
PAYDAY 2 Review for Nintendo Switch: Flawed But Fun - Nintendo Enthusiast

"PAYDAY was a game that I remember snagging on the PS3 and sinking hundreds of hours into the online gameplay. The thought of heisting banks and jewelry stores with my friends was a thrilling venture, and PAYDAY was a solid experience. For whatever reason though, I never got around to playing the sequel, PAYDAY 2. When I saw it was coming to the Nintendo Switch, I decided to just wait for that version since it’s my platform of choice. So how does PAYDAY 2 translate to the Switch?" -- Nintendo Enthusiast

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The Rise of Payday and Its Fall

GB: "Of course, Payday 2 has had its fair share of ups and downs as well, in spite of the success that it has enjoyed. For starters, the disparity between the game’s PC and console versions is a major issue that plagued the game for years on end, thanks to the frustrating optimization issues across platforms brought about by the Diesel Engine, which the game was developed on."

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Payday 2 - Still Worth Playing Ahead of Payday 3

Payday 2 launched 10 years ago today, and a constant stream of updates still makes it worth playing ahead of Payday 3.


Payday 2 free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Payday 2 is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until June 15. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep.

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