
Media Create Sales: 1/29/18 - 2/4/18

The latest Media Create Sales! Dragon Ball FighterZ debuts at 68,731 copies sold. The Switch version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim also makes it's Japan debut.

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Neonridr2288d ago

Another solid week for MHW. And good debut for Dragon Ball Z too. Didn't know Skyrim hadn't released over there for Switch yet.

2288d ago Replies(1)
Moonman2288d ago

Monster Hunter still going strong. Great sales for PS4, basically like the holiday period.

Lime1232288d ago

Second week in a row PS4 with over 100k sold.
YTD PS4 is almost 200k up compared to year before.
MHW on track to 2 million sold physical only.
Next week Dynasty Warriors 9 and Shadow of the Colossus.
PS4 is still best selling console YTD In Japan, outselling Switch by over 100k.

Neonridr2288d ago

still down significantly though since the Switch launched. But very good numbers for the PS4 the past few weeks.

Knushwood Butt2288d ago

Sword Art Online, and Dragon's Crown Pro too.

Great selection.

S2Killinit2287d ago

Those PS4 numbers are pretty damn good. And if you combine all PS4 sales its over 100K units. Not bad at all.


Nintendo Expands Switch Online's Game Boy Library With Three More Classics

"To properly celebrate 35 years of the Game Boy™ system, we have to take it back to year one! Game Boy launched in 1989, and with it arrived classic titles such as Baseball, Alleyway™ and the first Super Mario game available on the system, Super Mario Land™. Today, Nintendo Switch Online members can play all three of these original launch titles as the latest additions to the Game Boy – Nintendo Switch Online library. All just in time for the system’s 35th anniversary!" - Nintendo

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OtterX6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

FINALLY, Super Mario Land. I actually like this one better than SML2, bc it felt so odd and different. I was absolutely blown away in 1989 being able to play Mario for the first time while on car rides!

My parents recently brought some of my retro stuff from the US over to the EU where I currently live. Man, I forgot how tiny and hard to see the OG gameboy was! haha I appreciate revisiting how I originally used to play these, but I do enjoy especially OG Gameboy and Game Boy Advance releases on NSO bc the portable screen lends well to these games for my aging eyes! I could insert complaints about the drip feed of releases, but I still do appreciate these on the Switch especially w my nice 3rd party Nyxi grips that feel like a proper controller.

Profchaos1h ago

I also just pulled my childhood Gameboy out of storage and picked up a ever drive for it for around 20 dollars.

I feel you with the screen visibility I don't remember it ever being that hard to see I would play in the back of the car under all sorts of lighting unless it was night time I hated road trips that would go into early morning or late night because of it.

There's a ton of mods out there which require little experience to install a backlight into the old DMG Gameboy they are cheap to I'm in two minds about doing it because I don't want to mess with my stock original system but I find it hard to use and I am a sucker for playing games on original hardware. Links awakening on emulator vs the real thing I chose the real thing every time.

Profchaos1h ago

Oh yeah come on super Mario land. I have no idea why it took Nintendo to bring it's Gameboy launch title to the NSO service.

It's not as good as 2 and it's controls are janky even by the time of its release but it's iconic in its own way and the music is so catchy some.of my favourite Gameboy music was from this game just that opening level song is a classic.


Review - I Am Your President (Xbox One) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Oliver Shellding: "It’s a disheartening game that is tedious, seemingly random and honestly runs so terribly slowly on console. I Am Your President is trying to poke fun at the establishment and probably provide some spoof-esque humor, but the delivery is underbaked, flat and just a slog. For Americans, unless you’re already a zealot about the elephant or the donkey, this isn’t going to ingratiate the political circuit to you any further. If you’re from outside the U.S., I cannot imagine the appeal of this game in any capacity. If it’s something you’re truly curious about, grab it on PC when the price drops, but a Gerald Ford simulator on my Mountain Dew Box is the most assbackwards thing I’ve done this year."

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Ghost Of Tsushima's PSN May Be Online-Only, But People Still Can't Play It

Sucker Punch’s massive samurai adventure Ghost of Tsushima has come under fire because of the PSN requirement. However, unlike Helldivers 2, things are a lot different and more logical this time.

thorstein11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

"Sony has made it clear long before its release that the PSN requirement is strictly for the online multi-player Legends mode in Ghost of Tsushima and the PlayStation overlay. Online connection or PSN is not applied to the single-player campaign, which is honestly what the game is all about."

Extermin8or3_2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Legends clearly was based around using the pan they hardly want to have to design a whole new account structure just to play it, that's alot of effort and work. Ultimately people kicked up a fuss despite there being workarounds in most of those territories that people with a ps console have used over there for literally like 15/16 years. This is the consequence of that, be careful what you wish for or demand because you don't necessarily get to pick the method by which you get it.

melmacj38m ago

This game is not Helldivers 2. Every game doesn’t need to be Call of Duty. I may or may not play one minute of the online component. I’m buying it solely for the story/campaign. Sony needs to integrate it better but Microsoft does the same with Xbox live account. It’s an ecosystem they will always want to tie into the console audience and frankly don’t know why this is such a big deal.