
Assassin's Creed Origins Microtransactions Confirmed, Helix Credits Make a Comeback

Here we are again

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UCForce2394d ago

Knew this was coming when they announced the loot box. "Sigh"

-Foxtrot2394d ago

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND....completely turned off

Well done Ubisoft

*slow claps*

Oh good that's still working

Eonjay2393d ago

This all seems so coordinated. Its like there is a group effort to hijack our hobby. I REALLY want to try this game, but I just can't support it. We aren't supporting devs when we buy this. We are only serving investors and executives who are never satisfied and always want more. It doesn't end, They even want us to think its okay to buy a $60 game with 50% of the content behind an additional monetizing system, and say "don't like it don't buy it" even though we just basically spend $60 on half a game.

-Foxtrot2393d ago

The problem is if we don't support it they'll play the sympathy card which will fool a lot of people making us look like the bad guys

"Bu bu bu I can't feed my family"

ThePope2393d ago

I wish they would just charge $70-$80 for the game.

Saigon2393d ago

to think, I was going to get this game, now I am not certain...ugh!!!

indysurfn2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

Omg........i'm out.

I might buy it used and no micro transactions. Even that I might skip

Good news is I think the bad press hurt destiny 2 sales......so if it hurts this one too it will send a message loud and clear

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2393d ago
HaveSumNuts2394d ago

2017 the year of the loot box

2394d ago Replies(6)
Christopher2393d ago

This is one of the key reasons I buy AC games when the gold edition hits about $30. The games aren't horrible, but I can't support day 1 full price for a SP game with microtransactions. Sure, it's an option, but it's an option I refuse to support by giving max price to the publishers.

I am hoping Far Cry remains MTs free in then upcoming game.

UnHoly_One2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

Here we go again.

"I refuse to buy something I want because they also sell something I don't want"

You know what... I'm going to stop supporting my local grocery store.

I love Miller Lite, but right there on the shelf next to it they also sell Budweiser, and I don't want that nasty beer, so I'm going to stop supporting that store. Nevermind the fact that I can continue to drink Miller Lite and the Budweiser wouldn't affect me in any way, the very fact that they dare to sell Budweiser has ruined my day, and I just won't be a party to that madness.

What the hell are they thinking? Trying to sell a product that I don't want? That's just stupid, and they should all go out of business and everyone should lose their jobs. That'll teach them. When I can't even buy Miller Lite anymore, I'll be happy knowing that I am the reason why nobody can buy anything at that store ever again. Because I was crying about them selling another product that had no effect on me at all.

rainslacker2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

Kind of a silly analogy.

I mean, Selling budweiser doesn't affect the taste of your miller lite.

A more apt analogy would be more along the lines of they sell your miller lite, but to get it's full flavor faster, you have to buy this extra flavor packet, otherwise, it takes longer for your beer to get cold...or something. Or, you pay extra for that miller lite to make you drunk faster, or pay to allow you to drink more miller lite without having to go to the bathroom as often.

Then to top it all off, they hide which extra purchase you're actually getting until you actually purchase it. So while you actually want that extra flavor packet, you actually get that thing that gets you drunk faster....which is a bummer, because you have to drive home. So you try again....but you get one that makes you not have to urinate as much....which you don't actually care about because your car already smells like urine because you happened to buy pabst blue ribbon a week prior.

UnHoly_One2392d ago

“Selling budweiser doesn't affect the taste of your miller lite”


And these micro transactions don’t affect the base game.

Don’t believe all the nonsense stories you read online and try Shadow of War for yourself. I’m nearing the end, haven’t spent any money, and nothing about the game is affected as a result.

Previous AC games let you buy maps and stuff like that, none of it is ever necessary unless you just want to rush through the game and not actually play it.

These transactions are designed to sell to people that want to blow through a game as fast as possible, not the ones that just want to play and enjoy.

Seems to me that a lot of the people on this site fall into the first category, and they can’t control themselves, so they rally against the game instead of their own issues.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2392d ago
moegooner882394d ago (Edited 2394d ago )

I was hesitated whether to get Origins or The Evil Within 2, after reading this I am so glad I went with the later.

Ashunderfire862394d ago

Evil Within 2 is a 7/10 and a rental at best. Save your money on Wolfenstein 2 or Mario Odyssey if you have Switch. Too many Microtransactions in games. Halo 5 and Injustice 2 had that terrible Micro crap I ignored.

moegooner882394d ago

I like to support SP games which offer a complete experience. I am 13 hours into the game and it is worth the full price. We can’t complain about micro transactions, then go renting games, at the very least get it digital later on when the price drops to benefit the devs.

Dark_Knightmare22394d ago

Yeah right evil within 1 was def a 7 but the sequel is easily an 8.5 or 9

Spike20XX2394d ago

this is absolute crap, don't listen to him, The Evil within 2 is one of the best Survival horror games since Silent Hill 2 came out. It's a 9/10 video game and a 10/10 survival horror.

mafiahajeri2394d ago (Edited 2394d ago )

And people moan when games dont get sequels. Renting, borrowing and game sharing, all of that shit hurts the industry.

I dont even enjoy my games if I dont pay for them in full, since it feels like Im cheating the devs.

Chexs19902394d ago

In your opinion maybe. For me, it's easily a 9/10 and worth the price of of admission. The way they blend corridor horror with "open world" survival, is really beautifully crafted. The game has issues yes, but the pros far outweighs the cons for me.
Like i told one of my friends, the game is a mix of the silent hill style atmosphere and monster design, and the Last of us hub area stealth/action survival gameplay.

leoms2393d ago

you're reading too much into reviews, the game is better than that.

Ashunderfire862393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

Evil Within 1 other than the terrible running out of breath every minute, had more variety with traps, enemies, and horror elements than the semi open world sequel Evil within 2! Evil Within 1 is the better game, but both games are average at best. 22 disagrees would regret not buying Wolfenstein 2 or Mario Odyssey over Evil Within 2. I actually beat Evil Within 2 and they rush the F in ending! It is a poor man excused that carbon copy the Last Of Us ending to a degree! Heck the monsters move and mimic the Clickers of Last of us!

Ashunderfire862393d ago

moegooner88 #

Wolfenstein 2 and Mario Odyssey are %100 percent single player that is your full experience to support. Like I said in my second post. Evil Within 1 is the better game with more variety, but both games are average at best. Yes the sequel improved the running out of breath thing, but it is still not perfect, even when you level it up to the max! Evil Within 2 carbon copy elements off of Last Of Us so blatantly, I am surprise none of you pick that up from it! I personally think it didn't need open world elements, but they should of made it more like the first. They had something going on there, despite the flaws. The enemy zombies had more variety of looks, even though they attack the same way in Evil Within 1. In Evil Within 2 they were a little lazy on the variety with the same 4 or 5 looking zombies that look like Hillbillies on meth throughout the game. In the beginning where you see the mother shoving a spoon of nasty food down her sons throat, was the last time you see that type of zombie. I won't spoil the later half of the game for you, but you will see a remainder of how better the first game was. There is a lack of variety of traps and puzzles in this game. Nothing beats the first game's apartment building levels! Wow that was a big highlight of the first game! If I were to buy this game again, I would buy it at a lower price like I did with the first game.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2393d ago
Seraphim2394d ago

"We can’t complain about micro transactions, then go renting games, at the very least get it digital later on when the price drops to benefit the devs."

and that my friend is a problem I've raided for years. Game sales are far too low. Granted there are the exceptions but overall games don't sell like they should. In part due to renting. With all this fuss about MTs we can't ask for no MTs but not support games in the process. End of the day this is business and if games aren't getting the sales they will scrap them. They will focus on GaaS. They will add MTs to help regain their investment, etc. If games only sold like they should perhaps we wouldn't be in this situation. Instead we get oh that doesn't have MP so I'm not buying it. Now it's oh that has MTs I'm not buying it. And on top of that it's save your money, games worth a rental. To each their own but if you value gaming you buy games. If it's not worth $60 to you wait till it's $30-40. Nowadays with Amazon it doesn't take long to catch a new/er game for $30-40 just 1-3 months after release.

Ashunderfire862393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

I absolutely agree with you on this. Too many gamers nowadays are 2 face, don't know what they really want. Just look at the game on Twitch, Youtube, or Ustream to make your decision if you want to pull the trigger, and buy the game.

XiNatsuDragnel2394d ago

Good job Ubisoft you made me turned off from this one too. Ugh sigh 😐

2393d ago
2394d ago Replies(1)
UCForce2394d ago

Are you seriously defend the scam system ?

XiNatsuDragnel2394d ago

Defending this are u serious

XtaZ2394d ago

You idiots act like Ubisoft is forcing you to buy their loot boxes. Game plays perfectly fine without them.

Nitrowolf22394d ago

Lol thats coming from the guy who defended loot box saying it wont use real money,


UCForce2394d ago

@Xtaz I think you need to understand Publishers use microtransaction to lure younger generation in. Being called "it's optional" is wrong. So yes, microtransaction is a scam.

CP_Company2393d ago

i can see that stupidity is only value in here. if you are stupid and writing what other stupid people thinks, then you are okey in here.

BlaqMagiq12393d ago

When a retard calls someone else a retard

fiveby92393d ago

How can people fall for the argument that you don't have to buy MTs and thus that makes it alright they exist in the SP game. The game is made to encourage tedious grind to incent people to spend money on MTs. MT development cost is relatively inexpensive and thus the profit margin very high. Naturally the game balance will be skewed. These type of games are all non-purchase.

And then you get ad hominem attacks by commenters here calling people idiots. Real classy.

RememberThe3572393d ago

Yeah of course it's everyone else. No way you could be wrong.

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isa_scout2393d ago

The answer isn't to not buy the game, its to not pay for lootboxes. If publishers keep putting them in its because people keep buying them. If a game is packed full of content why does it matter anyway? People made such a fuss about Shadow of War having microtransactions, and yet that game literally has over 100 hours of content. When I played it I completely forgot it even had lootboxes. If AC:Origins is the same way then will it even matter?

JEECE2393d ago

My thoughts exactly. I've never been tempted to buy a lootbox using real $ in any game. I'd much rather have them in a game than have to pay for maps.

Chocoburger2393d ago

It affects the game design. Games are all grindy filler crap these days.

Shadow of War is a perfect example, "over 100 hours of content" but its more like 100 hours of boring filler content. I've played the game for over 30 hours, and its been a boring slog, all designed to make it take longer unnecessarily so to push you towards micros.

You are the biggest problem in gaming, the ignorant gamer. You don't value intelligent or thoughtfully designed game mechanics. All you care about are pretty graphics, and "hours of content". True replay value comes from games that are replayable, not grindfests, but so few people realize this anymore.

Games used to be succinct, they used to have a beginning, a middle, and an end, without endless grinding for garbage "experience points" or "loot" (not counting JRPGs, but its an expected part of that genre). Nowadays most game developers can't make quality games that match what Nintendo has done back in the early 1990s, with Super Mario World, or the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

Super Mario World doesn't need "over 100 hours of content", it needs to know when its time for it to end. Shadow of War doesn't understand this, WB doesn't understand this, Ubisoft doesn't understand this. They just make long game with awful design in a giant open world filled with boring missions and pointless collectibles. They have stories with no meaning or thoughtfulness, that have nothing to say, cutscenes for the sake of cutscenes.

Gamers should value quality over quantity. Don't give me "over 100 hours of content" which is all repetitive drivel. Give me an excellent 20 hour game, give me a game so good that I'll want to naturally replay it. This is something you don't understand, but you're not alone, most gamers these days don't know what good game design or game mechanics are anymore.

How can we expect the gaming industry to ever improve if gamers themselves can't even figure out whats wrong with gaming to being with?

JEECE2393d ago


It sounds like you just don't like RPGs. As you noted yourself, grinding has been a part of JRPGs forever, even back in the glorious 1990s when everything was wonderful. Why is it okay for JRPGs to have level-grinding, but it isn't for western games? While I agree with you that the 12-25 hour game experiences are more fun, my opinion isn't fact. Some people like to grind through random encounters over and over to level up and get new gear. I fail to see how that makes them the terrible, ignorant people you seem to think they are. It just means they like different things than I (and apparently you) do.

isa_scout2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

@Chocoburger You ever heard of RPGs? Grinding is something that is part of the core gameplay in games like RuneScape and Diablo, both of which are old franchises. I've been playing video games since I was old enough to hold an Atari joystick in my hand yet you talk about the old days like repetitive grinding hasn't been there since gaming became popular decades ago. I can understand that you didn't like Shadow of War, all I'm saying is lootboxes don't change the core game experience in certain games. I don't like lootboxes in general so I don't buy them ,but Shadow of War is a perfect example of a game where lootboxes didn't negatively impact the game. It plays exactly like Mordor with the same gameplay loop and mission design. I wasn't arguing that Shadow of War was a great game only that lootboxes didn't negatively impact the way it was played. That is all I care about....Gameplay. Games are not ALL filler crap either. Zela:BotW,Horizon,South Park,Last of Us, Skyrim, I could go on and on.

UnHoly_One2393d ago

Chocoburger, it sounds to me like you just don't like the game, which has nothing to do with lootboxes.

I've been playing Shadow of War for almost 60 hours. I'm level 51 I think, and about to go into what appears to be the final mission, but I know it actually is just the transition to the final act.

I haven't bought a single loot box, just a few XP boosts with the gold I acquired from playing the game normally. I haven't needed to.

And the game has been super fun the whole time.

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10 Video Game Sequels That Saved Their Franchise

Video game sequels like Assassin's Creed Origins, Doom (2016), and Fire Emblem Awakening were just what these franchises needed to be revitalized.

Immagaiden375d ago

Lmao what’s Halo Infinite doing on this list?

Who would ever say Halo Infinite saved the Halo franchise

SullysCigar374d ago

Thought the same - very bizarre!

RE7 though... my God, what a shift over RE6! That franchise was definitely going in the wrong direction, so RE7 was a welcome return to form.

ModsDoBetter374d ago

Resi 6 was and still is the worst entry in the series.
7 was a great turnaround, despite people’s concerned about the switch to FP perspective.

DMC5 definitely helped the franchise after the whole DmC debacle. Whilst it was a decent action game, it was a far cry from the series and the characters we knew.

AC Origins is my favourite in the entire AC series. Despite the switch to a more RPG style of gameplay - the setting, soundtrack, length, etc were all amazing. sadly followed up by the ridiculously long and “more of the same” Odsyssey.

I don’t feel it’s fair to say the franchise slipped with Doom 3, Doom 3 was incredibly atmospheric and took the game in a different direction but there’s no denying Doom (2016) was sensational.

Halo 4 & 5 were disappointing but Halo Infinite definitely didn’t save the franchise? What?

TheEnigma313374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

I'm going to have to go with SMB 3. I was around when SMB 2 first came out and people hated it. 3 is still arguably the best mario game created.

HellspawnPR1981374d ago

"Halo Infinite"? Worse Halo ever. Whoever made this list just lost all credibility.

Hofstaderman374d ago

In future lists of a similar nature I have a suspicion Final Fantasy XVI will feature.


Six Best Historically Accurate Games

GF365: "Out of the many historically accurate games out there, these are our picks for the six best games that are historically accurate. While these games aren't completely accurate, they depict the times and situations of history well. Plus, they're all a lot of fun to play, too."

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jznrpg529d ago

Historically accurate from the past is tough to truly know and judge especially the farther you go back because history is written from the people in power and doesn’t mean it’s the truth just the narrative they wanted to tell.

I don’t care about historically accurate in most games because they are games not biographies or history books . Just make the game fun , good gameplay and such .

Ghost of Tsushima wasn’t historically accurate in many things but I loved the game . Many examples like it .


Ubisoft Announces Financials "Well Above Target" Thanks to Assassin's Creed and Rainbow Six Siege

Assassin's Creed and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege drive Ubisoft's financial results well above target.

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560d ago