
The Most Anticipated Driving/Sports Games of 2018

Player 2 looks at the range of Sports and Driving games heading our way in 2018 and decides which ones excite them the most.

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Imp0ssibl32342d ago

Forza Horizon 4 and it's not even close.

2342d ago
Skuletor2342d ago

If the Burnout Paradise remaster turns out to be true, then you can add that to the list. I just hope it's a precursor to a new Burnout game.

2337d ago

PC Games That Are Better With A Controller

Here are some great PC games that are even better with a controller. In fact, one can say that they're meant to be played with a controller.

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shinoff2183281d ago

That's why I don't mess with PC gaming for the most part. When I game I'm relaxing. Hard to do that with a keyboard and mouse. That's just my thought on it.

I'm still hoping bethesada adds real controller support to the og fallout or re release them on xbox like what was done with wasteland 1

281d ago Replies(1)
Shiore2u280d ago (Edited 280d ago )

What exactly is so hard about using a keyboard and mouse compared to a controller when subjectively relaxing? Do you game upside down on a crossbar?

Daeloki279d ago

At least in my opinion, with a controller I can lay back comfortably in my couch however I want. Keyboard + mouse would require a table and chair, and requires investing in ergonomics not to completely mess up my back (not saying the couch is good for my back either but achieving comfortability is easier). Again, emphasizing that I'm speaking out of opinion, and I agree with you that concepts of relaxing and which is better are both very subjective matters. All in all I don't think it's a particularly good article since it really boils down to personal preference.

ApocalypseShadow281d ago

Next up:

Article on "Controllers that are best played with a game."/S

HellspawnPR1981280d ago

Anything that is not a shooter or doesn't have a crosshair.

Minute Man 721273d ago (Edited 273d ago )

My old ass Xbox 360 Rock Candy controller still works fine today "For the Players"


The Crew Motorfest is an even more accessible Forza Horizon

We've played The Crew Motorfest, which joins Forza Horizon in the modern open-world racing genre - and that's not the only similarity.

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bababooiy359d ago (Edited 359d ago )

FH is not on PS so im sure theres people out there happy seeing this.


The Crew 2: Season 8 Reveal

Looks like a great update for fans. Today, Ubisoft announced that the latest The Crew 2 free update, Season 8 Episode 2: USST Next, will be available tomorrow on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, as well as Windows PC through the Ubisoft Store, Epic Games Store, and Steam.