
Will Nintendo put out the Switch Online dumpster fire?

VentureBeat: "Nintendo released its Switch Online app on iOS and Android last week, and it is awful. On this week's episode of the GamesBeat Decides podcast, we ask if Nintendo will ever really fix it because it seems like it just doesn't care."

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porkChop2495d ago

"we ask if Nintendo will ever really fix it because it seems like it just doesn't care."

Look. The online app certainly sucks right now. It's trash. I could think of a million ways to improve it. I think it's in an unacceptable state. But correct me if I'm wrong, Nintendo did in fact say this would be an early access version of the app. We knew this from the very beginning. This is not the final version, it's not feature complete, and we all know that. Nintendo told us from the beginning that more features and updates would come after.

So cut the petty crap like this, because it immediately shows me what an unprofessional tool you are. The app has been out for less than a week. Were you really expecting everything to be fixed this fast? Give it some time. If in a couple weeks Nintendo hasn't released an update or at least acknowledged the issues, *then* you can question whether or not they plan on fixing it.

This is the problem with modern journalism. A bunch of vultures looking to dramatize and exploit every possible angle to every possible story as soon as they possibly can all in the name of hits. It's easier to get people riled up with story after story regurgitating the same issues, rather than produce a piece of real, thoughtful, informative journalism. There's no such thing as integrity in the media anymore. Yellow journalism has completely taken over and it's disgusting.

CyberSentinel2495d ago

Why release a console and online games, without a proper online service then?
Gamers have every right to complain, they have online games, without a quality online service.

porkChop2495d ago

What are you talking about? Where did I ever say it was ok to launch the console without a proper online system?

Do you understand what I'm actually taking issue with? My issue is that as a journalist I expect my peers to have some semblance of integrity and professionalism. Hyperbole, sensationalism, skewing, lack of facts and research, bias, exploitation, etc., have no place in journalism.

CyberSentinel2495d ago

I'm not accusing you of saying anything, I was just stating my view on the subject.
As far as journalism is concerned, most "journalism" today is opinionated. (Especially video games)


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