
What Next If Sonic Forces Fails To Impress?

Sonic Forces is one of the years most anticipated games. yet whispers about its current state already has fans nervous. What happens if it fails to deliver?

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Jaypi032451d ago

Then fans will still like it. Everyone else would have their doubts justified, and Sonic Mania will still reign as best iteration of Sonic in decades.

TeamIcoFan2451d ago (Edited 2451d ago )

Figuratively speaking, they should take the old blue bastard out back and put two rounds in his skull. He's had a good run. (no pun intended)

Teflon022451d ago

It won't, as much as ppl criticize the games, Generations, colours and Unleashed were good games and this looks to continue that trend. If it does, they'll just try again with a new game

TimelessDbz2451d ago

Another sonic game will come out.

StormLegend2451d ago

If this one fails, then I suggest they finally listen to the fans like they should and make the gameplay/story like Adventure Battle 3. I'm not saying to make Adventure 3, but make Sonic gameplay like that and remove the 2D sections please!

SegaGamer2451d ago

But people would still complain because even back when Adventure 2 was released, there were people saying it was bad.

Some Sonic fans are just impossible to please, even the casual Sonic fans. Some just refuse to accept anything but the old sprites and 2D look.

You wait, when Forces is released, there will be certain types people complaining about the game because it's not like Sonic Mania.

andrewsquall2450d ago

Been saying it since the reveal CG trailer. Just don't bother with the game.
Turns out it IS just like Generations again and that means classic Sonic is too small for the levels because they have been designed for lankier modern Sonic first.

He looks like Honey I Shrunk the Hedgehog on the levels and once you see it, you can't unsee it. Enemies, ledges are all huge in size compared to him, lol, he doesn't even fill a tunnel in size that he spins through.

I wouldn't buy it for a tenner.

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