
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Review | KeenGamer

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is here! A highly-anticipated sequel that absolutely wrecked it's Kickstarter goals to deliver an unparalleled role playing experience that will have you calling in sick to work just to play it. It's just that good.

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Yohshida2445d ago

Only hearing good things about it, gotta give it a try soon. Good Review!

chris2352445d ago

i also only heard good things about the first one. couldn't get into it. i played these kind of games enough in the pasr. another hommage like this franchise is not for me.

kickstarter games always seem to fill a gap in gamer's hearts. but they almost always are falling flat on the nose. tides of numerana, anyone? i was so pumped to play a spiritual successor of planescape torment and they emphasized all the wrong things. what a letdown. seems to be a kickstarter curse.

Testfire2445d ago

Do you play solo? Because this type of game shines with co-op, I really wouldn't want to play it otherwise.

Jaypi032445d ago

I think it depends mostly on opinion. Please don't discourage people from playing this solo as there's benefits to playing alone. Mostly not having to depend on others to enjoy the game mostly and being able to build your characters as you like without someone else trying to disrupt that.

The game has the benefit of being amazing alone and with friends.

Testfire2445d ago

@ J-pi3, fair enough but I was merely suggesting that he try another way of playing before giving up on an awesome game.

gangsta_red2445d ago

"tides of numerana, anyone?"

I tried to like Tides, I really did but it was terrible. I'm pretty positive out of the 6+ hours I played I actually only fought twice. The rest was reading, reading and reading. I just came off of Divinity and also wanted a Baldur's game to fill the void and I thought Tides would do it....negative.

Pillars of Eternity is not bad though, give that a shot. It's no Divinity but it does things right and definitely better than Tides.

C4rnos2445d ago

If you haven't tried Tyranny, it's a bit more interesting than Pillars of Eternity, and builds on some of the original systems a bit more, i think it might be closer to what you're looking for while also having a story where it's not so bad to be bad.

Divinity 2 is incredible though, i'd say the pacing is far better in that most encounters you're likely to be able to take on as you go through rather than realising you just can't go somewhere early on- plus the characters are just a joy.

EatCrow2445d ago

I tried the first one but felt it was lacking severly in some area so I couldnt finish it.
I loved and still love Baldurs Gate...if it harkens back to that vibe I may give it a go.

Jaypi032445d ago

I would if I were you, I loved the first one and thought it couldn't get any better, but this one improves upon it in even bigger ways.

oIITSBIIo2445d ago

I played 15 hours so far, loving it.

gangsta_red2445d ago

This needs to hurry up and come to consoles!

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Here are five top deals you may have missed from the Steam Spring Sale

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FinalFantasyFanatic73d ago

These kinds of lists are often terrible for me, mainly because I either already have the games, or I'm just not interested in some of them. Great for people new to PC games or people who haven't kept up with game releases.

phoenixwing72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

I'm too poor these days to buy every game like I used to. I quit my job because it was too exploitive. So until I find a new one I'll be enjoying my immense backlog lol

FinalFantasyFanatic72d ago

Mine's become very exploitative too, sick and tired of doing the work of 3 or 4 people, failing and getting stressed out while the company makes record profits every year. I can't go without work, but I'm hanging on until I can find something else, sometimes it sucks living in a rural/regional town.

phoenixwing71d ago

Yeah I'm lucky that I can go without work for awhile. Otherwise I would have just had to bear it. Hang in there. One important thing is to always be looking for a job somewhere else on the side if you're even a little bit unsatisfied.


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