
Madden NFL 18 "Plays Best on Xbox One X" According to Funny Commercial by Microsoft

Microsoft gives another go at the "Plays Best on Xbox One X" slogan associating it with Madden NFL 18 and Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch.

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Godmars2902352d ago

Hasn't "Best on Xbox" been their "unofficial" slogan for some time?

NewMonday2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

this marketing is useless since it also plays worst on Xbox1, the console with 99% of the brand market share, this results in mixed messaging.

Black0ut2351d ago Show
moegooner882351d ago Show
NeoGamer2322351d ago Show
Professor_K2351d ago Show
2351d ago
timotim2351d ago

Considering that it says "Xbox One X" means that its not useless at all. When said gamer gets ready, MS hopes to sell them an X...so its actually good marketing even for future purposes...

Condemnedman2351d ago

So are you saying Ms should just let Sony have it there own way and not advertise the truth?

Godmars2902350d ago

Much of MS's issue is that they've "had it their own way". Thought of themselves as the only option in gaming, trying to pander or thinking they controlled 51% of the market with the remaining 49% would only come to them. Meanwhile they likely have presence, rather than dominance, within 30% when considering markets other than the US.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2350d ago
Vizigoth042351d ago

Now that they just sold through all those $189 Xbox One S. Oh what you got there isn't good enough, pay more money.

2351d ago
2351d ago
Vizigoth042351d ago

@ XMessiah23x
It wouldn't really matter. The NFL and myself are on a hiatus relationship at the moment and they go have in hand with the beloved Microsoft. I'll stick my OG PS4 where the variety and exclusives are at. 🎮

Professor_K2351d ago

Its their console ad so yeah...

Felsager2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

Yes, since the launch of the new Xbox, Godmars.

Their lack of exclusives is severe. Microsoft is depending too much on that crutch.

Microsoft knows that exclusivity could backfire harshly since they are riding two horses with one ass. (PC, Xbox)

Godmars2902351d ago

Thought they had used it early with the 360.

Not getting how exclusivity could backfire on them when, 1) They've never really committed to it and, 2) It already has.

Twice they've invested heavily in exclusives, once with OG with high concept productions the system couldn't handle because of the PC focus along with early titles with Rare before gutting them, then again going so far as to fund TV shows to push things like Viva Pinata which was aimed at kids and inadvertently featured incest. Nothing of which they did save getting a hold of COD paid off, which then eventually lead to always online.

Felsager2351d ago

They never committed to them because that imply leaving PC users stranded or console users stranded. Temporary exclusivity is what they could do best. At this point they are riding in two platforms, PC and XBOX. If they produces exclusives they cut off their gains in PC. They can't make compromises because they will contradict their own interests.

They are navigating in short straws here. They can't commit because they have their hand tight together. Sony doesn't have that problem, that's why they can fly along with lots of exclusives.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2350d ago
Aenea2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

Funny how MS equates graphics with gameplay!

PS. And this is funny huh?

2351d ago Replies(10)
2351d ago Replies(1)
2cents2351d ago Show
Vasto2351d ago

So the gameplay for Madden is different on other consoles?


2351d ago Replies(3)
Professor_K2351d ago Show
gangsta_red2351d ago

Except it's not only graphics but higher resolution and sometimes a better framerate which does make better gameplay.

Funny how no one seemed to mind "graphics" equals "gameplay" when 1080p was all the rage.

Aenea2351d ago

But does Madden have a better framerate on the One X? Or are you now just generalising? Also how does a better framerate change gameplay elements for the better?

And I never saw Sony or their fans trying to claim that the gameplay was improved by higher resolutions/frame rates/whatever, only that it looked better....

Thing is, if MS would be touting "looks best on One X" then they would be absolutely correct, but they don't, they claim that gameplay is somehow affected which is nonsensical...

Godmars2902351d ago

"Funny how no one seemed to mind "graphics" equals "gameplay" when 1080p was all the rage."


Gosh, how long have I been pissed at the repeated compromise of graphics over gameplay?


Maybe it started with White Knight Chronicles?

gangsta_red2351d ago

Thank you Dlacy for the link.


As you can see from the link Aenea, with the improvements of not only graphics but resolution and FPS it is an improvement on gameplay.

"Or are you now just generalising?"

Generalising, when you provided a bare boned point of your own? You really expect MS to go into details on what was improved for a commercial aimed at the general audience? Why is this sort of explanation only reserved for MS and not other companies who also market mid gen upgrades?

"Also how does a better framerate change gameplay elements for the better?"

**Gameplay Runs at a Consistent 60 frames per second (fps): Delivers seamless transitions and improved gameplay performance between each down**

Not really sure who or what said that the game play would actually literally change and I am positive you never thought of this when the Pro was released or when debates of 1080p and 900p where going on. Which falls in line with the next point...

"And I never saw Sony or their fans trying to claim that the gameplay was improved..."

Of course you didn't, you were too busy celebrating this along with the rest to even care, until the shoe was on the other foot. Now it's the only thing you notice, interesting how that works.

Kribwalker2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

“And I never saw Sony or their fans trying to claim that the gameplay was improved by higher resolutions/frame rates/whatever, only that it looked better.... “

Cerny and Yoshid both claimed native 1080p made you a better gamer

Come on aenea, this site was blowing up early in this gen about headaches from blurryness and inability to snipe someone because they were too blurry. You either have a terrible short term memory or its just selective, but don’t try to pull that wool over our eyes

timotim2351d ago

Wasn't Sony that said 1080p makes you a better gamer??? Or something to that effect...

Kribwalker2350d ago


But aenea will look the other way on that one

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2350d ago
Cyborgg2351d ago

Plays best or just better graphics? I'm sure it plays the same :)

WilliamSheridan2351d ago

More consistent solid frame rates actually create better handling with gameplay. So it's not inaccurate.

moegooner882351d ago

And you tested all other versions ? Yeah right

Eonjay2351d ago

Its football... Fifa even runs at 60FPS at 4k on PS4 Pro and X. They could have found actual title where the claim would be true but in true Microsoft fashion, they picked one of the few games that would make the statement a lie.

WilliamSheridan2350d ago

N4p I didn't, but Digital Foundry did...


Looks the same too, i own both versions.

bluefox7552351d ago

Pretty sure it runs at 60fps on all platforms...

Pantz2351d ago

I may play my first Madden game due to how much better it plays on the Xbox One X.

Godmars2902351d ago

And how did you come to choose the X1X version when you apparently didn't own one? Recommended or saw at a friends? Compared them at a store where all systems were on display?

Pantz2351d ago

Based on the 200 games I bought after buying an XOX, which are all the best versions, I'm confident that this will be as well.

Aenea2351d ago

And it plays better in what way, exactly?

Tazzy2351d ago

Dude Xbox fans will compare the graphics to the PS4/PRO and Xbox One S plays better would mean the game plays better than anything its on control wise. If you said Doom played better on Switch compared to Xbox One they'd bitch about it but it plays the same the Xbox One X is junk for real in demand but its been in the same spot at my local walmart for the past few weeks and I went there today for an SD card for my phone and its still there.

Tazzy2351d ago

Why don't you buy a gaming PC because of how much all games play better on PC than any console PUBG plays waaaay better on PC compared to the Xbox One X. LMFAO

Condemnedman2351d ago

How pubg play on the station tazzy?

VforVideogames2351d ago

no you didn't!?!??!?!

Tazzy2351d ago

@Condemnedman its not on the Playstation and thank god its not because if it was it would play just as bad Xbox One X isn't a beast of a console if it can't run a game that looks like its on Xbox 360 at a solid frame rate. And some people compare the Xbox One X to a high end PC and a high end PC would run the game great not at 20fps like Xbox One X Xbox fans think that Rise of the Tomb Raider looks better on Xbox One X compared to PC when PC blows every console away.

Pantz2351d ago

I have a gaming PC but I don't really like playing games on it besides VR and MMO's. Xbox Live is just so much nicer of an ecosystem. Consoles are so much easier to use, you put a game in it and it works. Plus most PC games don't support HDR as an option yet. PUBG on Xbox One X is the best version due to HDR.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2351d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2351d ago

You bought 200 games in a month?

Pantz2351d ago

I started buying some since September, but most during the Black Friday and Holiday Sales.

Tazzy2351d ago

I asked myself the same question I mean over 4 years of owning an Xbox One I only have 130 games for it. :\

Tazzy2351d ago

How can you own 200 games and not one of those games be Madden it don't make sense to me I have EA Access and get Madden every year. I bought Madden 25 before I subscribed to EA Access its like you're from another planet because Madden has been around for close to 3 decades and you're just now wanting the game? :\

Pantz2351d ago

I don't really like sports games but if they say it plays this much better on the X maybe it's worth a try to see what it's all about.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2351d ago
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Wolfenstein512123d ago

It’s been the same game since 2001. No competition means no innovation. Thanks for ruining video game football, EA!!!


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theXtReMe12310d ago

Awesome. Just returned it to Gamefly. Enjoyed it a lot.

optimus2309d ago

Well that's a quick turnaround from release date. I really didn't expect this one until early summer at least.