
New Game Review – Agents of Mayhem (Xbox One) | WayTooManyGames

Cracking down on Saints Row

WTMG's Jordan Hawes writes: "AoM is a fun but flawed entry to the Saints Row world that I have to give props to for trying something different outside of its own style. For the most part it does a good job at mixing Crackdown and Saints Row, but it never fully nails either game very well. It still has the over the top action and the characters are the real shining star giving it a ton of replayability as you level up and try out all the characters. Unfortunately it is crippled by a bland open world, repetitive side stuff, and too many bugs and glitches."

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2445d ago Replies(1)

Digital Deals: Dead Island Definitive ($2.49), Doom ($4), Horizon Zero Dawn ($3.89)

If you don’t mind a digital download, you can get three big-name games for cheap. The bargains include Grand Theft Auto V: Online Premium Edition, Doom (2016), and Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition. There are also steep discounts on Agents of Mayhem, Dead Island Definitive Edition, and Hitman: GOTY.

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Immagaiden1579d ago

Nobody has an excuse not to play Horizon at that price

darthv721578d ago

Who doesn't like a good digital deal?

JEECE1578d ago

Hey, I'd much rather buy a physical copy for 20 so I can get 10 out of it later. This digital copy will be worthless.

darthv721578d ago

considering I dont sell or trade my games... the only ones who think this is worthless would be my kids. Since they wont be getting a huge payday from selling my stuff when i die.

FallenAngel19841578d ago

Instead of getting it at $3.89 you’d rathe pay a lot at $20 more just to resell it? Who’s going to give you $10 for this? Gamestop will give you $6.16 cash and $7.70 store credit.

The game often goes on sale for $10 anyway so good luck finding a buyer who doesn’t get this game at a cheaper price themselves

refocusedman1578d ago (Edited 1578d ago )

So let me get this straight........ you would rather pay 20 dollars for a game that you can get for 4 dollars. In order to possibly receive 10 dollars in the future. 🤔🤔🤔 I dont know, but the math doesnt really add up in your favor. 20-10=10 vs 4 😐

JEECE1578d ago

I'm glad the arguments against digital on here have gotten so stupid that people are taking my comment seriously.

Vithar1577d ago

LOL what kind of Math is that

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1577d ago

Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 4th-10th Feb 2020

Neil writes: "Fed up with all the delays? Just want to get your hands on some new Xbox gaming experiences? Away from the freebies found in the Games With Gold scheme, the Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is your best bet, and once more the sale is back with a whole new range of discounted Xbox One and Xbox 360 titles."

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ChadfromIKEA1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

wow thank you for the neat article but i think c00lbeans will buy the games then never beat them because he sucks Mods don't take this down leave it for ChristopherN4G


Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts: 12th-18th March 2019

Neil writes: "Need a new game but struggling to make the cash available to allow a purchase of the latest blockbuster? Forget about them and instead get ready to drop yourself into an all-new experience for little payout. Yep, the Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is here and between the 12th-18th March 2019 there are a whole host of brilliant discounts available on numerous Xbox One and Xbox 360 games. Want to check out the full list?"

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