
Origins Is Not A Good Assassin’s Creed Game

Though it certainly isn’t a bad game, Origins fails to represent the established pillars of Ubisoft’s popular franchise.

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Bigpappy2377d ago

Maybe that's why more people like and bought it. Just play the game and enjoy it. Stop writing dumb opinion pieces. The developer, I am sure, strongly disagrees with you.

LOGICWINS2376d ago

Black Flag was my favorite (and one of my personal favorite games of all time) AC game specifically BECAUSE it veered away from the Assassin's Creed formula.

Skull5212376d ago

I still like the original the best. May have been repetitive but it was something like I'd never played before. 2 was awful, Ezio was a little bitch. 3 and 4 were great as well, I skipped all the others. Haven't got around to Orgins yet because there is so much to play right now but I did buy it.

Krysis2376d ago

@skull 2 was the shining star of the franchise and Ezio considered the best of the lead characters. It went downhill after that until black flag which was great because it went off formula and breathed new life into the franchise, then it went back to the same old crap. Origins is awesome, the gameplay is good and I'm loving the loot system and the RPG elements even if it is minimal.

Skull5212376d ago

Nah, the only thing that stood out about 2 was Ezio cried the whole game, totally off-putting.

Skuletor2376d ago

@Skull521 The second one had one of the best easter eggs in the series though.


FloydianAndroid2376d ago

@skull521 everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I can’t imagine anyone thinking ac 3 was better than 2.

milohighclub2376d ago

I agree with skull. 2 was the worst. Well it probably wouldn't have been if they didn't drag it on for 3 games.

3 was the best just because it did something that should have been in from the start and that was tree climbing. Hanging guards with the rope dart was awesome.. running round the frontier was so much fun.

Ezio is at the bottom of the list imo.

boing12376d ago

I loved first AC too. For me Origins is evoking the same feelings. Sense of wonder is amazing. Egypt is the real star of the game.

morganfell2376d ago

Holy crap the world is ending. I am agreeing with Skull on something.

The first is for me still the best because they retained the most lore regarding the Nizari Ismaili. My other favorite in the series is ACIII. In both of these titles, you weren't in the Bugs Bunny cartoon where the hats flew out of a truck and putting on the hat made you that character. You do not just don the robes of an Assassin and become an Assassin. It requires training and these two titles made a point of that. In addition, the beginning of ACIII brings with it one of the greatest story flips in recent gaming memory. The h2h fighting in ACIII had the most finesse I have experienced in any of the games and the only one I have not owned and completed is Origins. I own ACIII on PS3 and PC and love that game. I also like Assassins Creed Rogue, a much overlooked titles in the series.

I didn't care for Ezio at all. It was only when he reached Revelations that he had matured enough for the annoying immaturity to fade. Black Flag was worth playing just for the ending and the tie in to ACIII as well as some of the historic characters you met along the way. Otherwise not fun and the sailing with ships always spinning around everywhere like Saturday night in a kids tub was absurd. It ruined the entire idea of the hunt. Simplistic and overly so.

The entire idea of a privateer chasing down and killing a trained Assassin and the suddenly becoming skillful in that trade was ridiculous. The h2h fighting was messy and more like simple brawling.

Diffraction_Fos2376d ago

@Skull521 - The first AC was my favorite as well. It was like a very refreshing break from everything I had been playing up until that point. It was indeed repetitive, but I was intrigued until the end. Especially because of the riveting concept and storytelling they came up with.

Then they ruined it by going the soap opera route with the whiny and annoying Ezio. It was a huge bummer. (Newsflash - More gadgets does not automatically equal good game.) Kind of like when Capcom decided to soapify DMC franchise by introducing a whiny crybaby in DMC4. Thank god, they had enough common sense to at least retain Dante as a side character in that game.

oasdada2376d ago

Are we the only ones who think 1 was better than 2? i agree with everything u say.. i also didnt like ezio until revolution and also 1 had better graphics than 2

No Way2376d ago

I agree - there was so much about the first that I preferred over the rest. Most noticeably, the fact that you weren't some super hero. You had to actually try and be stealthy to get the kill; otherwise, you had to run and hide. You couldn't fight and kill 30 soldiers in one go. You had to be an assassin, not a multi-kill machine. Also, the blending aspect was on point, it was the best. Blending in with the monks was awesome.

starchild2376d ago

I did enjoy AC2 but for my tastes it is overhyped by a lot of people. Some people put it on a pedestal and I simply don't understand why.

Anyway, the first Assassin's Creed will always hold a special place for me in the series.

XisThatKid2375d ago

Your not alone.

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Chocoburger2376d ago

I beat the game, and it's really lackluster from combat, to freerunning (more restrictive than previous games!), to story.

Its just a big open world with boring, repetitive checklist things to do. Its a snooze.

Dark_Knightmare22376d ago

Yeah you didn't play it because you can freerun and climb pretty much everything,the combat is actually challenging instead of counter god mode and what checklist lol doing sidequests like all open world games have

Artemidorus2376d ago

Listen to the millennial, buy the loot creates, get in debt and keep supporting Ubisoft.

They got golf memberships to renewal.

getbacktogaming2376d ago


I can't believe anyone would think you actually meant that lol.

starchild2376d ago

It seems that Assassin's Creed just can't win with some people. If it stays too much the same they'll say it's a tired franchise that needs to innovate, but when it changes (for the better, too) they complain that it isn't Assassin's Creed enough. I think some people just want to find any excuse to hate this franchise.

Personally, I think Origins is fantastic. In my opinion it's the best Assassin's Creed game so far.

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-Foxtrot2377d ago

Isn't that the problem with this team...both Origins and Black Flag share the same problem.

"It's a good game...but it's not a good Assassins Creed game"

Seriously Ubisoft need to put these guys on a new IP. I could see a great Prince of Persia game from them or an amazing RPG Pirate game.

DrumBeat2376d ago

I haven't heard anything about Skull and Bones for awhile. They're surely working on it?

-Foxtrot2376d ago

Probably although in my opinion Skull and Bones is basically a dumbed down Black Flags where you are stuck on a boat. It's basically For Honor: I'm on a Boat edition

I want something like the cancelled Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned

Krysis2376d ago

If they made origins a new IP then you would have complained it was to much like assassins creed and shouldn't have been a new IP.

XbladeTeddy2376d ago (Edited 2376d ago )

"I could see a great Prince of Persia game from them"

Assassin's Creed is the Prince of Persia games. The first AC was even called Prince of Persia: Assassin before they changed the name.

bigmalky2376d ago

Well, AC is shite compared to the PoP trilogy on PS2. Those games were very playable without having to send you off searching for feathers and the combat was much more satisfying.

I'd take running away from the Dahaka with Godsmack playing in the background, to getting sidetracked into boring side quests.

bigmalky2375d ago

Bloody casual kids downvoting as usual.

Lord_Sloth2376d ago (Edited 2376d ago )

I agree and disagree. Black Flag was very very different, but still overall felt like a Creed game. All the mission types were back, swordplay was there, Story felt right, they just replaced the horse with a Brig and with it added a whole new type of combat.

I've yet to play Origins but it doesn't seem very Creed like. A solid game I'm sure.

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sammarshall1022377d ago

Let's see in Origins I play an assassin that climbs, uses stealth and execute guards and other enemies in a huge yet beautiful open world

It's the same series with just many improvements like being able to set traps in the environment or freeing a lion to attack guards. The side quests also seem more polished

I'm loving Origins

2376d ago
2377d ago Replies(6)
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10 Video Game Sequels That Saved Their Franchise

Video game sequels like Assassin's Creed Origins, Doom (2016), and Fire Emblem Awakening were just what these franchises needed to be revitalized.

Immagaiden376d ago

Lmao what’s Halo Infinite doing on this list?

Who would ever say Halo Infinite saved the Halo franchise

SullysCigar375d ago

Thought the same - very bizarre!

RE7 though... my God, what a shift over RE6! That franchise was definitely going in the wrong direction, so RE7 was a welcome return to form.

ModsDoBetter375d ago

Resi 6 was and still is the worst entry in the series.
7 was a great turnaround, despite people’s concerned about the switch to FP perspective.

DMC5 definitely helped the franchise after the whole DmC debacle. Whilst it was a decent action game, it was a far cry from the series and the characters we knew.

AC Origins is my favourite in the entire AC series. Despite the switch to a more RPG style of gameplay - the setting, soundtrack, length, etc were all amazing. sadly followed up by the ridiculously long and “more of the same” Odsyssey.

I don’t feel it’s fair to say the franchise slipped with Doom 3, Doom 3 was incredibly atmospheric and took the game in a different direction but there’s no denying Doom (2016) was sensational.

Halo 4 & 5 were disappointing but Halo Infinite definitely didn’t save the franchise? What?

TheEnigma313375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

I'm going to have to go with SMB 3. I was around when SMB 2 first came out and people hated it. 3 is still arguably the best mario game created.

HellspawnPR1981375d ago

"Halo Infinite"? Worse Halo ever. Whoever made this list just lost all credibility.

Hofstaderman375d ago

In future lists of a similar nature I have a suspicion Final Fantasy XVI will feature.


Six Best Historically Accurate Games

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jznrpg530d ago

Historically accurate from the past is tough to truly know and judge especially the farther you go back because history is written from the people in power and doesn’t mean it’s the truth just the narrative they wanted to tell.

I don’t care about historically accurate in most games because they are games not biographies or history books . Just make the game fun , good gameplay and such .

Ghost of Tsushima wasn’t historically accurate in many things but I loved the game . Many examples like it .


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560d ago