
Yakuza Kiwami: PS4 vs. PS2 Graphics Comparison

Twinfinite Writes: Yakuza Kiwami is a total remake of the very first game in the series on PS2, and it's clearly evident how far we've come when you compare the two.

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PhoenixUp2477d ago

I can't tell the difference 😅

DivineAssault 2477d ago

Ha! I dont remember it looking like that

_-EDMIX-_2477d ago

We rarely get remakes of this caliber. Looks most good!

_-EDMIX-_2477d ago

Actually it is.

Your own list shows how rare it actually is to get a remake to this caliber.

Can you actually name another remake that was made this gen like Yakuza 1 is being remade?

Trust me, its not a long list. I'd say the most substantial remake I've seen in gaming has to be Resident Evil 2002 or Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes, besides that, we don't get huge AAA remakes from games that often.

So indeed, it is a rare thing. You might be confusing remake with "remaster" or HD port.

A lot of the games on that link are not remakes but ports.

Zelda OoT on 3DS? That isn't a remake, that is a direct port. I know because a friend of mine current owns the world record and we used the same glitches to get past certain areas.

The list has Resident Evil 2002, but doesn't count Zero in HD....ok, yet how is it counting Zelda OoT and Majora's Mask even though those are direct ports, running on the same engine, with the same glitches? Why does it list Cel Damage even though the developer states its a HD REMASTER and not a remake?

Soooo it sounds like this little list of yours is a bit confused on what a remake actually is.

FallenAngel19842477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

How'd you miss The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Wild Arms: Alter Code F, Goldeneye, Halo Anniversary, Halo 2 Anniversary, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy, Ratchet & Clank '16, Ducktales, Klonoa, & Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories are remakes that received just as much of an upgrade from the original as Kiwami?

Heck even Shadow of the Colossus is is going to receive just as extensive a remake next year with FFVII to follow in the years to come.

A port doesn't use new assets like OoT 3D & MM 3D had.

I'd never confuse a remaster with a remake. Those are completely different things.

_-EDMIX-_2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

@Fallen- Halo MMC are remakes, Ratchet & Clank, Golden Eye on Steam, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories, yes...remakes. The vast majorty of that list is not full actual remakes, they are remasters or HD ports etc.

OoT? LMFAO! No, that game has NEVER been remade. It has been ported, it has been remastered to a degree, remade? no.

I know because I've tracked almost every area on that game for my friend when we were helping him on his speed run, he now has the world record for that game on 3DS, and no...it was not a remake.

" The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D" lol

No buddy. Just no...

Changing up some of the graphics doesn't make it not a port, the game is literally running on the same engines, the same issues and glitches etc. By your logic, anything and everything is a remake simply based on any HD improvement or enhancement etc.

"I'd never confuse a remaster with a remake."

Yet you didn't know Oot and Majora's mask were ports? Are you serious?

Uncharted collection had many new assets too buddy, but its a PORT, it is a REMASTER, they did NOT REMAKE ALL 3 UNCHARTED GAMES IN MERE MONTHS! You are confusing a touch up of assets with a full blown remake.

Resident Evil 2002 isn't simply just some touch up of a few assets, its a made from the ground up game, same with FFVII, same with Yakuza. That is what remake means. Not simply alter some graphics and BAM "remake" lol By that logic, anything is a remake that is re-released with any touch ups. I'm sorry but that isn't how many, many people see or define as a remake as in the title is being remade.

"Heck even Shadow of the Colossus is is going to receive just as extensive a remake next year with FFVII to follow in the years to come"

Well yes buddy, those are not simply just asset touch ups or HD remasters etc, those are made from the ground up titles ie remade. OoT and Majora's Mask are PORTS based on being able to have all the glitches and game play mechanics. Have you actually played those versions enough to realize that?

"Can you actually name another remake that was made this gen like Yakuza 1 is being remade? "

Funny too, yet you give me 2 games that have yet to be released? So its not rare, yet you only have 2 games to name this gen that have done this? Ummmm ok Fallen. lol

Halo MCC
Ratchet and Clank
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance on PS4
Shadow of the Beast

Sooooo so much for this not being rare buddy. If you have to list 2 games that are not even out yet as examples, you sorta only prove my point that remakes of this caliber are rare. They are not a normal occurrence in gaming. HD remasters are sure, remakes from the ground up are not.

2476d ago
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Games that are better on the second playthrough

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409d ago
Levii_92409d ago

Red Dead 2 ? Who would ever want to play that slow ass bloated overly long game twice ! Not to mention going through those awfully designed main missions.

Storm23409d ago

Agreed. I couldn't even finish it the first time.

DankSinatra409d ago

I mean, I did. I enjoyed every bit of the 3 times I played through it. Just because you didn’t enjoy it doesn’t mean others won’t. Not every game is for everyone.

Demetrius409d ago

Ikr I thoroughly enjoyed red dead 2 one of the best open world games

Levii_92409d ago

But the first game is one of my favourite games ever.. i have no idea what happend with the second game but Rockstar needs to change it’s game design, especially how those main missions are designed. It’s severly outdated. Oh and actually make the gameplay enjoyable and not so slow and clunky.

409d ago
409d ago
DankSinatra408d ago

“But the first game is one of my favourite games ever.. i have no idea what happend with the second game but Rockstar needs to change it’s game design, especially how those main missions are designed. It’s severly outdated. Oh and actually make the gameplay enjoyable and not so slow and clunky.“

Believe me, I recently replayed the first one and it’s worse in both structure and game design. Don’t let nostalgia misplace that. RDR 2 is definitely an improvement but it’s rockstar in general that needs to open up their handholding on missions.

anast408d ago

I got almost 700 hrs in that game. so, here is at least one person.

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Nacho_Z409d ago

Some games have good incentives for multiple playthroughs but you can never beat experiencing it for the first time. Caelid for the first time? Mindblowing. Second time around it's just Caelid again.

Abear21408d ago

Bioshock, Skyrim, and Darkest Dungeon for me

gold_drake408d ago

definitely the Soul games and Bloodborne haha.

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Ten best video game boss fights

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FreeckyCake615d ago

Should add Vergil's final boss fight in DMC 5. Or, Azel from God Hand

Venoxn4g615d ago

God Hand is one of my favourite games...it had some great boss fights for sure

Venoxn4g615d ago

I would like to add Psycho Mantis from MGS

BrockEmSockEm614d ago

10. Grigori – Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
9. General Radahn, Scourge of the Stars – Elden Ring
8. Akira Nishikiyama – Yakuza Kiwami
7. Jetstream Sam – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
6. Mr. Freeze – Batman: Arkham City
5. Knight Artorias – Dark Souls
4. Isshin, the Sword Saint – Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
3. Olgierd von Everec – The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone
2. Caranthir – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
1. Baldur – God of War


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