
PUBG Weapon Damage Charts - Body vs Headshot, Limb, Utility

We all know that PUBG is one of if not the most competitive game in the world. A lot of players find PUBG incredibly exciting. However, sometimes we all participate unexplainable situations. This makes us dive into details on how, why and what has happened throughout the unpleasant experience. Well, that’s why we’re making these PUBG Weapon Damage Charts, so you’ll know why the guy you have been shooting at is still alive. Those reasons are lying not only behind the damage output but also the server-side. If the server decides to kill you, you’ll be dead no matter what.

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Takwin2367d ago

It is NOT the most competitive. It has random loot, bugs, rubber-banding, and crashes.

It is one of the most entertaining and popular games on Steam and Twitch. I watch far more of it than I play (the Doc, Viss, and Vsnz, and some Shroud). Each game can tell a narrative story based on the loot, random encounters, and the circle placements.


Krafton profits up to $171.5 million despite lowest quarter since 2020

From GI.biz: "Krafton, the Korea-based publisher behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, released its Q3 financial results alongside news on how it's expanding its collection of studios.

The company reported that it saw revenues of $328.5 million and net profits of $171.5 million, the latter marking a year-on-year improvement of 27%.

Krafton also announced it plans to acquire Neon Giant, the developer behind The Ascent, and open a new studio in Canada."

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PUBG update transforms battle royale meta, makes winning even harder

The latest PUBG update transforms the weapon meta in Krafton’s battle royale game, bringing changes to vehicles and Deston to make winning even harder

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PUBG is too violent and must be banned, says Taliban

PUBG, the battle royale game from publisher Krafton, will be banned in Afghanistan in 90 days as the Taliban says it is a waste of time and too violent

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deleted630d ago

Taliban is too violent and must be banned, says PUBG.

blacktiger629d ago (Edited 629d ago )

incase you didn't know Taliban is a place not Al qaeda or however you spell them. Just saying

CobraKai630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

“Says Taliban”. 😂😂😂

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