
$150 to Play Full StarCraft II?

Since the announcement that StarCraft II will be shipping as three separate products to be the "StarCraft II Trilogy", there has been several criticising voices against this, in terms of having to purchase several boxes, and possibly paying $150 (£75) just to get the full game.

StarCraftWire.net had an interview with Chris Sigaty, where he disclosed the details of these statements, and whether or not players will have to get them all to play simple multiplayer with each other.

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kalos5702d ago

These things had better not be billed at the price of full retail games, else it'll be a very large ripoff just for a single campaign.

Leord5702d ago

I don't really feel like it's a ripoff. You get what you pay for, I think.

I mean, I like classic SC1 multiplayer more than exp anyway ^^

SCFreelancer5702d ago

It depends on the details of this deal if you ask me. If every product offers you multiplayer functionality then additional chapters only offer additional singleplayer. While I love singleplayer alot, that would not be the same value for the same amount of money.

In short: if the value for money is good and remains the same for all three products than I don't see any problem with this setup.

barom5701d ago

I think the first one to come out might cost 50$ and the others that'll follow will cost around 20-30$ as they are kinda like an expansion pack. That's what I'm guessing anyway. I find it hard to believe that Blizzard would rip-off their customers but they are controlled by Activision so who knows. I mean look at how many Guitar Hero's out and seems like a COD every year looks more and more possible.

Raz5701d ago

Am I going crazy, or do you have to buy all three in order to play as the other two species? ..So if I don't fork over the full $150, I'm stuck with a single campaign?

Complete bullcrap, says I. Blizzard is getting greedy - I wouldn't pay that for a good console game, let alone a PC game. Oooh, so they made an extra 15 levels per campaign. I can do that with Staredit, I don't need to pay more of my hard earned money for that! The excuse that "it's just like having 2 expansion packs" doesn't hold water. That's like saying 'you can have a good meal for a minimum price, but the table, cutlery and plates will cost you extra'. These are things that are SUPPOSED to be included!!! Sure you can do without, but I don't like eating off the floor with my fingers; and neither do most other folks.

I guarantee that publishers who shaft their customers are going to have their darling IP pirated - repeatedly and violently. Not by me; but just look at the reaction to Spore's DRM. It isn't just a refusal to pay...it's the principle of the thing. People who feel taken advantage of are going to return the insult.

JsonHenry5701d ago

It sounds to me like they are all going to be completely full single player games. You just play as one side (one story) in each of the three for about 25-35 campaign missions. That is more than what you get from some games that charge the same..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5701d ago
Leord5702d ago

I'm pretty positive to this. I'd have liked a second expansion to SC1 anyway!

SCFreelancer5702d ago

I agree. Even now I would still buy an SC1 expansion ^^.

Leviathon5702d ago

If releasing it in 3 parts means getting the multi-player into my hands quicker then I am all for it. I am not sure if I want to spend over 150 dollars to play the single player campaign though and am hoping they are not as pricey as a full game.

Medievaldragon5702d ago (Edited 5702d ago )

I can somewhat understand this model if they prefer this instead of charging monthly. Think about it as continuous gameplay for the lifetime of the game by this or that price, rather than continuous monthly fees.

If that's what this model means, I guess it is fine.

Leord5702d ago

Also, I think it will also be a testament to that Battle.net 2.0 won't have a monthly fee or the like! As they are getting continous money from it.

Proxy5701d ago (Edited 5701d ago )

Are they continually developing and expanding the game? No, they just release the game, and then are done with it. Paying for multiplayer would only mean that SC1 has a more active multiplayer than SC2.

Synteny5702d ago (Edited 5702d ago )

I find the criticism to be unfounded, we will not pay 150 dollars for an SC1-like campaign, the quality and quantity of content is on a completely different level.

Besides, from what I heard the content of the other boxes will be single-player only, so those that care only about the multi-player part will have no trouble with it. Also, I do no believe that Blizzard will charge the same amount of money for the "expansions" as for the first package.

Leord5702d ago

Yeah, the "expansions" (part 2 and 3) will probably be a lot cheaper.

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It Seems Pretty Clear Why StarCraft 3 is Not a Thing Yet

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StormSnooper187d ago

They sort of ran the story as far as it could go.

Also, it seems like blizzard is more busy with mediocrity at this point in time.

Jingsing187d ago

The problem with Blizzard is they have franchises that don't need sequels. People are happy playing the games that they previously made. What they need is new games, none of this business of trying to transport the old audience into a new version of an old game which only ends up nickle and dime'ing users.


$15 horse for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

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Sciurus_vulgaris189d ago

I’m a little shocked that StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty sold only around 6 million copies. The original StarCraft did over 11 million. Maybe Blizzard was too leisurely in releasing StarCraft 2? Starcraft 2 came out 12 years after it’s predecessor.

Plague-Doctor27188d ago (Edited 188d ago )

Im surprised too. Starcraft was still a huge name in 2010. It was kinda the only new RTS around and other genres like MOBAs hadn't really kicked off yet. I do remember at the time sentiment around the game was
pretty angry the game was being split into 3 but I doubt that would have impacted sales to that degree

Sciurus_vulgaris188d ago

For a long time I believed StarCraft II sold on par or better than its predecessor. There was so much hype for the game. Plus it had a pretty strong E-Sports scene for a few years.

Myself and half a dozen friends all bought StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and played it religiously for a full year. While I bought the expansions, most of my friends did not. RPGs seem to be a generally low selling genre.

Nerdmaster188d ago

I'm not shocked at all. This was an early example of Blizzard being greedy. Instead of releasing a complete experience, splitting Starcraft 2 in 3 parts so it could make us purchase it 3 times if we wanted to know the whole story and play story mode with the other races.

Sciurus_vulgaris188d ago

I originally had that stance. However, Wings of Liberty, was just as long, if not longer than StarCraft 1. The expansions were of decent length too and added a good amount of additional content.

il-JumperMT188d ago

and people wonder why we are having mtx in everything. i blame the people who actual buy them.

Nerdmaster188d ago

It's interesting he used Brazil as an example of the importance of regional pricing. Nowadays many companies on Steam are setting their prices in Brazil as high as, if not more than, their price in USA. I simply refused to buy a few games when I noticed that's the case.

Extermin8or3_188d ago

This right here is the fucking problem.

188d ago

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XiNatsuDragnel858d ago

I wish for a console version too