
Fe | ThisGenGaming Review

ThisGenGaming says: "Fe is a work of art. It’s a tale of beauty and wonder and I thoroughly enjoyed discovering all this magical forest had to offer. It could have used a few more moments that were grand in scale like the colossal deer and I would have appreciated some help from the game in finding all the collectibles that I’ve missed, but I can wholeheartedly recommend it to players of any age."

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Kumakai2299d ago

90 seems generous. I played it all weekend. It’s entertaining, but it’s definitely not nearly perfect. Has some clunky mechanics and doesn’t always feel fleshed out. If I were scoring I’d give it a 7.

TGGJustin2299d ago

The reviews for this game are all over the place. It's quite odd indeed seeing some places giving it 9's while many others are giving it a 7 or lower.

bloodyspasm2298d ago

It all depends on how much you like the style of the game. going on gameplay alone I would have rated it a 7.5/10 but the beautiful imagery and the entrancing soundtrack pushed that up to masterpiece levels. It's a bit odd if people have no issue with Shadow of The colossus getting 10/10, while that game also had many gameplay flaws (camera, movement, horsecontrol, weird physics)

TGGJustin2298d ago

It's up to the reviewer. Many outlets felt the visual style in Fe was ugly. Funny how you call out Shadow of the Colossus which only had minor issues. The game pretty much was praised everywhere both on PS2 and PS4. Fe doesn't have that same level of consistency.

bloodyspasm2297d ago

I'd give shadow a solid 10 as well, don't get me wrong 😅 that game is a MASTERPIECE. But the channels giving Fe a 7 or lower seems to target the poor platforming or the camera (which only was an issue for me once) while I had the same kind of issues in shadow but didnt feel like it warrants subtracting too many points. Another comparisson then: I enjoyed Fe a lot more than Journey.


GameEnthus Podcast ep358: Wrestling with Horror or Wiry Prepped

This week Kosa(@LadyKosa) joins Tiny(@Tiny415) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: Persona 5, Pax West, Luigi’s Mansion, Halloween, Mindfaire, StarLink, Star Citizen, Riverdale, Adam Ruins Everything, Rogue One, Ready Player One, Analogue Mega Sg, Sega MyCard, Microsoft X018, The Initiative, Fe, Game Pass, World of Warcraft, Super Mario Party, Pokemon Go, Gameboy, Dragalia, The World Ends With You, Pokemon Snap, Zarvot, The Missing JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories, SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption, My Memory of Us, Skyscrappers, Brawlout, AC Odyssey, Luigi’s Mansion, Odroid, Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem, D4, Predator 2, Lego Dimensions, Snake Pass, Rockstar, They Live, Hitman 2, Sean Bean, Huawei, Stanley Parable, wrestling, horror movies and more.

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