
Eidos Expands on Extended Chapters

Tombraiderchronicles.com reports:
The announcement by Eidos to produce extended chapters exclusively for owners of Microsoft's Xbox 360 video-games console has been met with mixed reaction, especially from those planning to steer Lara Croft through her latest adventure on one of the additional five platforms being catered for. We checked in with Eidos who shed some light on the decision.

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Rick Astley5695d ago

Couldn't agree more. There hasn't been a DECENT Tomb Raider game since the very first one on PS1 LOL!

PirateThom5694d ago

I dunno, Rick, I quite liked II and III.

Then again, I was 12 when III came out. ;)

morganfell5694d ago

I don't screw with these companies anymore. I can buy any number of titles I want. That isn't bragging, it's just a fact from having played my cards correctly. That's an old one but it is the one I have on file.


I have about 15-20 titles preordered or paid off at any one time. But when a company does something like this in the middle of a game heavy season I just scratch my order. There are too many titles coming this fall. I just canceled my TomRaider order today and kicked it over to Endwar.

Max Power5694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

have to scratch Tiberium from that list as well.

EDIT: to below, well thats good, it is still a nice list.

morganfell5694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

Yeah I know. As I said it is an older list. I have added a few reservations, picked up an item or two as well. They have also shifted dates on a few. I also reserved the new PSP that I will be picking up as well.

The idea I put forth stands as the fact remains there are just too many good games coming this fall to give away money to Eidos for TR. Let MS pay them.

DaTruth5694d ago

Just give me Tomb Raider 2 downloadable from PSN that I can play on my PSP and forget Tomb Raider forever!

BattleAxe5694d ago

Clearly Microsofts strategy is to dump most of its internel game studios and buy exclusive games and DLC content. After Banjo it will be interesting to see if they dump Rare.

Bnet3435694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

Fake. Look at who submitted it, and click on link. He changed the title.

TheDude2dot05694d ago

That could just be a coincidence...

Baba19065694d ago

i enjoyed legends and anniversary very much. so im pretty excited about this one.

uie4rhig5694d ago

everybody knew this..

/sarcasm :P

seriously tho.. both sony and MS should stop with these exclusive DLC and these companies should stop accepting this deal.. coz first of al, they get more.. and its unfair to the gamers, not everybody gets the full experience

gaffyh5694d ago

Tomb Raider is going to be crap anyway, why would you buy DLC for a game that will most likely suck? Also MS needs this game more than Sony, cos Uncharted is much better (you can tell just by looking at gameplay vids of Tomb Raider), so MS needs it's own Uncharted, Tomb Raider is the closest thing to that.

Though I would like to say, MS don't waste your money on crap games like this!!!

XboxOZ3605694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

Unfortunately mate, Tiberium has been canceled as a stand-alone game and will not be made or developed further. Sadly. It was shaping up to be a top looking game. http://planetcnc.gamespy.co...

On a second note, the article that this belongs to says nothing about how much MS paid for the Exclusive content and merely reiterates the fact that MS asked how they could extend the gameplay for XboxLIVE users, and the two chapters were the result.

"Microsoft asked us how we could extend the fantastic Tomb Raider: Underworld gameplay experience, exclusively, for their thriving Xbox Live community and these two new downloadable chapters were the result." says Eidos, who also confirm there are no plans for additional downloadable content for PS3. .... "Both extended chapters feature individual storylines, based in different environments and with very different mission objectives and gameplay. They are linked to Underworld, they take place following events that occur during Underworld. "

And naturally, any company asking another to produce content that would otherwise NOT be made, would have to pay for that content to be made. As you can see, if anyone read it, is that it is not simply the end of the game with something tacked on, but TWO separate chapters, the second one having a separate playable character, Lara's Shadow . . .

SO naturally, Edios are not going to spend a few more Mill on making additional content unless they get suitably rewarded for their efforts. Now if anyone says that it should be for free, and that all platforms should have it, they obviously have never been in, or are in any form of business, nor dealt with production business of this sort.

It's simply sour-grapes based on the fact that MS ask first for some exclusive content before Son=y did.

You can be sure that Sony will be looking at other MP games that they might well have additional content, they have done so already, so why the complaining. They have done with Mirror's Edge, they basically beat MS to the punch.

This time MS beat Sony to the line with Tomb Raiders, so stop the whinging and complaining, it reaks of immaturity big time.

Sure, be unhappy, even disgruntled, I am about Mirror's Edge, but I understand Sony did it for a reason, and applaud them for getting in before MS did. Serves MS" right for not acting quick enough. But this is how business works these days, get used to it, or get out of the kitchen . . .

Sony would have to do the same (pay for the content) if they asked Edios to do it before MS did, as would Nifty Nintendo. Don't go thinking that it's a conspiracy to hoodwink gamers. It's simple business matters that anyone in business know.

You want content, you pay for it, simple as that. Be that Sony, MS or Nintendo

CyberCam5694d ago

You're right and I do agree with what you said, but I also agree with morganfell(1.3). Being a PS3 owner, I don't want partial experience, I want the complete gaming experience without having to buy another console. So I will opt to not buy this game because there are just too many other complete games being released around the time frame. No big deal, my measly single copy is not going make or break the game sales. Enjoy the game!

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5694d ago
Silogon5695d ago

GASP! No, they couldn't... they wouldn't have!! Please, was there any doubt? Microsoft would make a lousy country leader if all they ever did was pay off the enemy.

sonarus5694d ago

Nice to know ensemble money was used to purchase tomb raider dlc and demo:D

I love microsoft let me run off and hug my new 360 while my ps3 is at the shop:D

NegativeCreep4275694d ago

Like I've said before, Microsoft is like a totally retarded rich boy that goes off to college and that can't get anything done on his own, so he instead has to pay off other smart students to do his homework for him so he'll still get good grades.

JasonXE5694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

of course steve will say that..hello!! That's like ps fanboys posting on n4g saying how the 360 suxs...oh wait. Another thing is check the actual story title and story itself. The story title was changed from the orginal story and it mentions no where that ms paid for it.

FACEPALM to ps n4g trolls.

thebudgetgamer5694d ago

your pretty quick to throw that word around you don't know me.
Anyways I put it up for laughs and i thought it was apt to the story. So don't be hyper defensive play the games you like and relax.

Happy Gaming :)

tigerstyle5694d ago


You Fail.
True that microsoft have no original stuff to offer. Same old garbage windows with different colors.

GiantEnemyCrab5694d ago

Yes, how dare they give the owners of their platform exclusive content!

I guess $ony has no shame as well since they are doing it for Mirrors Edge eh?

Anyway, nowhere does it confirm MS paid for anything, the only thing confirmed is Internet Trolling Expert has now expanded his bullsh*t beyond just trolling every single 360 article and now is submitting news stories with his fake titles that fit his agenda.

3005694d ago

This article is in the PS3 and 360 sections, no one is trolling, it free for owners of both consoles to comment, or don’t you understand the concept of an internet forum?

Nothing wrong with exclusive content. Sony’s 1st party titles are exclusive to them, and M$ pay developers for exclusive content to Multi-platform games. You say nowhere does it confirm MS paid for anything.

Hmm, i imagine the talk between MS and Eidos went something like this.

Microsoft Rep to Eidos “hello, I’m from Microsoft and we have a proposal for you.”

Eidos “Yes, whats that.”

Microsoft, “we want exclusive add-ons for your new Tomb Raider game, exclusive to the 360 of course.”

Eidos, “Thats sounds like something we could do, ok let talk terms and cost.”

Microsoft, “Oh no, we’re not gonna pay for it, we want you to do it for nothing, just because you like us so much.”

Eidos, “of course we’ll do it for nothing, we’ll put all our resources, hours of work etc into it, just because your so nice. It’s not like we’re running a business or anything. Money, (slaps forehead), what a silly suggestion.”

Microsoft, “thank you very much.”

End Sarcasm.

Really, do you think they just bribed Eidos with a lolly pop?

lelo5694d ago

@Breakfast "Confirmed: MS has no shame"

Mirror's Edge has DLC for the PS3... so i guess...

Confirmed: SONY has no shame.

XboxOZ3605694d ago

Simply another disgruntled Sony fans, but I bet you weren't saying the same thing when Sony nabbed Exclusive DLC on Mirror's Edge etc. no, didn't think so.

So it's okay if Sony does it, but not if MS does it, after all, MS is the devil - isn't it . . come on, how old are you . . act mature if you want to be treated with maturity. Business is business, and both Sony and Ms will be looking at securing different levels of exclusive DLC in the future, it's just how they are doing it now-days.

3005694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

XboxOZ360 please make clear who your replying too, your comments seem to be directed at me.

I'll say again, "Nothing wrong with exclusive content. Sony’s 1st party titles are exclusive to them, and Microsoft pay developers for exclusive content".

Yes, Mirrors Edge has exclusive content paid for by Sony, nothing wrong, I'll repeat, NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Its OK if Sony does it and its OK if MS does to IMO, perhaps you should read someones comments and comprehend their point before you talk about maturity. The article didn't state money was paid by MS, even though MS approached Eidos. Its pretty certain money was involved, this is business after all, they wouldn't go to such lengths as to produce DLC content for the 360 unless the almighty dollar was waved in front of them.

Edit: Sorry XboxOZ360, just read your comment further down below, which states pretty much what i just said, guess your comment was aimed at someone else.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5694d ago
Deviant5695d ago

MS doesnt care about developing any new ips. Their only goal is to buy all the ps3 third party exclusives.

Megatron085694d ago

If you were smart enough to actually read you know that it doesnt say MS paid them anything but hey why let little things like facts get in the way of your fanboy spin

NegativeCreep4275694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

"Microsoft asked us how we could extend the fantastic Tomb Raider: Underworld gameplay experience, EXCLUSIVELY, for their thriving Xbox Live community and these two new downloadable chapters were the result."

Yeah, and you yourself wouldn't let a little thing like opening you're eyes and actually reading every word in every sentence in the entire article get in the way of you're delusional B.S.

theEnemy5694d ago

Confirmed: Megatron08 = Megaidiot.

iHEARTboobs5694d ago

It's confirmed in each thread. haha

DaTruth5694d ago

lololololololololololololololo lolol!!!!!!!

Megatron085694d ago

NegativeCreep427 its amazing that you can actually quote something and still not know what its says.

"Microsoft asked us how we could extend the fantastic Tomb Raider: Underworld gameplay experience, EXCLUSIVELY, for their thriving Xbox Live community and these two new downloadable chapters were the result."

where is the word PAID in that ?

of its a waste of time to write things for fanboys when fanboys are to stupid to know how to read

Menchi5694d ago

You're not seriously that deluded, are you?

So, Microsoft went to Eidos, asked to do exclusive content, essentially, a bunch more work, for free, did they?

You actually believe Eidos decided to do -extra work- for Microsoft alone, out of the goodness of their hearts? O_o;

My God.

theEnemy5694d ago

So, Eidos is making Microsoft an exclusive DLC that is worth 6 hours of gameplay that will be made by 20-30 developers/designers that Eidos will obviously pay for their hours.

And not to mention a very high chance of many PS3-only gamers not to buy this game (Like what I'm gonna do) cause they feel like they will be buying an incomplete game for $60.

Very nice logic sir.

XboxOZ3605694d ago

Of course MS paid, but the article is in no way saying how much it paid, simply that it did ask Edios to make special content for the game that only XboxLIVE users could get, and that would extend the game rather than simply add some extra bits-n-pieces to it.

I'm a MS fan, hence the name and website, but MS do pay for things and so do other companies, Sony included. Don't be too blinded by support for a platform to think no one does. It's a business from all sides, and Edios would not make two extra chapters, and additional playable character all for nothing . .

The second DLC will add an additional 6 hours of game play, almost a complete small game, so it will require money to have that made, without question.

And while I do support MS through my choice, I do not like MS Corp per-se', never have, never will. But I do have some respect for the original guys who started up the Xbox Platform (1st Gen Xbox) and started the whole deal of XboxLIVE and the 360 way back as early as 2001/2.

However, their teams are splitting of late and their ethos is changing, but at least there are still gamers in the main teams that have some control of the platform - at the moment. When Ed Fries left, there was a whole to fill that not many could, and it was his enthusiasm, his development skills and game design skills that helped the platform succeed. Not MS Corp.

Megatron085694d ago

XboxOZ360 I never said they didnt pay for it I said it doesnt say they paid for it. So you cant assume that they did when you have no idea of the business arrangement that was made. A pay off isnt the only kind of business arrangement that can be made and its not alway the best one. 360 owners still have to pay for all for the DLC so its not like eidos doesnt make money off it. They could also be working the new xbox experience in the DLC and maybe its just not possible to port that to the ps3 at all

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XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow1d 15h ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

Zachmo18220h ago

Microsoft didn't force MLB on Xbox. MLB gave Sony 2 options either go multiplat or risk losing the license.

Rynxie10h ago

And why do you think MLB said that? I believe Ms approached MLB.

ApocalypseShadow9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Totally ridiculous comment.

The only exclusivity Sony had was to their own creation of The Show. Microsoft could have paid the MLB for the license just like Sony did and made their own baseball game.

Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox. They're worth 3 TRILLION dollars. You think that's not enough money to make their own baseball game? Don't be delusional.

Microsoft spun it like they always do and told the media that they had to trust Sony with their hardware. After they put Sony in that position of not having a choice. Either go multiplatform or stop making one of their successful games. That's a no win scenario.

And what did Microsoft do? They didn't try to sell the game to the Xbox community. They put it on game pass to hurt Sony. Pushing the idea of why buy games that are $70 when you can play them in their cheap service for $10. It was a dirty tactic.

You fell for the Kool aid drink Microsoft served you instead of spitting it out. Hope it tasted good because you were fooled by Phil and the gang.

5h ago
Hereandthere1h ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Bond revealed that MLB The Show “always came up” in conversations between Microsoft and the Major League Baseball organization. “We always said, ‘We love this game. It would be a huge opportunity to bring it to Xbox.'” she recalled. However, when Microsoft’s efforts materialized, it put the company in an awkward situation where it had to send in pre-release consoles to a rival company.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
Notellin6h ago

"Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox."

Take a nap, conspiracies are rotting your brain.

5h ago
Hereandthere1h ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Hereandthere1h ago

They were too cheap/inept/lazy to develop their own mlb game, so they port begged for years and bribed the mlb to make the show multiplatform. Like i said many times, xbox brought nothing to the table their 24 years, ZERO.

OtterX23h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

RNTody23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno22h ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.

Inverno20h ago

They shut down the servers, that's millions of user created levels gone. That and dead are pretty much the same, it's also been years since 3 and they cancelled HUB soooo.

5h ago
fsfsxii6h ago

They shutdown the servers because no one was playing, no one in the community cared about the user created levels so why keep them up? Wtf you guys would never succeed in running a business.

Inverno5h ago

Yea dood no one was playing so they shut off the servers. Cause people with enough common sense can't just Google why they were actually shut of, right?

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