
Ten Characters That Need To Be Included in Dragon Ball FighterZ DLC

Dragon Ball FighterZ is expanding its roster via DLC, and if this writer had his way the following ten characters from Dragon Ball's extensive lore would make the cut.

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Sm00thNinja2288d ago

Literally the worst list I've ever seen

Sam Fisher2287d ago

Its not that bad the first half i do see, the last half eww

Sono4212287d ago

Agreed, Nail, Oozaru Vegeta, Mercenary Tao, and Super Android 13. Are all terrible choices, also I don't think we should consider any movie characters until Broly is added, I just feel that Broly has the biggest fan appeal from the movies. Then there are characters that I don't even know from super because I refuse to watch the english sub. I'm sure those characters are great but I just can't endorse characters that haven't officially been introduced to the rest of the world outside Japan.

supersonicjerry2287d ago

movie characters should be consider seeing that broly is already confirmed just waiting for his release which might be in the middle of march.

Critic4l_Strik32287d ago

1st page is good. 2nd page isnt...

Snookies122287d ago

I mean, we're only getting 8 right now. As far as I know at least. 2 have been announced already. So we have 6 to go, right? That's what seems to be the case with the character select screen that has 4 open slots on each side.

Swiftfox2287d ago

The list of characters was data mined early near the game's release. The list was Bardok, Broly, Normal Goku, Normal Vegeta, SSJVegeto, Zamasu, Cooler, and Andriod 17. With the confirmation of Bardok and Broly I think it's fair to say it's just a matter of waiting the whole year till all the characters come out.

J-DARKnes2287d ago

What they need to do is fix the damn lobby issues and penalize rage quieter and while they're at it maybe nerf Goku Black and Android 16..

AnubisG2287d ago

I'll wait for a complete edition that has all the characters in it for $40.

PurpHerbison2287d ago

I think I am going to do the same while I wait on three characters I for sure want to play. I do want the game really bad though, just have my hands full with MHW and Tekken.

PurpHerbison2287d ago

Bojack and Uub for sure. Would also like to see a Hercule, Videl, Great Saiyaman DLC pack.

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Dragon Ball FighterZ's Rollback Update Was Too Little Too Late

Daniyal from eXputer: "Dragon Ball FighterZ was so close to a revival but ineffective communication and a dubious launch of an anticipated update botched that hope."


DRAGON BALL FighterZ Rollback Netcode Update

Dragon Ball FighterZ has finally received the long-awaited rollback netcode update that promises to improve the online experience for players.

Also, instruction detailed on how to upgrade from PS4 to PS5, Xbox One to XSX, and save transfers.

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Furesis93d ago

5 years too late, no cross-play and ps5 and ps4 cant play together and on pc u have delay based and roll back which u can choose which will divide the player base even more since some wont know the difference and some of the game modes are not compatible with rollback... like why, you should have just made fighterz 2 and implement it properly there what is this half assed shit?
Better than nothing i guess? i don't even know man..


Dragon Ball FighterZ for PS5, Xbox Series launches February 29

Dragon Ball FighterZ will launch digitally for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 29 with rollback netcode, publisher Bandai Namco announced.

Users who own the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series version free of charge.

DivineHand12592d ago

What new features do we get with the PS5 version?

ZeekQuattro92d ago

Rollback netcode. Faster load times.