
Star Wars Battlefront II "One of the Best Games We've Ever Built;" EA Boasts High Player Retention

Electronic Arts Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen is proud of the quality of Star Wars Battlefront II, boasting high player retention.

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Snookies122368d ago

Yeah, real shame your greed ruined it.

-Foxtrot2367d ago

Highly doubt aswell they have such a high player retention

"he also added that player retention over time is better than most of Electronic Arts’ games"


These guys are living in their own world. Reminds me of Microsoft after the awful Xbox One reveal except on steroids.

TankCrossing2367d ago

Player retention as a percentage probably is better. The backlash for the game started before launch, so the people that still bought it knew what they were letting themselves in for (or weren't the type to care).

EA are basically spinning a positive out of the fact that many people "on the fence" never bought the game, so they were never lost.

thekhurg2367d ago

Considering the servers are full pretty much non-stop across all game modes, they're probably not joking.

arkard2366d ago

Full of AFK'ers grinding credits while they are working or sleeping.

2366d ago
TheSaint2366d ago

Player retention is different from actual player numbers. If three people bought it and are still playing it that's 100% player retention....

ravinash2366d ago

player retention is good because you have to play for ages to get anywhere.

I'm sure the game probably is great, but if you try to stiff people, their not going to trust you enough to came back and play the game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2366d ago
fiveby92367d ago

Nothing is more immersion breaking than the system they devised. Having to jump out of game into the loot box system is dreadful. EA is a lost cause. I'm skeptical of what Bioware will be forced to do with Anthem due to EA interference. Due to the financial "success", EA had with FIFA Ultimate Team, they will try to do that same type of BS with Anthem too. When all you have is a hammer...everything looks like a nail.

InTheZoneAC2366d ago

I've opened 3 loot boxes so far as I realized I had to save for Vader and other heroes. The loot boxes(without the ability to pay for them with real money) are not much different than other loot boxes in other games. I know these provide in game enhancements but to me that's fine as long as people aren't allowed to pay for them to be boosted earlier than the rest. I do like the current progression system as not everyone is stacked from the get go.

threefootwang2367d ago

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

I just hope BioWare and Dice survives out of all this.

Cernunnos2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

Bioware is already dead. If you think Anthem will be anything than a mindless shooter with lots and lots of micro transactions, then I think you're in for dissappointment.

bloop2366d ago (Edited 2366d ago )

I'm sure Anthem will definitely have mt's but as greedy as they are they can't be that stupid to not take into account what's happening with BFII, can they?!?! If articles of sales are anything to go by would they really risk it again? BFII has fallen well short of expected sales and they've lost a shit tonne of expected revenue. If they pull the same stunt with Anthem, it's dead on arrival too and they'll lose another huge chunk of cash. It'll be interesting to see how stupid EA really are.

Relientk772367d ago

EA "One of the Best Games We've Ever Built... for ripping off gamers"

FlameBaitGod2366d ago

They should boast about losing 3.1 billion in stock value LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

indysurfn2366d ago

That is something for all the fools to think about. All the fools that repeated the market pitch: "micro-transactions are here to stay, accept them". NO!

RadicalCannibal2366d ago

High player retention isn’t something to boast about less than a month in

killswitch802365d ago (Edited 2365d ago )

its too bad most people haven't played it and see that you can easily unlock all the heroes and pick three cards to max out easily for each trooper. You receive crafting parts and can craft everything. You do not need all the cards unlocked most them are pointless or only fit a certain persons playstyle....this was the most overblown thing in video game history.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2365d ago
Nyxus2368d ago

Hm, let's see, Metacritc: 68 - mixed or average reviews. If that's the best you can do, okay.

Tedakin2366d ago

Too be fair all the bad reviews are based on the microtransactions. Hardly anyone actually reviewed the game itself.

thehitman13982366d ago

But microtransactions is the core of the game. You would know this, if you hardly actually played the game itself

jeromeface2366d ago

what thehitman1398 said...

T2X2366d ago

Exactly, the game itself is excellent for what it is. It's a Star Wars game. I'm enjoying the campaign very much. Then I'll jump into the mp. So far, I don't see what the problem gamewise is. The mt are stupid in all games, but if someone wants to spend their money on them, fine for them. I'm not.

Mikelarry2367d ago

buhahahahahahahahha, well they aint gonna come out and talk bad about it, but we all know

2366d ago
XiNatsuDragnel2367d ago

Nope your stocks, metacritic, subrreddit downcount record says otherwise. Stop lying buddy

thorstein2367d ago

Their stocks dropped from $109 to $105 and are now at $106.

Please. EA is not going anywhere. Besides, you don't buy stocks based on daily ups and downs.

EA, no matter if you love or hate them, are a money making machine. "Metacritic" mehticritic.

Social media has little to no impact. If you really think the negative press and the opinion pieces are going to have any impact, think again. Come back to this comment in 6 months and you'll see the same practices.

indysurfn2366d ago (Edited 2366d ago )

If that was true companies would not fire Executives for causing stock drops. Every sale has a LOSER on the other side and these downs average out and create momentum. It did not go down only for social media, but because of SALES forecast was NOT MET. Which is HARD DOLLARS.

EA has 307 MILLION outstanding shares it is setting at 105.49 109 subtract 105.49=$1,077,000,000.

that's 1 billion and 77 million DOLLARS VALUE LOST

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Petebloodyonion2d ago

It's the why we close servers after 2 years, why we re-use the same assets every year, and why we bundle our game with enjoyable microtransactions.

neutralgamer19922d ago

Running digital casinos in every game

Rebel_Scum2d ago

Re-using assets is not a bad thing tbh. Development is all about re-using code, assets and components.

neutralgamer19922d ago

Can you please focus on delivering enough quality content to justify the $70 asking price? While I appreciate the idea of over-delivering, it's essential to ensure that the base content itself is worth it. I have concerns that GTA6 might have less single-player content because most of the focus seems to be shifting towards online play and microtransactions

Inverno2d ago

The sleaze oozes out of these gaming CEOs faces. It's honestly disturbing how distorted people look when you've realized how money obsessed they really are. He gives off "in one ear and straight out the other" vibes.

jambola2d ago

I really don't get it
do they think anyone believes what they say?
is it that being in charge surrounds you by so many yesmen that they get deluded into thinking everyone is like that?

JackBNimble2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Well if you look at the last 10 years you will notice there wasn't as single paid dlc. Every update was free whether you want to complain about sharkcards or not.

They're going to make billions on this game especially if they keep the same formula as last in regards to updates.

Good-Smurf2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Selling Shark cards and removing content are not exactly "good news for consumers" lol.
The last time they released any DLC worth playing was 15 years ago.
GTA V is so broken and unbalanced that people would rather do stupid cringey stunts with than do heists.

JackBNimble2d ago

I'm sure the player base would disagree, and gta5 is still being supported, much longer then most games, after all I bought gta5 day 1 on ps3....

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