
New Kingdom Hearts III Trailer With English Subtitles & English Theme Song by Utada Hikaru Revealed

Following the release of the Japanese version of the new Kingdom Hearts III trailer just a few minutes ago, Square Enix followed up with the English version of the trailer, and the English song "Don't Think Twice."

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TheGamez1002308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Wow....sounds very beautiful....great to hear Utada again. A different feel to it than the last 2 themes. Also Riku!!!...looks like Noctis lol.

blackblades2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Heard her new album and yeah this song feel much different then the previous khs. Riku looks shorter and darker hair or its just me. Also to note amazing how japanese artist can sing japanese and english. Wonder if Americans cam do the same.

Snookies122308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

I mean, she grew up in America, right? Makes sense that she'd have a great English cover for her own song.

-Foxtrot2307d ago

"Also to note amazing how japanese artist can sing japanese and english"

That's where Final Fantasy got lazy in my opinion....everytime they did an English song they either got a brand new one or a cover of an old song

audiocafe2307d ago

@Snookies12 yeah I believe she was born in the states and grew up there for a bit. Probably had a lot of exposure to both languages as she was growing up.

BlaqMagiq12307d ago (Edited 2307d ago )

Utada released an entire album in English back in 2009 I believe. Her English was so fluent that if you didn't know it was her you would've thought she was just another singer on the radio.

Sonyslave32307d ago

Utada is american lol who happen to be japanese decent so no shocker if she can speak English and Japanese.

blackblades2307d ago

Didn't know she was American, know wonder she sing both so good. Thanks for the knowledge.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2307d ago
2307d ago
DarkOcelet2308d ago

This game is gonna be glorious. I can't wait to hear the ost from Yoko Shimomura.

xPaYDaYx2307d ago

Who the fuck would downvote this lol?

DarXyde2307d ago

Sour children. Trolls. UN-AMURIKAN SCUM.

Yoko does God's work.

coxepat2307d ago

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_-EDMIX-_2307d ago

Lol relax. I can't wait for this game to come out but everybody's entitled to their own opinion I think people need to start understanding that as opposed to getting offended because someone thinks differently.

I like this game and that's a day one for me, but I'm 100% okay with somebody thinking differently.

That's ok.

2307d ago
PhoenixUp2308d ago

The song that will inspire a new breed of AMVs has arisen

Yi-Long2308d ago

Really hoping we'll get the option to play this game with the Japanese voices (and music), and English subs.

xPaYDaYx2307d ago

I'm willing to bet we will. Considering most Square Enix games as of late have had free JP audio for download. I for one will play the game in English and then play it again in Japanese. I grew up listening/playing KH in English and I don't plan on changing that now. That being said, this song sounds incredible in Japanese.

Sevir2307d ago

The Voice actors are pretty damn good for KH, so I'm quite content with playing in English.

Abriael2307d ago

That is probably incorrect.

It appears to be speculation from a single Japanese twitter user who pretty much thought "they didn't announce it here, it must be at E3."

He's the only one who mentions E3, and he doesn't appear to have been in attendance at the event from his timeline. I asked a couple of people that were, and they could not confirm it (they don't remember any release date talk at all), and the Japanese press does not make a single mention of E3. Everyone else who talks about it on the internet, all cite this tweet.

If they actually mentioned E3, you can be sure it'd be all over the Japanese press, and it's very uncharacteristic for E3 to be mentioned at this kind of E3 in Japan, so I'd take that with a *massive* grain of salt until SE confirms or denies.

Sevir2307d ago

If they're planning on getting it out this year, then well the latest they can announce it would be at Gamescon... which was where the release date for FF15 came from in 2016

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Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Given Donald Duck A Worthy Opponent

For a long time, it's been widely accepted amongst Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fans that Donald Duck is the most powerful mage ever to exist, mainly due to his use of the stupidly powerful Zettaflare spell towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. This spell is one step up from Teraflare, a spell which was used in Final Fantasy XIV that was so powerful that it completely wiped out the base game, giving the developers a canonical reason to let them bin everything and start again from scratch.

Now you're armed with this information, you can see how it was pretty surprising for Donald Duck of all characters to bust out Zettaflare and establish himself as the most powerful character in Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts lore. However, now that Final Fantasy XVI has arrived and delivered a whole new cast of characters, a new challenger has arrived to provide Donald with some much needed competition.

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

Final Fantasy features many strong characters, but an unlikely character from Kingdom Hearts is able to cast ​the most powerful spell ever seen

gold_drake392d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.


This Kingdom Hearts Boss' Unpredictability Gave Me Sekiro Vibes

Kingdom Hearts is filled with otherworldly boss battles, but only one stands out like a phoenix dancing with ethereal grace across the night sky. Before we embark upon a discussion concerning Kingdom Hearts' exceptional boss battles, it may be prudent to first reflect on the evolution of the criteria for appraising video game bosses. This criterion has undergone a major metamorphosis over the past decade; one that owes much to the profound influence of From Software and its iconic Souls series.

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-Gespenst-404d ago

"Yozora is much more than a grueling secret encounter; he is a reflection of what Kingdom Hearts' bosses should be"

No thank you. If every boss in Kingdom Hearts was like Yozora, the series would be unplayable. That's not to say that they shouldn't include such challenges, but making them fundamental to the game would be too much. And don't say that this is what the From Software games are, because Yozora is absolutely harder than most of the bosses in those games. He is waaay faster, has a ludicrous number of abilities (and does them in random order AND can chain most of them together), and punishes you severely if you make a mistake. On top of that, you have to survive this onslaught for a really long time because of how much health he has. It's borderline too much - for me at least. Still, it's a stunning battle.

OMNlPOTENT403d ago

I agree, while I do really enjoy the Yozora fight, I think it's far too difficult to be anything more than an optional boss. However, I do believe that there should be more bosses that are in the same weight and size class as Sora, as the majority of those in KH3 were the best fights. The giant heartless bosses just aren't as enjoyable.