
Sonic Forces Review | Polygon

Sonic Forces creators' good intentions and interesting ideas don't amount to much in a game so clumsy and limited in design. It certainly doesn't help that Forces follows right on the heels of Sonic Mania, a game that not only demonstrated a more focused design sensibility but also did a far better job of realizing its creators' ambitions. Forces may have had a larger budget than Mania, but it feels like the poorer creation all around. Unless your dearest dream has always been to play a Sonic game as your own original fan art character, Sonic Forces doesn't have much to offer.

-Foxtrot2382d ago

Relying on gimmicks and making it over the top once again...they just can;t help themselves

They thought they could take Generations, do it again but make it bigger and add a gimmick like making your own character

Sonic Mania was amazing...it showed less is more.

2382d ago
PhoenixUp2383d ago

Polygon is a joke of a review site at times.

Take this one with a grain of salt.

Theknightofnights2383d ago (Edited 2383d ago )

Why is Polygon a joke of a review site specifically?

I'm not trying to defend them. I don't really know Polygon so I'm curious.

slappy5082382d ago

@Theknight Polygon uploaded a 30 min gameplay video of Doom. To say the least the gaming journalist absolutely sucked. In the video, the player is shown moving erratically and repeatedly missing targets while shooting various weapons. After many viewers left comments on the video pointing out the player’s lack of first-person shooter experience, the comments and ratings were disabled for the video Here it is if you feel like guaging your eyes out with a spoon https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Their other notable controversy was In the wake of the Zoe Post that spawned the GamerGate movement, the Polygon editor was found donating to the Patreon page of video game developer Zoe Quinn prior to reviewing her game. (I think since after that controversy they are required to disclose their contributions)
Then I guess from time to time you see real brain fart articles pop up like Shadow of War is racist. https://www.polygon.com/201...

Theknightofnights2382d ago

Don't know why I'm getting disagree's for asking a question.


Thank you for your response! Honestly, I think your second example is more notable than anything.

PhoenixUp2383d ago

I’d rather play this myself than let some journalist tell me what he thinks of it

AKR2383d ago

That's kind of how EVERY REVIEW EVER works. You're not supposed to take reviews as the end-all-be-all for anything; they're just opinions.

Jaypi032381d ago

True, but people take reviews as the final say in whether a game is something they'd enjoy or not.

georeo2383d ago

But why are you here if that's the case? You seem you would be ok with their opinion if it was in your favor. But soon as its negative you say the same narrative "I won't let them tell me what I can like" if that's the case just buy the game for your on input.

Psytrix2383d ago

Noooooooo.. Forces, you were the chosen one..! *Cries like a little Chinese school girl*

DarXyde2383d ago

Why a Chinese school girl?

Last I checked, they're pretty resilient. :P

This review is a pretty epic ouch. Looks like Mania is the way to go, as expected. We'll see how polarizing the other reviews are first.

Psytrix2383d ago (Edited 2383d ago )

Haha.. Dunno man - think I saw something on TV and it just stuck. Haven't bought Mania yet as it's still too expensive, fingers crossed other reviews are more forgiving, I haven't purchased a Sonic title since Generations and was really wanting to jump into it all again.

DrJones2382d ago

What do you mean resilient

-Foxtrot2382d ago

If you cry...you cry in Spanish

But seriously...I always assumed Mania was the chosen one.

RAM0N 2383d ago

I'm not surprised by this.

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