
Former Naughty Dog Employee Says He Was Sexually Harassed

PSLS: "Former Naughty Dog Environment Artist and Multiplayer Level Layout Artist David Ballard has come forward with allegations of sexual harassment. Ballard says that the incident occurred in late 2015, and that his working environment became increasingly toxic due to the harasser being a lead. According to Ballard, when he went to the Sony PlayStation human resources department in February 2016 (after suffering from a mental breakdown), he was fired the next day. Ballard says he was then offered $20,000 to stay quiet about the ordeal, but he declined the offer."

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AspiringProGenji2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

It is pretty rare to hear a man saying he is/was being sexually harassed lol, but anyways that is just horrible! He should have sued

UCForce2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

Yes, it does. Next week, he will have list of them.

Cupid_Viper_32403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

A Very disgusting act that should have been resolved on the spot. Sexual assault, time to get the cops involved and file the appropriate charges and let justice be served. If guilty, then serve the time.

Sexual assault is soooo common still, and it happens to both sexes although not at the same rate. From men forcing themselves onto women/men, stealthing, etc, to women tricking men into getting them pregnant and getting them on the hook for child support or to prevent them from leaving a relationship.

I think it's about time that we get to the bottom of this as a society. I am now watching Sony very closely to see how they handle this situation.

Eonjay2403d ago

Okay so while I agree, its always hard to prove so its hard for us to say that someone should be fired because they are accused. The problem is that if this happened once, it probably happened again and thats where we go after HR if they ignored it. There is this huge problem where powerful people can do crap like this and get away from it when there are people in power who can stop it.

ElementX2403d ago

@Cupid, there's a difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault. This wasn't assault.

Cupid_Viper_32403d ago


You sir, are correct. And I stand corrected.

There is no place in our society for sexual harassment or assault.

I don't have the tolerance for either of them.

psyxon2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

There's a difference between sexual assault and sexual harassment. This article/story has nothing to do with the former. Anyway, why is he just coming forward now? Is this the new trend, because the famous celebs are doing it? Not trying to be a dick, but it's nearly impossible to prove the validity of the claim, so at this point it's basically he said, (s)he said Hopefully it works out for him, though. Too many people act like sexual harassment is something men don't also have to deal with.

2403d ago
morganfell2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

Yeah let's burn Naughty Dog at the stake...why wait for evidence?

What Ballard states may very well be true, but I do not think we should be frying people in oil until there is some proof.

Has no one heard of the Duke Lacrosse Case? Based on just an accusation, the DA Mike Nifong was on TV in short order promising to boil the suspects alive. The justice system along with the court of public opinion proceeded to ruin the lives of 3 college students and trash the entire lacrosse team. They were pracitcally convicted the day they were arrested. Even though all of it was later proved to be a lie, the DA was removed from office, and monetary compensation was awarded, time isn't something one can simply return. Some opportunities passed the accused forever.

As I said, Ballard's accusations may prove to be 100% accurate. After all, no one has ever falsely accused a former employer of wrongdoing, right? No one ever attempted to capitalize on current affairs. But whether his remarks are true or not is immaterial. Due process is the right of every person associated with the charges.

strifeblade2403d ago

wow, sony offering 20k to keep quiet, and we champion sony as the saviour of gaming when they are complicent for sexual harassment. Thats disgusting

Cupid_Viper_32403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

@ morganfell

There is a lot of wisdom in your words and as you cited there have been plenty of cases of people being falsely accused of horrible acts and in turn have had their lives/careers ruined.

So just to be clear, I'm not advocating that anyone jump to conclusions before getting all the facts. What I am advocating though is that we all be more aware of these acts and not turn a blind eye to them if/when we confront them in our lives. As a society, we shouldn't be burning anyone at the stake without the factual evidence of wrongdoing. At the same time, it is equally important that we allow the people who've been victimized, a safe place to report these acts.

The current state of affairs creates an environment where this is what we get as a result. Either people are presuming that the accused is guilty before all the fact, because they feel that otherwise nothing will be done about it. And the pushback to that is that people will judge the accuser a liar because they think they're in it because it is what is trendy right now, or to get back at a company/someone for something in the past. So both sides tend to get overzealous and overprotective. And pretty soon the whole situation becomes and 'us vs them' type of thing.

I really do believe that a big reason why we so often have these outcomes is because we haven't really HONESTLY discussed the topic. it's 2017 and you'd be surprised at how prevalent sexual harassment/assault is, and at the percentage of people who think that women are the only victims. If we (as a people) can't even get the basic nature of the issue hand, then we (as a people) haven't really discussed it enough.

InactiveUser2403d ago

Everyone jumping to conclusions, already know who's guilty and innocent, who's telling the truth or making up stories, dumb.

InMyOpinion2403d ago

Maybe it was his own fault for dressing like a slut?

morganfell2402d ago


You referred to the matter as a disgusting act. That is stating it occurred. Instead it is a matter that should have been investigated and resolved properly one way or the other. And I mean properly. Often times if something does indeed occur, certain persons want to blame the employer and the atmosphere (that's where the money is after all) and sometimes this is the case. Businesses can create a situation where such harmful and offensive acts may not necessarily be condoned but are certainly overlooked.

But often times you just have the issue of a lone individual acting out within an otherwise healthy work environment. Or no one did anything at all and it is simply a case of a fired employee seeking retribution at any cost. One of the remarks people have made about ND is the situation there and what a wonderful place it is to work. The lone exception is the publicized disagreement between Amy Hennig and the Druckmann and that was simply a matter of a creative and directional disagreement where someone did not get what they want and left. And it turns out in the opinion of most gamers that it was good for the Uncharted story line Hennig did not get her way.

You also said you are watching Sony closely to see how they handle this. Those are the words of someone that feels Sony needs to step in and make amends, make things right because you have decided their is guilt on the part of Sony and Naughty Dog.

Perhaps in retrospect you realize that you jumped the gun. That is great. But that initial post clearly, in your words, has ND and Sony responsible for some wrong doing.

SoulMikeY2402d ago

Cupid, this isn’t sony’s Problem or responsibility. This new mentality of people that have nothing to do with it getting involved is long overdue to be done. This is strictly and solely on ND to handle. They, just like Bungie/ Microsoft in the past, are a partner to Sony, not owned.

morganfell2402d ago

"wow, sony offering 20k to keep quiet, and we champion sony as the saviour of gaming when they are complicent for sexual harassment. Thats disgusting"

Wow, convicting the accused with absolutely zero evidence when we live in a society of innocent until proven guilt. Glad you are not in charge of the Justice System. That's disgusting.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2402d ago
2403d ago Replies(8)
-Foxtrot2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

Maybe I'm being blind but does it say who it was by?

Man or woman

Kind of funny how Neil toots his horn about sexism and the like but completely "missed" this situation, a serious issue towards his own gender.

UCForce2403d ago

We will find out soon enough.

bluefox7552403d ago Show
-Foxtrot2403d ago Show
Liqu1d2403d ago Show
-Foxtrot2403d ago Show
rainslacker2403d ago Show
Liqu1d2403d ago Show
psyxon2403d ago

Assuming this guy is telling the truth, yeah, I guess.

VideoGamesAreDumb2403d ago

"a serious issue towards his own gender"

Hi there. Serious question, do you have a soul?

NG123452403d ago

Exactly! Neil is probably the culprit himself, used his authority to take advantage of him.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2403d ago
bluefox7552403d ago

I'm sure it happens far more than is reported. I imagine most guys are afraid they won't be taken seriously if they come out with it.

Kribwalker2403d ago

wow, classy guys. deflecting and making jokes about someone that has a mental breakdown and becomes unemployed for over a year and a half because they were a victim.....stay classy guys

AspiringProGenji2403d ago

> Classy
> Internet

Pick one!

filius2403d ago

You must not be good looking and very cynical to say that and then have the audacity to laugh about it.

AspiringProGenji2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

Just like rarely anyone would take a man getting harassed seriously, but yeah I'm ugly and cynical. Thanks Society! Btw if Sony and ND didn't work this out and the guy got fired the that was horrible on their part like I said. Now what the guy said may have two sides like any argument, so I just leave it to him to do something about it. However after two years he hasn't done something or sued Sony or ND then I don't know...

blackblades2403d ago Show
AspiringProGenji2403d ago

It is not funny but that is how men harassment is taken most of the times. Like I said, he should sue, but if in two years he hasn’t done anything then it may be too late

Xenophon_York2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )


As someone who has suffered from the mental stresses of the work place and sexual harassment I find it insulting to read your comment with an "lol," because it is a mortifying experience. If it happened to you I thoroughly doubt you'd laugh about it in any regard.

While you may not have meant anything by it you should wholeheartedly think before you comment about delicate issues such as these.

Such a shame to read about this happening at Naughty Dog.

AspiringProGenji2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

My sincere apologies for the “lol” part. like you said, that wasn’t needed. It is just something that rarely happens or gets exposed but like I said it is still horrible and something should have been done about it already

Mr-Dude2403d ago

If these allegations are true, its terrible business practice to sweep it under the rug and attempt to silence the victim. However if these are unfounded, the ex-dev may have landed himself in very very hot water. I would hope that he has evidence to bring to a court, if either party decides to do so, because openly naming companies can lead to slander.
Since no official comments have been made nor surface of evidence, we should not blame anyone for anything.

Ceaser98573612402d ago

Don't know what to make of this because sexual harassment laws are the most misused on planet Earth.
But it is still a very serious crime that does happen a lot.
Hope ND take action against the harasser if it is proven true.
This will affect their games if courts are involved.

2402d ago
pinkcrocodile752402d ago

did you put a "lol" in reference to male sexual harassment?

That's like putting a "rofl" in reference to people leaping to their deaths when the twin towers came down.

Not funny.

Mr-Dude2402d ago

Naught Dog has released a statement

"We have recently read on social media that an ex-employee of Naughty Dog, Dave Ballard, claims he was sexually harassed when he worked at Naughty Dog. We have not found any evidence of having received allegations from Mr. Ballard that he was harassed in any way at Naughty Dog or Sony Interactive Entertainment. Harassment and inappropriate conduct have no place at Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment. We have taken and always will take reports of sexual harassment and other workplace grievances very seriously. We value every single person who works at Naughty Dog and Sony interactive Entertainment. It is of utmost importance to us that we maintain a safe, productive workplace environment that allows us all to channel our shared passion for making games."


Ashunderfire862402d ago

Terry Cruz was gropped In front of his wife by an executive! So it is not that rare to hear a man complain of being sexually harassed.

DillyDilly2402d ago

Terry Crews was a victim in Hollywood

subtenko2402d ago

so how is that funny then (lol)?

lxeasy2402d ago

I am very disappointed in Sony for try to silence him

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2402d ago
UCForce2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

"Sigh" This issues really need to address from ND and Sony. Jesus Christ ! This make me angry.

Razzer2402d ago (Edited 2402d ago )

lol....what? So you are just buying every word of this? This guy is telling 100% truth and ND and Sony are just "disgraceful". Let's not consider the possibility that this is just a disgruntled fired employee.....nah.

andrewsquall2402d ago

@Razzer Well what the hell did you expect from Septic lol? If this was about Sony charging a lot for an expansion/ DLC but refusing to do loot boxes he would say the exact same thing.

Gazondaily2402d ago

Disgraceful of Sony and ND *If true*

Y'all happy now?

freshslicepizza2402d ago

When can we expect a response from Sony and/or Naughty Dog?

Razzer2402d ago (Edited 2402d ago )

"We have recently read on social media that an ex-employee of Naughty Dog, Dave Ballard, claims he was sexually harassed when he worked at Naughty Dog. We have not found any evidence of having received allegations from Mr. Ballard that he was harassed in any way at Naughty Dog or Sony Interactive Entertainment. Harassment and inappropriate conduct have no place at Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment. We have taken and always will take reports of sexual harassment and other workplace grievances very seriously. We value every single person who works at Naughty Dog and Sony interactive Entertainment. It is of utmost importance to us that we maintain a safe, productive workplace environment that allows us all to channel our shared passion for making games."


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2402d ago
freshslicepizza2403d ago ShowReplies(9)
StifflerK2403d ago

Just been reading about this on twitter - it's bad enough he was harassed , but what HR did was just as bad.

I hope he gets his career back on track, also I hope the harasser + the person who handled the case at HR gets what's coming to them.

rainslacker2403d ago

If he was actually fired for reporting the harassment, then very likely the person in HR didn't make that call. I agree that if that's the case that everyone who made that decision should be disciplined appropriately, up to and including studio leads and execs.

However, the fact that Sony HR had to get involved, seemingly due to the breakdown, means that the reasons for letting him go may be more on him for doing something he shouldn't have which would cause an uncomfortable situation at the dev....which wouldn't be unheard of in a breakdown situation. There is nothing in the quote which indicates that Sony HR or ND knew anything about the harassment before the breakdown, and it seems his assumption is that them letting him go is due to him bringing the accusation, when it's possible that it was due to some inappropriate outburst due to the breakdown.

2403d ago
pinkcrocodile752402d ago

You should work for Fox News. You're unscrupulous,, willing to muddy the waters with no evidence what so ever and even manipulate the fact to suggest it's the victims fault.

It's like telling the public that it's a women's own fault that she was raped while insisting she MUST NEVER abort the baby because it's unchristian.

Simple this to take from you comment,

A. You're full of sh1t.
B. Wait until this goes to court and the facts come out.
C. Calm down the give the victim all the public support we can.

2402d ago
Xenophon_York2403d ago


Willing to guarantee you hit the nail on the head. Every sexual harassment scenario I've witnessed usually gets wrapped up in something else. This helps the company have at least one other issue to shamelessly shift attention. Anything to discredit such a negative media event as sexual harassment—especially with these big corporations.

guywazeldatatt2403d ago

HR's job, literally, is to protect the company. They do not care about employees. What HR did is despicable but that's what HR does all the time. Literally HR did its job, which makes it all the more depressing.

KTF262403d ago

if it's true
then what HR did wasn't as bad it was worst

RommyReigns2403d ago

HR are scum (not just the Sony HR team in this case, HR in general).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2402d ago
Miss_Weeboo2403d ago

It's horrible. If they offered him money is even worse. I hope you have something to say about all this Naughty/Sony. Do something about it or even deny it (and then prove it), but you can't just ignore this.

Black0ut2402d ago

If they did indeed offer him 20k to be silenced then thats just as criminal as the assault.

Disgusting if true.

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Helldivers II sales top 12 million

Gematsu writes: "Cooperative third-person shooter Helldivers II has sold 12 million units as of May 5, publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Arrowhead Game Studios announced."

shadowT1h ago

Congratulations Arrowhead Game Studios!

Hofstaderman1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

And well-deserved. I'm having a ball of a time so far. Just need to change out my heavy armour, it's a murder on my stamina and sprinting.

derek21m ago(Edited 21m ago)

SIE managed to find success with gaas quicker than I suspected. Arrowhead did a great job getting past that initial launch difficulty, I've been playing again recently doing mostly solo missions. Can't even get off the damn planet after completing everything, lol.

Lexreborn217m ago

12 million is crazy, but it also paints an opposite picture to what the forums would have you believe about gaas. And it being more successful then the single player games of late also kind of proves to an executive gaas IS. what the consumer wants.


Square Enix Preparing for Layoffs in U.S. and Europe Amid Heavy Restructuring

In a town hall that took place on Monday, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu reportedly confirmed imminent layoffs in the U.S. and Europe.

17h ago
lelo2play15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Square should ask Sony for more money...

Outside_ofthe_Box10h ago

Square should ask Microsoft to buy them out...

FinalFantasyFanatic8h ago

So that Microsoft can close down the studio after doing nothing with them? Right...

gleepot15h ago

Sad but true. It's the consequence of a shift in player habits, massive overhead, and out of control budgets across the industry.

blackblades16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

What did NA and EU did anyways? Just translate or something? I would say it might help them get back to there roots but DK.

Hofstaderman15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Actually, you are correct they play a hand in localization especially in Europe with the many languages. That and marketing.

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Xbox Gives Incoherent Explanation For ‘Hi-Fi Rush’ Studio Closure

The gaming world is still reeling from the announcement that Microsoft is shuttering Tango Gameworks, the studio behind last year’s big Xbox hit, Hi-Fi Rush.

Reaper22_11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

They have a reason but they don't need to give a explanation. Gamers nowadays think they have a say so in telling people how to run their company. It's not the end of the world, fanboys. Microsoft is gonna due what benefits them the most. It's never been about you. Same with sony. Some of you need to get a grip. The crazy part is that some of the ones complaining don't even own an xbox.

enkiduxiv11h ago

I don’t own an Xbox and I have no real interest in HiFi Rush. I just hate to see a talented group of people lose their jobs when they did everything that was asked of them. You know… the decent, normal reaction to have when something like this happens.

Relientk771d 14h ago

There's no logical or good reason to give for closing Tango Gameworks. They make great games consistently and Hi-Fi Rush was the highest rated Xbox game in literal YEARS. Closing the studio was just plain stupid and nonsensical.

notachance18h ago

It’s quite strange to not see Phil Spencer in any talkshow or podcast… usually the dude would talk almost daily when there’s even a bit of news from xbox.

Hofstaderman18h ago

Muzzled and/or in on it from the very beginning. You have to be a very stupid person not to anticipate that your division is going to be under scrutiny from shareholders after 80 Billion Dollars worth of acquisitions

Aloymetal17h ago

The beauty of being a CEO here in America is that when your company does well, you get extra money as a reward...
And when your company does badly, you get extra money to encourage you to stick around and lead it through the storm...And at some point, you get to bow out and float toward retirement on your golden parachute, which means and you guessed it, MORE MONEY!! What a deal for snake oil man Phil!!

17h ago
17h ago
-Foxtrot13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Oh god no

You see when shit like this happens he throws Sarah Bond to the wolves

Seriously I only hear from her when it’s the yearly big Xbox showcase or when it’s super bad.

When the whole multiplatform release came out earlier this year he put her front and centre…kept his mouth shut for most of it

Michiel19893h ago

weird huh for a president of a division to say thing about said division?

TheCaptainKuchiki53m ago(Edited 53m ago)

The press is FINALLY calling out his lies and calling for his resignation.
Bakc then they would say amen to all his lies. But he can't lie anymore.

purple10118h ago

Perhaps they think they can sweep this one under the rug, gamers will forget about it,

We will not

They made a good game and you put the whole studio in the bin, this couldn’t be clearer, ms don’t care, everyone suspected it, but now we KNOW it

Amplitude18h ago(Edited 17h ago)

She's kinda got the verbal communication of 3-years-ago Biden trying to say something he knows nothing about.
What she meant to say is: "We wasted our budget for the next couple years buying Call of Duty, and we're moving all our chips to that one series"

It's starting to seem quite obvious that XBox is going to be shutting down most of their studios or selling them off, then focusing on some sort of PC/Console hybrid OS for the next XBox where they can collect royalties Valve style.

esherwood16h ago

To be fair I don’t think there is a good answer, I’d rather her been honest but that probably would have pissed more people of then the word salad route.

Silly Mammo14h ago

Amp- Do you ever get tired of trying to make everything political?

1Victor13h ago

@amp please leave your political red ruby sleepers at the door this is a gaming site or go back to truthfoxnewsmax to comment over there.
It’s obvious that Microsoft is moving on the money now direction guided by their investors watching all the failures from the 3rd quarter of the 360 gen to this generation I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a plan to replace Phil with Bobby as he proved for years he kept making money for activision.

shinoff218311h ago

Bobby jeez that would be an interesting turn of events and they'd certainly go 3rd party

shinoff218311h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Always that one guy bringing politics.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11h ago
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