

It's not a pass when you don't have the option.

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