
Fortnite hits 7 million players milestone

“Thanks to over 7 million of you who have played Fortnite! We want to keep the Battle Bus flying, so Duos and Supply Drops are available NOW.”

DeadSilence2438d ago

Pubg at 13 million, matter of time before Fortnite takes over.

MegamanXXX2438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

Basically it PUBG with more options and features. Epic also have way more experience with the Unreal Engine (their own engine) than Bluehole btw and this game is a multiplatform game which helps alot

freshslicepizza2437d ago

Its multiplatform and free, so it's not surpising to see it doing well.

guyman2437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )


nowitzki20042437d ago

Fornite is not better.. I actually played both lol.

gamer92437d ago

I don't think there's more options or features. There's no vehicles, no armor, less guns, and no character customization. Are you a playstation gamer by chance? I see a lot of hate toward PUBG since it's (timed?) exclusivity. Both very fun games, i feel that PUBG has a bit higher learning curve.

JaguarEvolved2437d ago

I'll cant wait to see if the devs for pubg will put the game on xbox and PlayStation at the same time. I think if they dont fornite will catch up to the same user base as pubg. I also hope the devs can improve the visuals for pubg a lot for the pc

gamer92437d ago

Jaguar, unfortunately it's about zero chance they release at same time. Microsoft has a lot of resources behind this game. Wouldn't surprise me if they are buying as much of a timed exclusivity deal as they can get, due to their lack of games from 1st party.

RommyReigns2436d ago


Broken Matt Hardy is that you?

Krysis2436d ago

I don't want to hear how many people have logged in to a F2P game vs a pay to play, I want to hear concurrent users.

3-4-52436d ago

Only thing PUBG has going for it is the slight realism factor and the gunplay is better.

Once Fortnite fixes and improves the gunplay mechanics this game will be the best option by far.

The art style is also more appealing to look at as well.

Fortnite and PUBG both bored me after a day but Fortnite made me want to play "just one more" slightly more than PUBG did.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2436d ago
2438d ago Replies(3)
alb18992437d ago

Isn't fair to compare a free game vs a 30 dollars one.

2437d ago
bluefox7552437d ago

Yes, a $30 game should be better, or at least less problems. Though in this case the free game is the better one.

Erik73572437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

Isnt fortnite free to play and on more platforms tho?

WePlayDirty2436d ago

So? The game must be fun enough for 7 million people to play it. Regardless of the platforms

meka26112436d ago

Again that doesn't mean anything, I played fortnite once and got bored, thought it was dumb, but I bet I was included in that number. Everyone downloads and at least tries a free game so it's really not that big a deal.

roadkillers2437d ago

The difference is Fortnite is free and everyone is going to download. Just like DOTA2, has over 100 million, but it's active players only peaked at 1.3 million. Not sucking PUBG off or anything, it definitely is going to lose a lot of people because almost every shooter and then some are going to have a "Battle Royal" mode. As it stands though, PUBG concurrent active users are still on a rise and it is possible to come close to 2 million this weekend. Fortnite is just a thorn in Blueholes ass, next year they'll get the full bush.

frostypants2436d ago (Edited 2436d ago )

PUBG is fun but it has a jankiness that I'm not confident will ever be truly eliminated. Feels like the really old, OLD Battlefield games...like BF 2 before any patches.

1nsomniac2436d ago

Fortnite doesn’t compare to the quality of PUBG though. Not even in the same league.

KillBill2436d ago

Uhmmmm... Fortnight is FREE. Kind of hard to compare a FREE game to a game that you need to pay money to purchase.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2436d ago
Sonic_Vs_Mario2438d ago

What did you expect? Fortnight is a free to play game lol

MegamanXXX2438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

Actually *Fortnite* is not a free to play game on consoles. On PC you can just download Fortnite BR for free

Goldby2438d ago

Fortnite BR is free to play for everyone, not just PC users

MegamanXXX2437d ago

I thought Console users needed to buy Fortnite to play Fortnite BR??? I guess I was wrong

jlove4life2437d ago

Ummmm consoles can just dl battle royale free also i have it free on ps4

2437d ago
ChronoJoe2436d ago

Originally it was that way Megaman, before they released it properly. So you were not entirely wrong, but it's free for all now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2436d ago
Summons752437d ago

You have to buy Fortnite right now and it will be free next year. Early access trash.

nitus102437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

Just checked PSN (Australia):

You can get Fortnite Battle Royal for free (about 6.69GB). There are other versions such as Standard, Super, and Limited Edition which do cost but the basic Battle Royal is free. You can also pay for "V-Bucks" which is microtransaction money. Think something along the line of Shark Cards which are used in Grand Theft Auto V and Zen in Neverwinter.

Hopefully, V-Bucks are not "pay to win" although it would not surprise me if in the near future we will see pseudo money that will do just that.

KillBill2436d ago

Fortnite Battle Royal though is separate and is FREE.

SonyWarrior2436d ago (Edited 2436d ago )

its not that its free is why its doing well its because its actually good... most freetoplay are trash and die off near instantly. this game is different its actually good i play it over kotk now . i see no place for kotk now that fortnite is here

nowitzki20042437d ago

and 3 platforms vs 1. I think PUBG is holding its ground really well lol. Unless you arent getting PUBG for a long time, then obviously Fortnite is better.

generic-user-name2436d ago

A few weeks out vs months out.

subtenko2436d ago

xbox AND PC...so 2 platforms.......oh you meant like xbox/PC since its pretty much the same?

RommyReigns2436d ago

Bluehole didn't mind comparing them when they tried to file that 'lawsuit'

Mr Pumblechook2436d ago

@fluffydelusions I haven't played Fortnite but what I do know is there are a ton of free FPS games that don't have Fortenite's numbers. So I'm guessing it has something special about it to be attracting a player base of 7 million!

generic-user-name2436d ago

There are many F2P games that don't hit numbers like these. Fortnite is only out like 2 weeks too so it'll get a lot bigger than 7 mil over time. Also Epic are doing a good job getting it updated rapidly.

subtenko2436d ago

Paid to view ads.

Also, people are moving over to fornite, sorry to break it to you. Bluehole and microsoft goofed

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2436d ago
UCForce2438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

This is what you get, BlueHole. For your being hypocrites and an arrogant. Sooner or later, Fortnite will take over your place. You shouldn't have sue Epic in the first place.

gamesavior2437d ago

I've been saying Bluehole is hurting themselves for months. https://www.pcaficionado.co...

frostypants2436d ago (Edited 2436d ago )

Your site has some serious rendering issues (at least in Chrome).

ClanPsi12436d ago

You need to get your facts straight there, bud.
"So, that leaves us with PUBG, a game still very much in its infancy. SteamDB shows a steady climb in gamers, with small peaks at odd intervals. From launch, everything has been business as usual."
The game hasn't launched yet. It's still a paid BETA.

ONESHOTV22437d ago

well we will see which one will last longer on the platform that matters for these types of games you know PC because we all know PC gamers such as my self-have has really high standards when it comes to games and it doesn't matter how many console gamers play fortnight it will not match PUGB. fortnite will slowly die on PC and console gamers will forget it the second a new game comes out.

Razzer2437d ago

“because we all know PC gamers such as my self-have has really high standards when it comes to games”


ONESHOTV22437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

Razzer---- what's so funny? i should be the one laughing at people playing games at 20-30 @ 900-1080p frames in 2017 lol

Razzer2436d ago

Your pretentiousness. It is hilarious.

Liqu1d2436d ago

"high standards"

Yet you payed to test an unfinished game with numerous issues and they still use store bought assets, they added microtransactions while still unfinished and they added adverts to the game in China. If that's what you call high standards then I would hate to see what you call low standards.

Prince-Ali2436d ago

High standards... then talks about framerate rather than quality of games loooool..... PUBG looks like a launch title for the Sega Dreamcast loool but you can play it at 120FPS wooohoooooooooooo ahhaha Pathetic!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2436d ago
nowitzki20042437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

Calm down. PUBG is only on PC and Fortnite is on 3 platform.. and PUBGis still far ahead.

Did anyone sue anyone? NO.

UCForce2437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

BlueHole made mistakes for blame Epic game. Epic get a free advertising. Fronite get 7 million in a weeks. That's even faster than PUBG.

moegooner882436d ago (Edited 2436d ago )

There there. Easy easy

Yohshida2437d ago

Yet they still have the most successfull game of the year, your hate wont stop that

UCForce2437d ago

I know. But getting cocky and sue people like that. It's going to make you look worse.

nowitzki20042437d ago

These are console gamers who dont even have access to pubg. Dont take them seriously when they talk about PUBG lol

Yohshida2437d ago

Noone is sueing anyone here. PUBG is mad that EPIC uses the knowledge they have to develop fortnite. Thats all

nowitzki20042437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

BUT. You said "You shouldn't have sue Epic in the first place"

No one sued anyone lol

Also how many systems is Fortnite out for? and how many is PUBG available for. 7 million with 3 systems is really greater than 13 million on 1??????

UCForce2437d ago

But it's just reached a weeks. Even faster than PUGB. You know what it is ? A free advertising.

gamer92437d ago

I feel like most commenters trying to drum up praise for Fortnite BR are forgetting it's FREE. I talked 4 of my friends into getting it for free. If it was 5 dollars they would have zero interest, lol. That 7 million might be 1M if the game cost 30 bucks. It's a silly comparison but i guess it tells the story some people are looking for.

nowitzki20042437d ago


Thats all it is, N4G is mostly a PS4 fan site. They hate the MS "timed deal" and are using this chance to put PUBG down, shame because I played both and Fortnite doesnt compare to PUBG. PUBG is in a league of its own.

goken2437d ago

are the games that similar?
i guess the jumping out of the plane part?
the rest of the game is basically a MP free for all, elements based on battle royale (movie) hunger games sort of concept.

gangsta_red2436d ago

You need to have more respect for Bluehole!

meka26112436d ago

Lol how about no. I don't like these games to begin with, but fornite is free to play on three systems, PUBG is on one now, two later. I downloaded and played fortnite for about 10 minutes and got bored, but guess what, I was counted in those number of players. So I want numbers of current players or who cares.

subtenko2436d ago

plus EPIC is EPIC :O I like them for unreal tournament and unreal engine. Bluehole..I mean....goodluck but they are in a bad position now

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2436d ago
ninsigma2437d ago

Battle royale is very fun. I'd like a free weekend promotion of battlegrounds to compare the two. First time I saw it I thought it looked terrible but it's obviously doing something right with that many players.

generic-user-name2436d ago

PUBG is more realistic, has vehicles and better shooting but Fortnite runs very smoothly, much better than PUBG, and the destruction and building are good additions that PUBG lack. Outside of these things they are basically the same game.

ninsigma2436d ago

Cool, thanks for the comparison! I'm sure I'll get to try pubg at some point.

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