
PlayerUnknown Is "Shocked" at the Speed Battlegrounds Is Selling; Says It's Not Going To Their Heads

PlayerUnknown (Brendan Greene) is shocked at the speed Battlegrounds is selling, but he reckons he and the rest of the developers won't let it go to their heads.

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Aurenar2477d ago

Can't wait to play this on Xbox One X!

2477d ago Replies(1)
BlindGuyMcSqueazy2477d ago

I'm hoping for cross play with XBone

Ricegum2477d ago

A console player would get destroyed by a K&M PC player, so it wouldn't be wise.

nowitzki20042476d ago

@Unreal01 and would get spotted in 60+fps 1080p+

Usperg2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

NEVER gonna happen, cross play does not work in these type of games where aiming is so critical!!!

Other games like Sea of Thieves have cross play because each platform has no advantage over the other in game, that's the fundamental difference!

ULTp0ltergeist2476d ago

I don't think the K&M vs Controller is the real argument. It's multi-monitors vs big screen. LOL!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2476d ago
Allsystemgamer2477d ago

Enjoy. It's a fantastic game. Hope you get the option for 60fps.

crazyclown2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

It's almost impossible to play on a controller with no auto aim. I tried to use a controller but couldnt last more than 2 hours with it before I swtiched back. It will be interesting to see how this plays on console.

Personally, I will wait for it on the PS4 pro and while I wait I will continue to play it on my shitty 1050 ti card on low. If the hype dies by the time it comes to PS4 so be it. At least I enjoyed the HYPE now as the HYPE is definetely REAL. So real I am thinking of cancelling a few preorders that I probably won't have the time to play to the addictive nature of this game. So much RNG but so much FUN.

So im assuming on console they will add crazy auto aim and won't do cross platform play due to this and the significant FPS advantage that PCs get while consoles will have locked FPS.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2476d ago
KaiPow2477d ago

I was surprised it did so well. Not even DayZ blew up like this.

Cybermario2477d ago

good to see sales are good, let's hope it truly dont go to their heads

LavaLampGoo2477d ago

I've played about three games and watched dozens of hours of the game. I can entirely understand why its so popular.

Prince-Ali2476d ago

then can you explain it to me please loool...? I've played quite a few games of this and thought it was a huge 'meh' experience.. it literally makes no sense to me loool..?

PlayableGamez-2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

Best and most addiciting multiplayer I've played in years.

RememberThe3572477d ago

Im not really familiar with Battlegrounds. What about it makes it so good?

Avery2477d ago

You and 100 other people are literally dropped on a fair size island. Lots of different infrastructure and terrain. Over a short time and in stages the game forces everyone to come closer. It is a last man standing situation. Different areas on the island can give the potential for different weapons and loot. You are required to survive. Folks love getting as prepped up as possible and managing the game mechanics that force "closeness" to a point where you feel you are equipped enough to win. It is highly based off sound. Omni directional movement sounds are what gives your position away. It about managing your noise level, your gear, the choices you make to kill or when to kill people based on environment. You can do this solo, with two of you in a team or 4 of you in a team or group. There are first person and 3rd person server modes to chose from.
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Krafton profits up to $171.5 million despite lowest quarter since 2020

From GI.biz: "Krafton, the Korea-based publisher behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, released its Q3 financial results alongside news on how it's expanding its collection of studios.

The company reported that it saw revenues of $328.5 million and net profits of $171.5 million, the latter marking a year-on-year improvement of 27%.

Krafton also announced it plans to acquire Neon Giant, the developer behind The Ascent, and open a new studio in Canada."

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PUBG update transforms battle royale meta, makes winning even harder

The latest PUBG update transforms the weapon meta in Krafton’s battle royale game, bringing changes to vehicles and Deston to make winning even harder

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PUBG is too violent and must be banned, says Taliban

PUBG, the battle royale game from publisher Krafton, will be banned in Afghanistan in 90 days as the Taliban says it is a waste of time and too violent

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deleted624d ago

Taliban is too violent and must be banned, says PUBG.

blacktiger623d ago (Edited 623d ago )

incase you didn't know Taliban is a place not Al qaeda or however you spell them. Just saying

CobraKai624d ago (Edited 624d ago )

“Says Taliban”. 😂😂😂

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