
Xbox One X offers [noticeable improvements for] Project Cars 2 over PS4 Pro

Project Cars 2 will [have noticeable improvements] on Xbox One X compared to PS4 Pro, according to Slightly Mad Studios Game Director, Stephen Viljoen.

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Obscure_Observer2477d ago

"Significant". Well, that settles it. Xbox One X will definelly be the best place for Racing gamers and third party games.

Good job, Slightly Mad Studios

Liqu1d2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

"Xbox One X will definitely be the best place for Racing gamers and third party games."

Incorrect. PC still holds that title.

"When asked about the addition of horsepower in the form of the Xbox One X, Viljoen confirms it won't match the visual fidelity of a high end PC"

Relientk772477d ago Show
Bigpappy2477d ago

Come on Relientk77. How does your comment even qualify as on topic. We are talking the performance of PC2 across the difference platforms here. How exactly does you liking JRPG's aid in that conversation. Well other than to say : I concede to what these developers are saying... I just can't say so.

Death2477d ago

"Xbox One X will definitely be the best console for Racing gamers and third party games"

That better?

LP-Eleven2477d ago

Unless you're playing it on PC, of course (which the dev makes CLEAR will be the absolute best version of the game).

Obscure_Observer2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )


"Incorrect. PC still holds that title."

Incorrect. PC will ALWAYS holds that title. I was talking about consoles (topic´s headline) but you´re well aware of that, don´t you?

christocolus2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )


It's good to see them utilising the console properly.
Great job SM studios.


Everyone has preferences. It's ok. Not everyone will buy it for JRPGs. .most will buy it for other games. Those who currently own FFXV on Xbox and are looking forward to Code Vein and KH3 will also be pleased to know those games on console will look best on the 1X.

darthv722477d ago Show
xsta1ker2476d ago

@liqu1d x1x mite not be a high end pc but for 500$ it still makes it the best place to play all 2nd & 3rd party games not to mention 1st party exclusives and BC. high end pc is made up of less than 10% of all gaming pc's
fact. another fact... in the console space x1x will be the only high end console on the market😆

XMarkstheSpot2476d ago

@Liquid How come no one mentioned PC being the best early on in the gen when everyone bragged about PS4 being superior to the "inferior" Xbox and ALL the talk of people saying who would play "inferior" 3rd party games on the Xbox when you can play the best on the PS4. I know I cant be the only one to remember this type of talk. Now that Xbox is better than PS in hardware, now every time someone mentions a Xbox vs PS article, everyone just trys to downplay the Xbox and will skip the Xbox vs PS4 talk and will just say.. well PC.. lol this site is full of it

Rimeskeem2476d ago

You are forgetting GT sport is a thing.

Shadyceaser2476d ago

Xbox already is .... Sony has disappointed me this gen with there lack of driving games .... It was one time the place to go for console driving games ... But sadly not this gen.
No gt game so far and yet Xbox has had 4 forza games ... That's sad sony

andrewsquall2476d ago

@XMarkstheSpot Lol but plenty of you DID say how good PC was early on in the gen. Did you miss the PC MUSTARD RACE that conveniently showed up the next month after PS4's "8gb GDDR5" games console reveal? I even know a friend of a friend who said "I'm gaming on PC from now on" at the time but still got an Xbone for 500 quid and is a closet Xbone gamer first.

Now similar people, like moldybread as a prime example, is all over XboneX, revealing their true colours all along and now openly talking about gaming on Xbone when it was already clear they were gaming on Xbone the entire gen. What happened to that really powerful PC and what could XboneX possibly provide the likes of this person? They were just afraid to admit they were willingly playing the worse possible versions of games that couldn't even make great use out of a 2007 1080p TV.

This game is more than likely going to look and run better on XboneX than PS4 Pro. There I said it. Will the differences between PS4 Pro and XboneX be a GENERATION difference like the way some PS4 and Xbone exclusive games have looked and ran most of this gen (like Ratchet and Clank vs Recore or Driveclub vs Forza 5 and 6)? Not very likely.

XMarkstheSpot2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

@Andrew well I was going to write to you a decent thing but it went past an apparent 4000 character limit and after all that typing, it was a complete buzz kill that when I hit the "X" button to get rid of the "message" telling me it was over 4000 characters because when I did it deleted my response.. but I disagree with what you say. One most player pools on console are bigger than PC, and going by combined sales of consoels there will always be console gamers like myself and probably you mainly, if you have a PC. PC imo, is good for glitchy survival games not on console like DayZ, H1z1, PUBG(atm), etc, or RTS games like Total War and StarCraft or MMOs like WoW(Even then we are seeing more MMOs on console). Otherwise everything else imo is better on console and ppl prefer to play on console. And for the last part, it should look better than the PS4 Pro, unlike Xbox One and PS4 where they have the same amount of RAM, the Xbox One X (along with being better in every way from speed, cpu clock speeds, etc) it almost has an extra 4GB of GDDR5 to work with along with a VERY dev friendly SDK, unlike the Xbox One SDK which was a nightmare in the early days

bolimekurac2476d ago

wow liqu1d thanks for going out of your way to let us know that xbox one x at 500 bucks wont look as good as a high end pc costing over 1000 bucks. ill tell you one thing that i know as well, both the pc and xbox one x version will look better then any playstation version

sonarus2476d ago

Oh ok I guess I will buy Xbox one version then. Oh wait I don't have an Xbox one. Guess I won't be buying then😕

Eonjay2476d ago

Its funny the sight is called trusted when they misled you. Welcome to the internet. They never said significant.

Ca23lvin2476d ago

Nah PC will be the best place to play

tee_bag2422476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

Yep... just after PC . They get iRacing and the others to boot.

But good on Xbox bringing extra power to the table.

rainslacker2476d ago

Yeah, cuz we all know the Project Car devs aren't prone to exaggerating their work.

DX12 will improve PC1 by 30-40%.(didn't happen)

Forza 7 is outdated because of PC2 and whatever they want to talk about that week. (Really arrogant and nothing more than hyping his own product given how stellar Forza is).

Claiming they had a DLC path for PC1, and quickly moved onto PS2 with minimal DLC support restricted to 1 car a month and I think 4 new tracks.

Choosing to do a WiiU version and abandon last gen consoles because they wanted to look to the future. Eventually cancelled the WiiU version saying it wasn't powerful enough....thus calling into question their notion of power and what can be done or how to use it.

Personally, I'd say Forza supports your argument about racing games without PC2, and the rest is just subjective nonsense which has more evidence against that being true as it's more likely they'll be equal, or PS4 will actually have much more 3rd party support.....because they already have more 3rd party support.

kitsune4512476d ago

If only there were a platform that had all the hardcore simulation racing games and third party titles and ran them at the highest fidelity possible...

snoopgg2476d ago

Maybe in your house, but not mine

DJStotty2476d ago

The PC argument (if you can even call it that) is otherwise known as Sony defense mode. This topic of PC performance slaps into any topic that shows xbox in a positive light.

That is why we didnt see much of it when PS4 was outperforming xbox one.

It is common sense that PC has and will be the best place to play any (non exclusive) game at higher resolutions and frame rates. This has been the case since games were on the PC. The PC platform evolves that quickly any console will NEVER catch up

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2476d ago
Obscure_Observer2477d ago


Why? What you were expecting? Parity?

jokerisalive2476d ago

He is a diehard who loves to talk shit about anything Xbox at any chance he can get so ignore him. Even if it means defending weaker hardware when a dev will come out and say there is an obvious advantage.

bigevil1x2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

Hey @chrisx can't help it when he's face to genitals with whatever Sony PR is bending him over he just go nuts and jizz all over his keyboard when there's article praising the Xbox one x...poor guy hope he gets a 4k tv n a x1x soon 🤕😢

Raiden2476d ago

I REALLY wish people would stop comparing consoles to PC's, PC's are more powerful and more expensive, but for every 2yrs we have new PC hardware, so stop the comparisons between PC and console, consoles can't make that jump yet, but when it does what would you be looking at for the next COMPARISON, just leave the comparisons to consoles only, handhelds only and PC's only.

2477d ago Replies(1)
ChipdiddyChip2477d ago

Well I know where ill be playing the best console version of PC2, its gonna be awesome.


No... common sense. More RAM = More assets

XStation4pio_Pro2476d ago

dude. its just a more powerful machine. get over it.

filius2476d ago Show
2cents2476d ago

Denial is not a river in Egypt, but it is what you are experiencing.

jokerisalive2476d ago

Doubt it buddy. No reason it shouldn't it has an obvious edge in overall system power except for people who do not want to admit that. This will be one of many games that will reflect that edge until ps5 releases for Sony.

yeahright22476d ago

maybe, but unlikely. X1X has more under the hood. So no surprise they'd be able to achieve more.

bolimekurac2476d ago

a ps5 will obviously be more powerful then the xbox one x but it will be a next gen system vs a mid gen upgrade, the sony needs to worry about the newest xbox which will release after a ps5, thats what sony needs to worry about.

Cherchez La Ghost2476d ago

Ill subliminal shot, huh?!! Fact is Xbox One X is "CURRENTLY" the strongest console as of date.

NatFanBoyRestricted2476d ago

The insecurity is real. The amount of goal post moving and downplay is real on N4G when it's fan boys against an actual Dev.

denawayne2476d ago

I picture Chris Rock sitting in front of his computer furiously hitting refresh on N4G until a new Xbox One X article appears so he can be the first to comment. Pathetic

BenRC012476d ago

£500 for shinier puddles.

2476d ago
andibandit2476d ago

"PR talk"

You would know all about that being the biggest Sony PR fanboy on this site.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2476d ago
_LarZen_2476d ago

Its going to be really interesting to see what developers will be able to squeeze out of the X. Especially seeing what is possible on the PS4Pro in a game like Horizon.

Rude-ro2476d ago

The x does not have games or developers that look or make games like horizon... so you will see a better picture quality on a tv that is 4k of this gens games.

_LarZen_2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

Developers like Guerrilla Games and Naughty Dog can do wonders when they work on a locked hardware profile like PlayStation. But there are plenty of other games and developers making wonderful looking games.

And thank God (or whatever supernatural entity you belive in) for that...would be boring if it was just a handfull of studios around the world making games for 1 plastic box that was great looking.

Genuine-User2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

Microsoft first party studios might not be up to scratch but there's plenty of third party goodness out there.

xsta1ker2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

horizon is an over hyped average single player game and had a forget full storey line with no replay value @ all
it was a trade in after completion even meany players traded in without completing because of the boring gameplay.

Prince_TFK2476d ago

Well...Rockstar, CD Projekt Red, Bioware...beg to differ.

DJStotty2476d ago

my 190 strong library disagrees with your statement

Raiden2476d ago

It's not that they don't have talented team like (GG), if they did, if they started making any games that looks like HZD, or better, it won't be released until 2021, what do you all think, HZD took 2-3 years because if you do then you are greatly misinformed this game was in development for over 5yrs, so do expect anything like this to come, this game was in development way before Lara croft last game, just offering a timeline comparison.

2476d ago
Rude-ro2476d ago

For all of you only focusing on third party games... yes, they make great games.
But I did not say that, the x is a Microsoft console and Microsoft does not have said things.
I realize the fake accounts that are going around trying to make it look like there is a sway in the agrees disagrees... you can disagree 500 times but it does not stop it from being fact. Just saying.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2476d ago
Genuine-User2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

Look no further than Anthem, it'll be a true showcase of what a third party dev can achieve on the Xbox One X.

I see some people on this page are still in denial about the power difference - there will be a difference and it'll be noticeable.

While the wars continue, I'll just sit back, relax and enjoy all the current-gen consoles.

Enate2476d ago (Edited 2476d ago )

The fact is some people just don't care. An are tired of hearing about a box that still won't be out for months. Whether or not it's noticeable no one even cares right now. Hell I imagine 90% of the people commenting don't even play freaking project cars. It's a tired rhetoric and them constantly talking isn't showing us anything. As far as Anthem goes you go ahead and be the fool off of 6 mins of footage. I'm a huge Bioware fan but they have a lot to prove in the coming year before the game releases.

DJStotty2476d ago

I will defo be getting Anthem looks like an awesome game to jump in with with friends (love my co-op games)

MrFisher212476d ago

We are still unclear on how well the devs will take advantage of it. Don't twist words to meet your agenda.

DJStotty2476d ago

Ive got to admit that Horizon is graphically impressive. Since my first days of gaming the quality of games and what these developers can do is phenominal

Cmv382476d ago

We'll see. Significant is a very subjective word. I personally can't see a major difference between 1080p and 900p. So will i see a significant difference in two high end offerings?

WickedLester2476d ago

I didn't see a "significant" difference between P.Cars 1 on high end PC and PS4. Why should I expect any difference here?

TankCrossing2476d ago

No game developer can help you. What you need is an optician.

xsta1ker2476d ago ShowReplies(1)
obidanshinobi2476d ago

I read somewhere that the PC version of PCars has up to three times the amount of polygons used for the cars compared to the console versions.
I haven't played PCars on the PS4 but I can tell you that the xb1 version looks pretty crap, Forza 4 on the 360 looks better IMO. And don't get me started on the controller.
PCars on consoles is a poor PC port IMO, a scandalous bag of wank.

bigevil1x2476d ago

What type of TV u have??? Is it even 1080p or HD....by chance do your TV have a antena or a wire coat hanger sticking out of it?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2476d ago
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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 12th-18th May 2020

Neil writes: "Starting to struggle with finding a new game to play? Just need to get a fix of an all-new experience? Don't worry, the latest Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is here and between the 12th-18th May 2020 there are a whole host of newly discounted titles available for Xbox gamers to get hold of, with a huge focus on the very best racers out there - games like Project CARS for instance."

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Best Racing Games of All Time, Ranked

Ben writes: "Racing games have come a long way since their inception, so whittling down the best-ever racing games is tough. Here, we rank the top 10."

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darthv721693d ago

Motorstorm, Wipeout, Forza, GT, Mario Kart... all of them are near and dear to me. I'd add some Sega Arcade ones as honorable mentions. Outrun, Super GT and of course DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAA

isarai1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )


Lack of daytona makes this list fail.

Gaming1011692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

Honestly, a hidden gem just released - Wreckfest!
It's the most fun you can have with your pants on!
I can't sing this masterpiece's praises enough. I've had more fun with it than any other racing game I can remember, and I've played them all.
We need to support smaller developers like this. The game has been in alpha stages for years so it's unbelievably polished, and it gets regular patches. I still haven't encountered any serious glitches.

1692d ago
1692d ago Replies(1)
xRacer74x1693d ago (Edited 1693d ago )

My Personal list in order
1.Burnout Revenge(Xbox360)
2. Forza Horizon 4(X1)
3. Forza Horizon 3(X1)
4. Need for Speed hot Pursuit2 (PS2)
5. CruisnWorld(N64)
6. Project Gotham Racing 3(Xbox360)
7. RalliSport Challenge 2(Xbox360)
8. Crusin USA(N64)
9. Rage Racer(PSX)
10. Dirt 2(Xbox360)
Special shout out to Need for Speed the Run, I still play that now and then love the cannonball style of racing but it had faults like real time button mashing in the story outside of the car and it was way too short.

I enjoyed the early Gran Turismo games but I decided to leave off Sim racing from my list since I have been really turned off when you buy a game and know every corner of a track before your first race.
Also left out racing with weapons games. I did love Blur.

Gaming4Life19811692d ago

Need for speed underground was my favorite need for speed, the one that was a launch title on 360. I loved the game and the gameplay, soundtrack, customization were all great but nice list. I never got the hype for the burnout series but I know alot of people love it.

wiz71911692d ago

That was the peak of Need For Speed im my opinion

darthv721692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

I find it funny that NFS HP2 on the PS2 is better than the xbox version. That is a rarity for an inferior system to have the superior version. Good choice though, its fun AF.

I'd pick PGR4 over 3 though because of bikes. But that's me.

xRacer74x1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

Diff team made the xbox version. Yea it was bad in comparison. I went with 3 cause I played it more than 4 though if I remember correctly 4 was like a remastered version of 3 with more stuff.

poleerollee1692d ago

no Daytona? no Sega Rally? no crazy Taxi?

Gaming4Life19811692d ago

Completely forgot about Daytona USA, I used to play that all the time.

2pacalypsenow1692d ago

How is GT3 not in that list lol

1692d ago Replies(2)
sampsonon1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

bull. shouldn't it be separated into different categories? arcade games shouldn't be compared to sim games.
what a stupid list

GT Sport is the best competitive racer of them all. yet it's not on this stupid list. lol

2pacalypsenow1692d ago

In terms of fun, GT6 is better than sport.

GT6 has more features.

sampsonon1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

features? they are totally two different games. one is for couch gaming and the other is a highly competitive online, worldwide racing sim.
like i said they need to make more than one list for racing games.

GT Sport is has the best organized racing and is for the serious racing fan.
everything else can't compare https://youtu.be/erCwEGSw9l...

it's on another level https://youtu.be/erCwEGSw9l...

2pacalypsenow1692d ago

OK but that doesn't translate into being a more fun game..

I tried playing online in sport mode by following the "etiquette". First turn I get slammed and knocked out of the track by the same racer who won the race, where's the fun in that?

Sport is a great Sim, but what made GT great was a combination of both, its still a video game at the end of the day.

IMO GT6 is a better game than Sport, and they even use the same physics engine.

sampsonon1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

@2pacalypsenow: sorry to hear that you stopped short on a turn and was penalized for it.
but that's my whole point, it's for serious racing. not people that stop short and then blame the game for their lack of racing knowledge.

a little practice and you can learn to avoid penalties like that.
GT 6 was good for its time but is dated and not as good in the physics and online play.

but, you like what you like and play what you play so.
blaming the game for your short comings is always the excuse used for sim racing games.

oh and racing on a track with other great racers is fun. who ever told you it wasn't?

2pacalypsenow1692d ago


"it's for serious racing. not people that stop short and then blame the game for their lack of racing knowledge."

So me getting slammed by another person going 60mph on a turn and using me as a wall to slow down is my fault?

sampsonon1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

@2pacalypsenow that is your side of the story. I'm sure the other person was like " jesus! doesn't guy know how to take turns? stopping f ing short. i hate noobs."

plus you do know they have a drivers rating right? so if you suck at driving you race with other people that suck at it as well. when you race clean your sportsmanship rating goes up and you are matched with other drivers that have the same rating or around the same rating as you. so i just don't get the shit that is coming out of you right now.

learn something https://youtu.be/sI8Ssiltve...
go play need for speed or forza and leave sim racing to people that can race or at least strives to race better.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1691d ago
Imortus_san1692d ago

That crap racer that cant save without internet or that the physical edition does not as the full release. LMAO.

NapalmSanctuary1692d ago

Gran Turismo peaked with GT3/4.

LA_Zeo1692d ago

Played that game extensively you’d enjoy Forza 7 just as much

sampsonon1692d ago

MS has a full championship league? cause that's what makes GT Sport special.
does F7 have rewind?

1692d ago
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The Best VR Racing Games and Simulators

BY RICK MARSH: Video games are meant to be immersive. They encourage us to act like footballers, spies, assassins, and a wealth of other characters. VR takes this escapism even further, offering a level of realism that offers near-total immersion. As well as providing the opportunity for some of the most entertaining games around, VR also has a host of real-world applications.

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ApocalypseShadow1869d ago

One of the best reasons for VR:simulators.

But you would think something as easy as Need for Speed: No Limits VR could be ported to PSVR, Quest, PC VR,etc. to make it even better without the drift. Nope. It's EA. Those lazy bums. No wonder I boycott them.

Jakens1868d ago

It would be great if we get GTR 3 and the newest Assetto to home consoles and with VR support.