
Wolfenstein: The New Colossus - Review - Player 2

Player 2 once again gets Nazi blood on its hands with the latest Wolfenstein game. How does it hold up when compared to its excellent predecessor?

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Three Games That Defined the Generation

Player 2 asked it's writers to come up with three games that defined this current generation of gaming for them personally. This edition sees their editor, Matt Hewson, pick some unexpected titles.

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morganfell1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Seriously? Control defines the generation? An absolutely absurd and laughable deduction. It belongs on the list...nowhere. PUBG, the game that really ignited an entire genre...not mentioned. God of War, a landmark achievement. Not on the list. What about the rise of the arena shooter? Nope.

Instead we have a writer that recently became enamored with a mediocre shooter and suddenly it’s leading the pack. The writer’s initial remarks make it clear that objectivity and a serious analytical evaluation are not part of this article.

edeprez1392d ago

Agreed. Control is a good game, but is in no way defining this generation. Oh well, it's only one man's opinion.

LordoftheCritics1392d ago

My personal 3. Each a definition.

The Witcher 3

Sonic-and-Crash1391d ago (Edited 1391d ago )

writer probably has no clue from gaming , just wannabe cult ," different" or smthing to attract attention ...none of the games mentioned is generation defining .

3 games that defined generation imo
Bloodborne-Sekiro(these 2 go together)
Zelda BOtW
Death Stranding or Horizon (2 best openworld adventures) or Mario Odyssey (the best platformer yet) (choose between the last 3 whatever you want)

1392d ago Replies(1)
SpamnJam1392d ago

uh oh look out everyone, the gatekeeper has spoken.

Did you read the article? I mean it was pretty clear why the writer thought it deserved to be there. It probably wouldn't be on my list but then, this isn't my list. Slow your roll dude, an opinion piece is exactly that an opinion and to me it was pretty well explained that these aren't the best games of the generation but the ones that mean the most to the author. So you know breathe...

morganfell1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

I did read it. So no it doesn’t justify a list for us. The article is a glorified Instagram page. He might as well have taken a picture of his dinner and shared it.


Nothing like me me me. Why do we need to know what you liked? The days when game media served the audience are long gone. And I’ll do me. After all that is what you did with this piece. You did yourself...publicly. And don’t stick it out there if you are afraid of having it whacked off.

neutralgamer19921392d ago


When you write a piece and submit it for public reading than you open yourself up for disagreements

Control isn't even a TOP 10 game this generation

Levii_921391d ago

@neutralgamer1992 Control isn't even a TOP 50 game IMO.

Hewso1392d ago

Hi, I am the writer and let me explain what I thought was plainly obvious by the tone of the article. These are games that personally defined the generation for me. Games that I will remember long after it is over. These are not the "best" games of the generation, nor are they in any way some sort of definitive list. These are games that struck a chord with me. But hey if you want to go off about what is, a fun collection of someone's experiences you do you.

Hewso1392d ago

Righto @morganfell, I am not afraid, frankly couldn't care less, I thought I might provide some perspective. But clearly that has just made you dig in further. As for who wants to read it. Well, we have a dedicated audience and frankly we do quite well as far as readers go so you know, I guess some people do want to read our stuff. As this is the first of many of these articles, one from a range of different writers, well I am sure there is at least one person you agree with, but in the meantime, you may want to consider that you aren't in fact gaming's ruling body and your opinion means the same to me as mine does to you. Cheer up buddy, you are just as unimportant as I am.

HarryMasonHerpderp1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

I understand why certain comments have pissed you off on here but you don't need to explain yourself. Most of us understand what an opinion piece is. Just keep doing what you're doing.

NeoGamer2321392d ago

What defined this generation to me was the endless remasters. I called this generation the recycled generation...

morganfell1392d ago

Its not just that Control isn't a good game.

The writer claims they were asked to pick the 3 games defined a generation. Asked by himself? Regardless he tells you that he loved Control, recounts some things that mattered, but fails in any way shape or form to explain and support how and why the game defined an entire generation composed of hundreds of thousands of titles. Simply bad journalism that is more concerned with what some person wants and likes in their self serving bubble world.

TheProfessional1391d ago (Edited 1391d ago )

You're 100 percent right. It's ridiculous to include a mediocre game that sold poorly on a top 3 list of games that "defined" the generation. Defined it for who? This one writer? Especially when he couldn't even be bothered to explain WHY a huge letdown like Control should be on any "best of" list when it failed commercially and underwhelmed critically.

Remedy has lost it. First Quantum Break, now Control. They're becoming the next Rare where everything great they've done is from the last generation of consoles/PC.

Sophisticated_Chap1391d ago

Good call on PUBG. It might have left people's minds over the last 1 - 2 years, but it did have a huge influence on the direction of shooter games for sure.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1391d ago
EmperorDalek1392d ago

"Hey look at me! I'm different!"

SpamnJam1392d ago

Rar Rar I am @morganfell and I speak for everyone ever. Hear my words for they are truth.

Good on ya mate.

Gamerking821392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Control really ?, I mean it was an average game at best. But hey who am I too judge . I mean ask anyone under 15 and fortnight will be the game of the gen . My opinion though is The Witcher 3 is this gens shining star .

DFresh1392d ago

For me I would say the following.
1.) Ghost of Tsushima is the new standard for open world games.
2.) PUBG started the battle royale genre craze this gen.
3.) Overwatch set the stage for hero style multiplayer games.
In my opinion.

Zhipp1392d ago

I agree with all your points except #1. I think BOTW set a new standard for open world games. We haven't yet seen much of an impact form others following the particular things that game did right, though.

ThereGoThatManQ1388d ago

BOTW is a very big world with not shite to do in it

King_Noctis1392d ago

“ Ghost of Tsushima is the new standard for open world games”

What kind of standard did it set? Honest question.

DFresh1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Graphically for an open world it set the standard.
Developers sometimes have to sacrifice detail in open world games but Sucker Punch went the extra mile to do the little details.
No short cuts taken.
Setting the standard for visuals.
Seriously look up the intro to the game (YouTube) and see for yourself.

LordoftheCritics1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Tsushima is far from the standard. Its quite average and maybe even below average in terms of open world.

King_Noctis1391d ago (Edited 1391d ago )

"Graphically for an open world it set the standard."

Graphic-wise, in my opinion Red Dead Redemption 2 is far better looking than GoT in many areas such as texture and foliage. GoT is great, don't get me wrong, but it clearly didn't set benchmark in that regard, at least not in the version that I'm playing anyway.

mandingo1391d ago

Wow you really think GoTsushima is a new standard for open world games? Anyway, Witcher 3, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Cuphead/ori.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1388d ago
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5 Best Games to Buy in the PS4 Essential Picks Sale Right Now

Greysun writes: "The Essential Picks sale has started up today on the PlayStation Store for the PS4, so if you're on the lookout for some sweet deals, get your wallet ready!"

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AnubisG1569d ago

None of these worth buying in this "sale". These can be found on disc for much less.

Xaevi1569d ago

Sucks they don't put infamous at 7$ like they used to. I got Bloodborne for 7 bucks years ago too. Once they make the Hit List they don't go lower than 14 it seems

rolando1231568d ago

yeah this is true but i totally think Second Son and First Light for 30 bucks or whatever is a fantastic deal. Two great platinum trophies too!


The state of first-person shooters

Chirag Pattni talks the lack of high quality first-person shooter campaigns in recent memory. As well as what FPS fans have to look forward to.

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bluefox7551573d ago

Am I the only one that's never been that into first person shooters? It seems like I am, at least among my friends.

MadLad1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

I tend to wear out on traditional fps games pretty quickly. I'll play the online, competitive stuff here and there, like Counter Strike and whatnot though.
I do really enjoy fps immersive sims. Prey, Deus Ex, Bioshock, etc. I don't know if those count as actual fps games though, considering the gunplay isn't normally the focus.

bluefox7551572d ago

I do like ones that incorporate RPG mechanics, really liked Outer Worlds recently, though I wish it were longer.

Razmiran1572d ago

Whenever someone asks if "they are the only one" they should know there are like 2 billion people like them

bluefox7551572d ago

Getting downvoted for asking a question? Do people think I'm lying about my own taste in games?

MadLad1572d ago

Welcome to N4G. I'm under the impression that half the posters are genuinely angry people.

annoyedgamer1572d ago

Stop looking at big AAA titles then. Its your own fault that you think Fortnoght and Apex when FPS comes to mind and not Metro and Doom.

MadLad1572d ago (Edited 1572d ago )

All 4 games you listed are AAA lol.