
Dynasty Warriors 9 Review - IGN

Dynasty Warriors 9 moves the franchise in an ambitious new direction with a massive open world to explore, but that doesn’t mean it’s better.

Hungryalpaca2300d ago

Except in this games case too few.

coolastheycome2300d ago

This is expected. These games are so repetitive

blackblades2300d ago

Lol that repetitive excuse got old, cause every game are repetitive in some way.

2300d ago
Scar-2300d ago

This is my biggest problem with ign they NEVER go across the board with the complaints. Here they are freaking out over co op being removed but it's fine when halo 5 removes split screen, KotH, Oddball, Juggernaut, Extraction, Regicide and lets not forget the bland forgettable story yet that gets a 9/10.

Brash2300d ago

The game has checkbox quests aplenty and an empty open world. That said, you can jump from battle to battle like you would in another mainline entry. It's peculiar and not for everyone, it may seem.

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Rangerman12081395d ago (Edited 1395d ago )

I just hope they learned their lessons from DW9. The open world feature was personally unnecessary.

phoenixwing1395d ago

I bought dw9 specifically because it was open world