
Star Wars: Battlefront 2's offline Arcade mode suffers from ridiculous "mobile F2P cooldowns"

Star Wars Battlefront 2 features a ridiculous mobile cooldown in its Arcade mode that prevents/slowdowns players from earning credits.

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Snookies122382d ago

What the hell man, that's so scummy to do in a full priced game...

fiveby92381d ago

Luckily there are so many other great games to play right now. EA's SW BF2 is surely not one of them.

xPhearR3dx2381d ago

This is the comment that frustrates me the most. Not because you or anyone here is saying it, but because the game itself is actually really damn good. EA unfortunately is forcing their devs to implement loot boxes, thus ruining the game. We see it in Madden, FIFA, Need for Speed, Battlefield, Battlefront, Every single recent EA title launching has loot boxes.

It's a shame. A real damn shame, because like I said. Battlefront 2 is actually a really incredible game that EA has destroyed. Is it as good as the Battlefront from back in the day? No, but it's the closest thing to it we will probably ever get and now this happened. I REALLY hope this loot box wave fades out rather quickly.

bloop2381d ago

Agreed, it is a real shame. This was probably my most anticipated game this year being a huge Star Wars fan. And that's the worst thing about it, it does actually look like a really good game, but there's no way in hell I'm going to support what EA have tried to do here. The only way I could ever see myself buying this game now is if they just completely scrapped loot boxes altogether and lowered the grind for unlockables to something realistic. I'm so disappointed that EA completely ruined what could have been a great game.

fiveby92381d ago

@xPhearR3dx I don't disagree that SW BF2 has some great aspects. However, this game is a prime example of what EA considers GaaS. Long-term engagement and monetization done all wrong. Obviously, writers, artists, coders, testers, are not to blame here. It's the implementation of a business plan (mostly of EA's design) which most gamers find objectionable. The only way to show displeasure is to avoid purchasing this game.

Skull5212381d ago

I feel like this stuff is blown out of proportion, I had Vader unlocked within 3 hours of play and he’s the most expensive thing...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2381d ago
chris2352381d ago

the majority of gamebuyers doesn‘t care, wwhy should you?

RememberThe3572381d ago

Because we're clearly not the majority of game buyers. And this is just beginning, I'm getting a whiff of Mass Effect Andromeda around this one.

Chaosdreams2382d ago

*Jaw slowly drops*

I once thought I knew the definition of greed but EA is really doing all it can to being a Full Metal Alchemist enemy.

To those who know what i'm talking about, I adore you.

Veneno2381d ago

And to think there were actual idiot journalists and other gamers out there defending EA when they were voted worst company back when. Some people just don't learn.

EatCrow2381d ago

There are still journalists and gamers defending them now....which is incomprehensible to me.
Sometimes I think its actually EA people creating accounts or something.

Mikelarry2381d ago

lol there is even an article right now on the home page suggesting" we grow up" about such shitty practices that EA has displayed here.
I am against death threats the the devs and publisher but other than than that they deserve all the backlash as their greed knows no bounds.

this game is nothing but a mobile game masquerading as a AAA game and yet some many are giving it 9.5 like what the actual fuck. but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion

andrewsquall2381d ago

No no no, didn't you hear? YOU are the problem. You need to grow up already and just take this. /s

rezzah2379d ago

imo Activision's planed methods of getting players to buy MTs are worse because its more subtle than in your face. EA's method is easier to target because it is right there for you to see.

All publishers will learn to be more subtle now due to the backlash EA is receiving.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2379d ago
DarkOcelet2382d ago

WTF is this BS? So people pay 60$ to find crap like this in the game? F*** you EA/DICE for making this crap. Don't support this shit.

UCForce2381d ago

I agree. Never trust EA in first place.

2381d ago Replies(1)
GamerAllTheWay2382d ago

This sucks, but the thing I find this news article lacking is a bit of more detail. Arcade might have this rubbish mobile F2P mechanic like Energys and the like, but the author failed to mention you can grind as much as you can through Multiplayer. And if you like, Blast/Strike have shorter match duration than Galactic Assault.

I sense some "motive" here.

fenome2381d ago

But why even include them to begin with? They expect people to pay full price and then have the nerve to tell them they can't progress in a certain manner for hours (or days), why? Well, I guess they could always just pay money for it.

Sure, you can just keep grinding online (for months) against people who have an unfair advantage over you because they paid more money. Or I guess you could just try to balance the game yourself and spend more money..

Yup, I'm definitely sensing some "motive" here.

If they want to transition to free to play tactics then they need to transition to free to play titles. Charging premium prices for mobile game timers, restrictions and progression systems is just dirty tactics.

GamerAllTheWay2381d ago

I did try the game, and we were able to review it. The Star Cards didn't have any huge advantage over players, and getting Credits were quicker than the first Battlefront. I've been getting first place in Blast and Strike a dozen times against players with Rare and Uncommon cards.

It's true, MTs/Loot Boxes are dirty, no doubt about that and I agree with you. And hopefully there will be a day that it's going to be removed from AAA games, but for now, it's there and there's no way yet to remove MTs.

2381d ago
Nitrowolf22381d ago

The only motive here us EA trying to get people to spend more money on a $60 free to play game

EatCrow2381d ago (Edited 2381d ago )

Because the newsworthy component is the Arcade mode...not the other modes.

As far as your experience...yea well the game isnt out yet. Lets see what happens when its in the hands of perhaps the people that will spend loads of cash on MTs

And unless they changed the cards and upgrades...I do believe some of these upgrades are hugely impactful like the boba fett invincibility as long as theyre raining down rockets....thats pretty big...but perhaps theyve changed them all to be more reasonable??

Prince_TFK2381d ago

“Motive”? Lmao. The only motive here is to expose EA for the slimy worm mother f*cking piece of dog shit they are.

Bruneblomst2381d ago

"And hopefully there will be a day that it's going to be removed from AAA games, but for now, it's there and there's no way yet to remove MTs". BUT there is a way to remove lootboxes and predatory mt from games. Dont buy and support the game companys that are putting them in games. Its simple, anti consumer companies dont support them, support gaming companys like project red and others who dont prey on their customers.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2381d ago
XiNatsuDragnel2381d ago

Hell no don't buy this game people

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anast161d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203161d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


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mastershredder204d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex203d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!

ThichQuangDuck464d ago

To think of all the characters we have been asked to kill since No Russian

464d ago