
Star Citizen's latest video got us excited all over again

Star Citizen is an upcoming first-person shooter, space trading and combat video game coming for Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms.The developers have recently released a video showing off the new game environment and how players are going to interact with the virtual world.

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TeamIcoFan2423d ago

Here's your ignorant, obligatory "Hurr durr scam citizen" comment for the day. o7

Skull5212423d ago

I want my money back, this turd was a terrible investment.

MegamanXXX2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

I know right. Waiting for this game forever

2423d ago
JangoMan2422d ago

BTW Can we claim our money? I paid 60$ for this clueless crap.

BiggerBoss2423d ago

Is this game ever going to come out? Like damn...

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago

This game actually has not been in development for that long , in fact it's making lots of good time for an MMO, how many games have you heard of since the beginning of their conception? Star Citizen was actually announced the year they actually started development which is not really a normal thing for a AAA game.

For example you never heard of horizon zero Dawn in 2011 but I'm pretty sure if you did you would have complained how long it took before its release if you heard about it the very year they started development.

You could actually play parts of Star Citizen...

So how many AAA games are telling you they exist the very year they start development on top of allowing you to play parts of it?

frostypants2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

Well I mean, it's still not apparent that it will be released anytime soon. And the whole ordeal still has a very "Battlecruiser 3000" feel to it. It would be foolish to simply assume it's gonna work out. Hopefully it does, but they're setting themselves up for a scenario where if it's anything less than the greatest space game ever, it's gonna be a PR mess.

notachance2423d ago

The time to support this game is long past, they already got way more money than they needed.

If anyone give this game any money now it's not supporting them anymore, it's pre-ordering a game based on promises. Now that they got what they needed it's time to show the result, not just throwing 'trailers' every now and then like some college kids frantically reporting the progress on their way way due essay.

Lionsguard2423d ago

It could be the year 6025 and you could be sitting in your own starship in some other galaxy and be like "Hurr drr, Star Citizen is not a scam! It's still coming out! We're getting a new patch in 4 months!" I don't understand why people defend games that are in perpetual development with no clear signs of ever finishing.

They need to shut up about new features and provide a solid time schedule, stick to it. Anyone who gave a single penny to these people need to request refunds immediately until they stop being shady.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2422d ago
OoglyBoogly2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

You know, I feel like as if Star Citizen stopped making promises and deadlines they couldn't keep that most people might trust them more.

Considering that the 3.0 update was suppose to come out, what, August and they're STILL talking about all the glitches and bugs they need to fix...like what the Hell? How much are you people going to do before it's "OK" to launch? We can squash bugs and glitches for the rest of out lives...

Even I'm starting to feel like "Alright, it's time to give us something here!"...been nearly 6 months since the last PATCH...not even an actual useful update with new content...that's been more like 8 months or so.

Spend more time making the game and less time making 30+ minute videos every other day. Chris Roberts is in all of them...is he even doing anything anymore?

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago

The people making the videos have nothing to actually do with the game development itself they're simply just recording what the developers are doing.

"Spend more time making the game and less time making 30+ minute videos every other day."

Okay I'm pretty sure the person who is recording them has nothing to actually do with the core development that would be like saying you would be unable to do your work if someone else was recording you or something...

OoglyBoogly2422d ago

Sarcasm, bro. I know people making videos for the development obviously aren't taking time from the game to make them. It was a joke about how we constantly get Vlog updates but no actual game updates.

_-EDMIX-_2422d ago

Lol well do a /s

You see how folks are about this game

samden2422d ago

oh no, the guy gives 5 minutes of his time throughout the entire week to give players an update! What is he thinking!? he could get sooooo much work done in those 5 minutes that we could have had the game 10 years ago!!!

OoglyBoogly2422d ago

Considering he's in every freakin' video and they make one every other day that 5 minutes here and there add's up...

samden2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

@OoglyBoogly, IKR!?!?! Those 60 minutes per month really add up and this game could have been out 20 years ago! Sheesh!

Cy2423d ago

Should say "perpetually upcoming".

morganfell2423d ago

Meanwhile other companies are delivering games, while smaller in vision, are thrilling players and giving them a worthwhile experience. Elite Dangerous is one example and with the Horizons Expansion they are looking to go even farther. I think Star Citizen suffers from scope creep now trying to be everything to everyone.

Last_Boss2423d ago

I watched a Let's Play on Elite Dangerous. I'll be picking it up asap.

morganfell2423d ago

Oh eddie you are missing the point. I guess you think the guy that attempted to break the world pole vault record by 2 feet was doing something marvelous.

What was his name? Yeah no one remembers.

And that's rather the point.

Attempting does no good when other people are winning with their games, albeit by lesser amounts but winning all the same. No one is talking about rushing out the door but this game has had serious SERIOUS scope creep. And look how long it has been in development. We are going to hit 6 years in just a few months. Did you ever on this forum smack a game for long development times? You just do not understand that all the desires and lofty goals in the world are not worth if you take forever and by the time you launch you find yourself outclassed by newer tech that took a shorter time to implement.

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

@morgan- and? Horizon zero Dawn took more than six years to be developed and it's not an MMO RPG in space....

Your point?

I didn't know people were playing games based on how long they took the develop as opposed to the damn game itself.

Because it's starting to sound like you guys are more interested in the timeline of its release more than actually even playing the game 😂😂😂

Get real and stop crying over a non-issue this might be the stupidest thing I've ever read on this website.

By the way Elite dangerous is not Star Citizen it's nowhere even near Star Citizen even slightly.

But hey keep enjoying half-assed games that are rushed out because you're impatient.

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

Except Elite dangerous doesn't even hold a candle to what Star Citizen is attempting.

I could care less how long this game actually takes to release so long as they focus on quality because we've had too many games that have limited Concepts that I've been rushed out with a whole host of bugs and all we hear are people complaining about it.

Mass Effect Andromeda?

So do you think all the fans that wanted that game to be good are just begging for it to be rushed out of the door or do you think they're begging for a delay at least for a year to fix all of the numerous issues it launched with?

And that game isn't some huge space MMO btw

Last_Boss2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

Even as mediocre as ME:A is (word of mouth), what is the purpose and end goal for Star Citizen? Mass Effect has had 4 major games that have a mixed feel of Star Trek & Star Wars. I like some aspects of it, but what is the draw factor? Wouldn't it be high time to have released a full product, with the notion of continuing through the money from sales?! What if, what if you end up not liking what they've created? Will all that money dropped on this be justified? Mass Effect may have been bad, but that was due to EA's incompetence to make sure the base product was what was supposed to be at launch. At least Mass Effect is established though. Then you have No Man's Sky, which if I'm not mistaken took some major set backs because of weather damage and them being a small inexperienced team. But here's the thing, the game is out, and is being updated constantly for FREE, to meet a missed standard. Star Citizen LOOKS like a may be way in over it's head. I'll gladly see what they have in store from a spectators perspective.

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago

@Last-at least Mass Effect is established? So you guys are out here praising broken games that launched in complete just so you could get to play it?


Have fun with that notion.

I don't see what Electronic Arts getting paid earlier is going to do to help the consumer.

This team could take all the time they want developing this game because this is not simply a single player RPG only

it is a huge expansive open world MMORPG.

No man's sky is not Star Citizen either, but nice try.

I like how you're comparing it to a bunch of games that released with extremely controversial launches with glitches missing features and developers outright lying about the content in their games 😂😂😂

But hey this is what you want Star Citizen to be because you can't wait?

A game that's literally physically broken because it's being rushed and another game that lacks content in the developer lied about its features?

Yeah I have no problem waiting for a real quality MMO space RPG.

I've played the modules firsthand... The game very much exist and they very much could do the things that they're showing it is not a theory it is not a concept it is something that has already been executed and shown multiple times.

But by all means enjoy playing rushed games and games by developers in which they're lying to you about features...

Last_Boss2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

I really don't know what's funny, cause it's flat out boring to watch this game, so why would I want to play it. I don't care if it's rushed, complete, in development. I was never one to compare these games, most of you on here did, sorry. I just want the game to be awesome and since you're not a developer you can't answer what is the focus on this game. Also rushed or not Mass Effect & NMS got their point across, as opposed to just being a massive money drain, no matter how awesome the community is. Also I don't give a damn if this game will ever hit consoles, just want some simple things that you know make the game relevant in the first place. What's the lore, story, enemy that makes it tick?!! I don't laugh at anybodys time and damn sure money wasted. Sorry

meka26112422d ago

Your nuts, elite is getting to point to be just like star citizen. The difference is elite came out once they had the core game done and are adding to it. Elite just got mulitcrew ships and also they will be adding the ability to get out of your ship and explore in first person. They are also going to add the ability to land on planets in the future, right now it's only moons. So yes elite is going to do the same thing as star citizen, main difference is you can actual play elite.

_-EDMIX-_2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

@last - That's nice

". I don't care if it's rushed,"

Enjoy your incomplete rushed games, why are you mad at fans that are content with waiting for a complete game?

If you think it's boring and you don't like it why are you even here?

@Meka-Star Citizen has been playable for years in regards to individual modules....

They're different games.

I have no issue waiting for this game to release as different games clearly are going to have different development Cycles.

Trust me if your biggest complaint is that it's taking too long, I'm pretty sure you'll live. =)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2422d ago
freshslicepizza2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

"Oh eddie you are missing the point. I guess you think the guy that attempted to break the world pole vault record by 2 feet was doing something marvelous. What was his name? Yeah no one remembers."

That's because the avergae viewer doesn't really pay attention to pole vaulting. This title however is one of the most ambitious games ever created.

"Attempting does no good when other people are winning with their games, albeit by lesser amounts but winning all the same. No one is talking about rushing out the door but this game has had serious SERIOUS scope creep. And look how long it has been in development. We are going to hit 6 years in just a few months. Did you ever on this forum smack a game for long development times? You just do not understand that all the desires and lofty goals in the world are not worth if you take forever and by the time you launch you find yourself outclassed by newer tech that took a shorter time to implement."

The PC has lots of games. Did you dismiss The Last Guardian because it took so long? No you played other titles while waiting. The difference is this game is being played while in development.

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago

I completely agree.

I could care less how long the game is in development so long as they release something of great quality and from what I've played from the modules and what I've seen online they're doing a great job

I think it's hilarious that the same people you see complaining about how long it's taking are likely going to be the same people complaining when a game comes out rushed with broken and missing features.

mixelon2423d ago

I don’t know mind the long Dev time as long as they’ve keep on working on it and don’t curtail their vision or rush features.

It takes as long as it’s takes. :)

_-EDMIX-_2423d ago

I'm in the same boat I've been following this game since its announcement and I fully support what this team is trying to do for AAA gaming on PC.

A lot of people need to understand that you can't just have it both ways, you can't sit there and complain about rushed games with all these broken features and then complain about other games taking too long. This team is actually taking a very realistic amount of time to work on the game I would argue where they're at right now it's Star Citizen as an MMO is very ahead of schedule for this type of game.

I actually think many people are simply confused because of when this was announced and they're pretty much just completely ignoring that that is how long games get developed for I seriously starting to think people think that games when they are announced just started development or something.

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Star Citizen free fly event is live, giving everyone access to its ships and vehicles

Star Citizen is hosting a massive free-fly event, offering everyone access to its sci-fi universe as well as almost all its ships and vehicles. The free-to-play promotion lasts for 12 days.

peppeaccardo1d 11h ago

Wait !! What ? No news of STAR Citizen surpassing the Billion dollars funding? This feels like the same as the Malboro guys offering free smokes at a kindergarten garden. I pass and wake me up when this is actually released and has a price for purchase, if reviews scores are 10 or above I might buy... I might.


Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 released with support for the Vulkan API, as well as NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR

Cloud Imperium has released the Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 Update which adds support for the Vulkan API, as well as NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR.

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Markdn3d ago

Wow awesome amazing, gonna go try it right now. I bet the improvements are amazing..... /s


Star Citizen showcases the creation of the two brand-new animals coming to alpha 3.23

Land on any planet in Star Citizen currently and you’ll be greeted by things like weather patterns, flora, and very possibly a derelict or two. What you won’t find are any animals, however. That’s going to change with alpha 3.23’s release, as CIG has finally put together two animals to populate certain planets. That’s not quite three, but it’s more than one!

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savedsynner8d ago

People will have had entire careers by the time this game reaches Gold status.

SimpleSlave8d ago

Two brand-new animals? Fantastic. This game should be ready by the time the Vault Dwellers come out from their Vaults Two Hundred years after the Apocalypse.

Any minute now...

Chilliersplash8d ago

And people keep saying this isn’t a scam ….. wake up people

Babadook78d ago

I really need to know when funding passes XX billion dollars. Please bless us with that update.

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