
Is It Time For The Sonic To Ditch 3D Platforming?

Sonic Forces has landed to mixed reception - raising the question again of whether Sonic Team and Sega should bother making more 3D Sonic games.

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FallenAngel19842400d ago

Nah there’s still merit in 3D Sonic games

Omnislashver362400d ago

No way. Their engine work shows Sonic could be at its apex from now on if they put the effort into level design, making a compelling story, and length of game.

The main issue is they made Forces into a game that's meant to be played as more of a side-game, levels are around 3 minutes long and some are really simple and I almost feel they made it that way on purpose. I think if they do one in the vein of Generations and Adventure on this engine it's going to be gold. Also cut back on the cheesiness a bit. I understand they're all cute animals but even this was a bit too much. Adventure/2 seemed to have a plot, Generations not so much. Do one or the other, but don't give me something like Forces again.

Nucler1002400d ago

They never really made a 3D platforming Sonic game. They've just been racing games. So instead it should be "Is it time for Sonic to make an actual fully 3D platforming game?"

Read this:

"When we see the reactions that Mania got," says Nakamura, "the entire team sat down and thought it was really interesting, and we should break down what people liked about Mania, and in the future—when we build our 3D games—see what essence we can take from Sonic Mania and put into a 3D world, to give people what they're looking for and that they've found in Sonic Mania."

It's a high chance that they're finally making one and they were already in too deep with Forces to cancel it. Mania 2? More in the coming years I guess.

Teflon022400d ago

The hedgehog engine is amazing for what it does, and it shows great sonic games can be made. Problems with this game... It seems Sonic Team actually just sucks as developers. They get one thing right and mess up 5 other things. Generations had the controls perfect for high speed and homing was perfect etc. In this, homing feels like it's lagging, doesn't always work,it works like the old Wii sonic games where you had to wait for a lock on... Why? I don't know.
All the stages I've played out of the first 14. Every sonic stage has a moment early in the stage and late in the stage that you have to actually play for. The rest is all running in every stage. The avatar stages are designed to just hit everything non stop for the most part. Classic sonic stages are designed fine but Enemies placement is the worst I've seen in sonic. Also classic sonic doesn't control as good as generations.

So the positive. Sonic at low speed, controls perfectly. They figured it out. Now that they did, they should take advantage of that. Take the controls of generations high speed and put them together. Then make a modern sonic game that's only modern sonic and it's more that just boost non stop like forces. Make the stage design like unleashed or something, that game had great sonic stages. All have actual skill to beat plus good ideas.

Nerdmaster2400d ago

I just don't get why they can't get physics and controls right. Even when playing as classic Sonic, who should emulate the old Sonic games, it feels stiff and awkward. And when you think the worst homing attack system was Lost World's, they manage to make an even worse one for Sonic Forces. Bad controls in a platform game is just unacceptable.

When I was young I was on Sonic's side during the Sega/Nintendo war, so it's really painful to see Nintendo releasing what may be the best platformer to date a couple of weeks ago, while Sega gives us this... thing.

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