
Should Sega Stop Trying to Make 3D Sonic Games?

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "As the technology used to create video games developed and became powerful enough to realize full interactive 3D worlds, there was a rush to bring all of the classic gaming icons who left their mark in a two-dimensional world and bring them into the third dimension. And for the most part, many pixelated icons made the move to polygons with issue. Mario, Link, Solid Snake and even Mega Man (depending on who you ask) all made the jump and found a lot of success in 3D. But for one of the most popular game character’s of all time, this transition has been an often painful, frustrating and even ridiculous experience. So I ask, is it time for Sega to stop trying to make 3D Sonic games?"

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Fantomex2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )

They should look back to Sonic Adventure both games, Generations, and make a game like them. They were the only three highly respected 3D Sonic games.

DarXyde2379d ago

I wouldn't do that. I don't think Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 have aged well. Sure, if I revisit those games, I would have fun, but a new game made in their image? I don't see it.

Generations, okay. Personally, I would say if Sega made Sonic's future games like Sonic Rush, they'd be set. The modern 3D Sonic games are basically Sonic Rush on a 3D plane. Unleashed wasn't a bad game at all, but the were-hog sections were just awful. Had they kept it exclusively standard Sonic, I think it'd be a great game too.

Well, they have Atlus now. I'm pretty sure if they told Atlus they had to fix Sonic, they definitely could.

gokuss1220022378d ago

They should make it a RobotRescue-esque vr game.

andrewsquall2378d ago

Sonic Adventure is as awkward as any other 3D Sonic game with atrocious cringe music too. Take off the nostalgic goggles. Generations was crap too. It's great if you love playing as Classic Sonic who is too small for levels. He is not supposed to be the same size as the Lady Bug bank for example but in that mess, he sure is.

FallenAngel19842379d ago

No. Sonic Generations clearly showed there was greatness in a 3D Sonic game and Sonic Forces for some reason couldn’t completely build off of that into a better experience

wonderfulmonkeyman2379d ago

I could go for another round of something like Sonic Colors or Sonic Lost World.
Both were pretty great in my book.

Benoski2379d ago

While I initially would say 'Yes', I want to believe that there's still potential for great 3D Sonic games.

Generations is an example. Forces dropped the ball, but Sonic Team can try and learn from their mistakes. Plus, the fandom treats 3D games unfairly.

lellkay2379d ago

Generations is the only real "great" 3D Sonic game. Colors is Ok. Adventure games are full of filler and junk and have aged terrible. Personally I think they should give up... or totally back to the drawing board with something like Sonic Utopia.

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