
Star Wars Battlefront 2 PS4 Pro vs Xbox One S – Massive difference in interior lightning

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta has finally arrived for both consoles allowing to take a look on how they are handling latest DICE creation. And if you’re wondering if there are many differences between these them, this video should help you finding an answer. One can be said. PS4 Pro is giving quite a boost to interior lightning. Just see it for yourself. I wonder if Xbox One X can push these graphics even further.

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Bigpappy2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

I am beginning to lose serious respect for the pro.

2411d ago Replies(18)
UCForce2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Have you ever respect to PlayStation community ? Nope, You never do.

GottaBjimmyb2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

The resolution is the only real noticeable part to me, obviously there are some VERY minor lighting improvements on the puddles and the shadows are VERY slightly better on PS4 Pro. Actually much smaller change than expected. Other than that, the only difference seems to be the brightness on PS4 pro is higher, which can be changed pretty easily. That said, looks great in both instances.

Ju2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

@Bigpapy, well, you are sure not contributing to a deescalation of words in the discussion. At least your comments want me to go in every Xtra article and talk it down...just so we have some balance here.

And, actually, what really p!sses me off is the constant expression of "disappointment" for a minority of people not even playing the game while for 90% of Pro owner it is actually quite exciting to see the tech getting pushed - I am. And I haven't regretted my purchase. So, please stop whining.

While, btw, at the same time you guys express excitement for 25% improvements judged by videos and screen shots and marketing bubbles when none of you are actually playing those games because that platform simple hasn't released yet. Imaginary excitement vs. real disappoint, or what?

trooper_2411d ago

Pappy, we can see right through you.

theKiller2410d ago

the only difference I see in this comparison video is the lighting. I see a small difference mostly sometimes on xbox a favor and most of the times on ps4 pro favor.

the xbox s is darker, while the ps4 lighter and shows a bit more clearly. they are almost identical.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2410d ago
MrFisher212411d ago

Are you the joke or the punchline?

2411d ago
Eonjay2411d ago

Of course the pro is better. They should do a OG comparison to be fair.

zivtheawesome2411d ago

it has just achieved 2160 checkerboarded resolution on the witcher 3. id give it respect for that.

ziggurcat2411d ago

Pappy: we're talking about a site that consistently uses lower-quality footage on the PS4/PS4 Pro in their comparisons against Xbox...

ZeroX98762411d ago

Always expect performance for the price you pay for. Console hardware, be it Xbox One X or PS4 pro, has tremendous performance for the price you pay.

Just don't do like many console owners and expect that your games will run the same as those demo gameplay trailer that are running on a PC (for third party multi platform titles, not applicable for first party).

I don't buy a console for their graphic performance (lol obviously), but for the games they have that I can't find on any other superior hardware (PC in most cases). this is the reason why I'll always get a Playstation/Nintendo Gaming system as long as they deliver games I can't get anywhere else.

Erik73572411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

But what is up with the pixely reflectins? Ahhhh PC it is 2:30


There is a huge difference between pc version and the console version

Aenea2410d ago

I wonder how it runs on the Switch tho...

*ducks* 😀

MegaMohsi2411d ago

If 3rd party games are so important to you and you want the best, get a PC. Otherwise your argument makes no sense. Spend $100 more for a system that plays the same 3rd party games better but has less exclusives to play?

No doubt the price point for the hardware is incredible but if it's just for better 3rd party games, not worth it.

MrEnglish2411d ago

I have never understood this "Get a PC" garbage. Is someone not allowed to like console gaming on the other console? Exclusives are fair enough but on my Pro I've gone with Horizon, Uncharted and I'll grab the new Spiderman. That's all that interests me, similar with Xbox I have GoW, Forza and I'll grab PUBG and that's all that interest me. My main games are multi plat games. I don't want a PC that's going to cost more than the X to get the same performance. And before you say it you can't get X performance from a $7-800 PC, would be lucky to see Pro performance hit at that price on PC. Some of us like just picking up the controller, clocking your game and just driving right in. We don't all need a PC

DrumBeat2411d ago

This coming from the guy who submits pieces that are knowingly misleading and false. Good job on that Origins "Whole of Egypt" nonsense.

Tko11112411d ago

me too but it might just be the developers my pro has not made me happy since horizon zero dawn. if my xbox one x does the same I will be furious and might return it and just stay on pc. pc is just not well optimized so its a mixed bag when games get released

S2Killinit2411d ago

Damn the game looks good in general but it really shines on the Pro.

Liqu1d2411d ago

Everyone already lost respect for you and your fellow fanboys.


Uf, if you are losing respect for the pro cause it has that advantage in lightning, I dont even want to imagine how much disrespect you have for the xbone!

Shineon2411d ago

As a Pro owner I have no respect for it,its almost pointless to own.Like oh wow I can stream 4k movies although so can the 4ktv im playing it on. Hopefully things will change and the 16 bit floats do something to help but I wont get my hopes up at all.Alot of the games barley show a difference from the regular ps4 I want my money back and I want it now

SixFragz2411d ago

Really? If so, then no one must value your respect. Your respect means crud.

OffRoadKing2411d ago

Like you ever had any in the first place.

NatFanBoyRestricted2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Sucks that the Pro only has better interior lighting over the S. That's truly a half step mid gen upgrade. Now I can see why Sony throwing money everywhere for exclusive content deals.

BrettAwesome2410d ago

Nobody wanst to come to your house and play with you. Because you suck

lukferr2410d ago

What an extremely strange thing to say

Sirk7x2410d ago (Edited 2410d ago )

I have an original Xbox One, and I'd much rather have a PS4 Pro than the new Xbox right now, simply due to games.

Aenea2410d ago


That sounds crazy coming from you.

But tell me, why exactly? Because games on it look better than on a massively inferior console like the One S?

On-topic: not sure why they are comparing the One S to the Pro, regular PS4 and Pro would've made more sense, this is just more click-baity

Markusb332410d ago

Don't you have to have something first before you loose it ? Not buying your comment as genuine

nowitzki20042410d ago

And..... Not 1 person is surprised. Only surprise is the "beginning" part

2410d ago
+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 2410d ago
2411d ago Replies(10)
MrFisher212411d ago

I am playing the beta. It's looks miles better than this video on my pro and Samsung SUHD.

starchild2411d ago

Games always look much better in person on a good tv than they do in internet videos.

Ju2411d ago

It's always like that. Damn videos add filters in their decoders. Nothing looks like those videos once you play it

smolinsk2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Don't get this, i only see a slightly better version on the pro, weird but on the xbox one s there is no lightning, no sunbeames or anything eles, whats up with that?

2411d ago Replies(2)
aaronaton2411d ago

The resolution is different for starters.

smolinsk2411d ago

Why all the negative votes when im saying the same things as the once how get all positive votes? weird. the lightning is missing on the xbox s version.

The_Sage2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

I think you're getting disagrees because you first said that you only see a slightly better version on the pro. I see a noticeable difference myself, even if you take lighting out of the equation. AA, and textures stand out to me. Make sure to watch in full screen.

mp12892410d ago (Edited 2410d ago )

I thought you made a reasonable comment.

Minimox162411d ago

in the x wing comparation you can see the Xbox One S miss texture from the wings and other parts too

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2410d ago
chrisoadamson2411d ago

Why are they comparing a Base console with the mid gen refresh ps4? Surely the comparison should be pro vs x ?

Elwenil2411d ago

Probably because the XBoneX hasn't came out yet. It's hard to test a console that hasn't been sold yet.

Godmars2902411d ago

When is the XBX coming out? If its this year you'd think there'd be models out for comparisons/demos like this.

iplay1up22411d ago

The XB1S was a "mid gen refresh"... The X is, hell I don't t even know what. The PS5 comes out in 2 years, so I am not sure I will be buying an X. The original XB1 is going to be chugging to run newer games.

Also, if PS5 comes out in 2 years, I am sure XB2 will be coming out too.

xsta1ker2411d ago

are you dumb or just trolling s is not a mid gen refresh its the slim model what did you think the s stood for
stupid like your ''comment''

Mystogan2411d ago

Microsoft did a great move. By releasing a year later with more powerful hardware. They will have a significant power advantage for 2-3 years, assuming the PS5 comes out in 2019-20

When the PS5 comes out. Xbox 5 might come out at the same time and They may be about the same in power. But I doubt Phil will let PlayStation have the power advantage again like they had with the Xbox One even tho its not as significant as PS4 Pro vs Xbox One X.

Or if Xbox 5 comes a year later after PS5, it will have the power advantage again until PS6.
And PS5 will only have the power advantage for a year.

DialgaMarine2411d ago

@Mystogen So tell me; when has power ever won a generation for a console? Literally the only instance where the more powerful, of two directly competing consoles, won was PS4 vs Xbone, and it had little to do with the power advantage.

In the case of X, power means nothing when all we've seen so far is just little effort MS's first party studios are putting out.

Mr_Luke2410d ago

Yes, a more expensive and exclusiveless move. Now tell me where's the "great" in all of that. Oh right, for MS fanboys is great.
I tell you that the medium consumer will be more attracted by a cheaper console (even the S) with more choice about games. And you think Sony won't counter that release with something? Price cut, more deals, announcements, etc. So let's wait about saying "great move". And "power advantage" means almost nothing. If you don't count the PS4 ^^'' where you had slightly more power together with better price and lot of exclusives.

xsta1ker2410d ago

@DialgaMarine last gen ps3

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yeahokwhatever2411d ago

I'd be happier with a PS4 vs. XB1 comparison. Of course, most of these comparisons are stupid. The only thing gamers really care about is the kind of differences severely limited consoles bring to games. Compare Lego Worlds on PS4 to Switch. That matters. The Switch version is almost unplayable while the PS4 one is pretty decent. Imagine being a consumer who likes Lego Worlds on PS4, having a Switch, and wanting to see if the Switch version is good enough to get. It isn't. Meanwhile a PS4 Pro vs. XB1 comparison is designed to start a flame war. Nothing else.

Rude-ro2411d ago

Because all the sites are getting back into the comparisons in order to go full swing when the x comes out.
I wonder if lens of truth will come back?
Microsofts miedia shills will be in full force come November.
So they have to make it look common now since most site took off a couple years and talked about distances from your tv etc to see the differences. You know, since Microsoft can only take on sony with power now, it will go fill force.

DialgaMarine2411d ago

I would not be surprised if LoT conveniently makes a comeback. I remember back in E3 2013, and they tried to declare the Xbone better because of the controller... A website that compares multiplats used the controller argument.., Fascinating stuff.

The_Sage2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Misplaced comment.

frostypants2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

The One S *is* a mid gen refresh, albeit a minor one. But I admit it's a bit click baity. Should have done PS4 vs. One One S vs. Pro.

Ju2411d ago

It's not. It's a iteration of the original. Nothing (substantial) changed. Exact same CPU, gpu and memory configuration with a very minor increase in clock speed

DialgaMarine2411d ago

People refer to S as a mid gen refresh, but ignore the fact that it still doesn't even outperform base PS4; it's main selling point was the 4K BR drive.

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anast150d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203150d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


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mastershredder194d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex192d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!

ThichQuangDuck453d ago

To think of all the characters we have been asked to kill since No Russian

453d ago