
The Mummy Demastered Review | TheXboxHub

Neil from TXH writes: "I grew up with the 16-bit era. Well, if truth be told I grew up a little before that, but 16-bit was a big gaming time for me. So getting the chance to head back to a bygone time of gaming, one that still very much holds a place in my heart was always going to happen. And for the most part, my time with The Mummy Demastered has been a good one.

But as we all know, gaming from decades past was a tough gig. And both the difficulty and draw of The Mummy Demastered highlights that perfectly."

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CoNn3rB1053d ago

Man the Mad Max game was really underrated when it came out


Top 10 Movie-Licensed Games (That Don’t Suck)

Lots of bad movie games are out there. But fortunately, a few good ones slipped through too! All of these titles "inspired by" great flicks are actually good too!

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cd11640d ago

Oh its one of those sh1t websites written by clowns that requires next, next, next. Don't bother.

Fluke_Skywalker1640d ago

Haven't read the article yet but if Goldeneye isn't on the list then the list is shit.