
The continuing quest for the Perfect Console Ownership Timeline

If you could go back in time to 1985 with full knowledge of what games would be released when and when new consoles would come out, what would be the "right" system to own at each point along the way?

GameCrate takes a year-by-year trip through gaming history in an attempt to identify the Perfect Console Ownership Timeline

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FallenAngel19842511d ago

Good thing you can buy any console today and get all the games released on it if you're able to


PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show

Perhaps unsurprisingly, PlayStation’s social media is already being peppered by disgruntled fans, desperate for the format holder to step up its livestream game.

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Valkyrie20241h ago

I think there will be one when they will be revealing the PS5 Pro imo. Also you have to remember that all the games at the Xbox showcase were multiplatform whether they were Xbox/PC only (still considered Multiplatform) or later revealed to be releasing on PS5 too.

Valkyrie20241h ago

Also not once was it said before or after any of the trailers in the showcase was the word Exclusive or console exclusive used and that is pretty telling imo.

1h ago
purple1011h ago

Xbox Game Showcase Games Content/Games Coming To PlayStation:

-Call Of Duty Black Ops 6
-Doom Dark Ages
-Dragon Age The Veilguard
-Fallout 76 Skyline Valley
-Expedition 33
-Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater
-Sea Of Thieves Season 13
-Flintlock The Siege Of Dawn
-Diablo IV Vessel Of Hatred
-The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road
-Life Is Strange Double Exposure
-Mecha Break
-WUCHANG Fallen Feathers
-Assassin's Creed Shadows

1h ago
gold_drake54m ago(Edited 54m ago)

yeaaa this also.

but to be fair, they could have easily shown off some of them

42m ago
crazyCoconuts5m ago

Gotta wonder if any of the others will come to PS as well... Wish we'd know what their strategy is at this point

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5m ago
-Foxtrot1h ago

They need to buck their ideas up completely and rethink their State of Play shows in my opinion. If it's because they have nothing to show as any announcement will be years off then fair enough but then the question is why are they in that position.

Sony knew when Microsoft bought all these studios that eventually Microsoft would harvest all these games that were in development at the time of their purchase. They have had plenty time to prepare yet it just feels nothing has really come out of it so far. In the years since Microsoft bought Obsidian Entertainment, Ninja Theory and Double Fine around 2018/2019 it was clear they were ramping things up which they were as they went onto buy Zenimax in 2020 and then a couple years after Activision, two publishers with so many studios and IPs under their belt.

In that time Sony has decided to buy studios like Bungie, Haven and Firewalk Studios which are all GaaS related and haven't really put anything together to counter the new IPs Microsoft had acquired.

Everything from Sony at the minute is either third party games or this heavy PC focused most PS5 fans don't really care about.

However. If I was to be fair though and look at the other side of the coin at least they haven't announced games recently that could still be years away which is something that people seem to be giving Microsoft a pass with.

Yes the Microsoft show was great and hopefully it's given Sony a kick up the backside but most of the games shown like Fable, State of Decay 3, Avowed, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Perfect Dark and South of Midnight were games that were announced last year and before. The only brand new thing that really surprised me that's an exclusive was Gears of War.

Sony need to start going back to what made many people buy their consoles from the beginning, their first party games you couldn't get anywhere else with great single player experiences. Not every games needs to be AAA, they need to find a good balance.

Flakegriffin8m ago

This is the most accurate statement ever.

Christopher1h ago

Xbox definitely had better third-party showings, but I really just want Sony to start showing us first-party titles. There's got to be something new they can show us, right? And it can't just be one or two games, it has to be at least half a dozen.

I mean, at least we know Bungie isn't sitting idly by and Insomniac is doing Wolverine. But ND just cancelled their MP TLoU plans, what are they working on now let alone the second studio they have that's been quiet for 4 years now? Sucker Punch? Bend?

Did all the big studios have ideas that were canned and start working on new things? Was Jim Ryan that bad of a CEO that they veered that far off the path and are working their way back to it?

-Foxtrot42m ago(Edited 37m ago)

"I mean, at least we know Bungie isn't sitting idly by and Insomniac is doing Wolverine. But ND just cancelled their MP TLoU plans, what are they working on now let alone the second studio they have that's been quiet for 4 years now? Sucker Punch? Bend? "

If they hypothetically announce something like Ghost of Tsushima 2 and give us a release date within 6-8 months of it's announcement, something like what Bethesda did with Fallout 4s reveal at E3 then I would TOTALLY get their plans and why they've been so quiet. However if they end up announcing their titles and the release dates are still so far off despite being so quiet for years then I'm at a complete loss with it.

Having a change in strategy and only wanting to announce games when they know they are 100% going to release the same year is the only thing that will make sense and something I can totally get behind.

"Was Jim Ryan that bad of a CEO that they veered that far off the path and are working their way back to it?"

I'm still convinced his GaaS plans are why he took early retirement, after seeing issues with NaughtyDog being put on something they weren't comfortable with I think higher ups knew putting all their existing studios on these games was a bad move. Obviously they've had to see some of them out until the end but I think he's why some of these studios are so quiet because they've wasted time on live service stuff that just wasn't working.

32m agoReplies(1)
FanboyFeats24m ago(Edited 21m ago)

Better third party?

Is this clown really trying to say concord and Lego horizon looked better than Indiana, avowed, perfect dark, gears, COD BO6?

It’s killing him that Xbox beat out PS.

But remember guys, he isn’t a Sony fanboy!


Resign already! N4G is better without you!

ocelot073m ago(Edited 2m ago)

"Is this clown really trying to say concord and Lego horizon looked better than Indiana, avowed, perfect dark, gears, COD BO6?"

Lady's and gentlemen, I give you the clown on his alt account haha.

Is this clown really saying people are not allowed preferences and opinions?

I can say honestly that out of all the games announced in the last week or so Astro Bots is the game I I'm most excited to play. Doesn't mean Microsoft didn't have a good showcase it's just called having a preference.

P_Bomb25m ago

The time for silence is over. At least, I’m over it. Open the first party floodgates, while I’m still alive lol!

ocelot0715m ago

Apparently they have one in September.

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Blumhouse Gets It: Horror Works Best When Devs Play With Cinematography

The Nerd Stash: “With an exciting spate of six eclectic horror games, Blumhouse is set to knock it out the park with plenty of perspective-shifting terror.”

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cthulhucultist2h ago

By far the best announcement in SGF! Although I am biased as horror genre is my favorite.

I am inclined to agree with the article.Lots of cinematic heavy of atmosphere looking games


Xbox Games Showcase Followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct

Xbox writes: "Join us for a double feature on June 9, 10am PT - Xbox Games Showcase immediately followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct.  The Xbox Games Showcase is your look at the new games from Xbox Game Studios, Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, as well as our partners from around the globe. Immediately following the Showcase, stay tuned for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct for a special deep-dive into the beloved franchise."

ravens527h ago

I'm here. Waiting in anticipation to see some games 🤙🏽

GamerRN6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

I'll be honest, if they don't announce some major shit, this could be the nail in the coffin.

If I hear about major 1st party titles going multiplatform, it's over.

They need to build the brand trust right now. A lot of damage has been done.

We need bangers, AND some news about next Gen.

Flawlessmic6h ago

It's just started 4 games in and it's already been a fantastic show.

This is gonna be the best showcase in years

VersusDMC6h ago

New Doom dark ages anounced for PS5 as well...

GamerRN6h ago

So far this is a great show, and mostly all GamePass games? Looks like the bangers are finally coming!

Investments finally paying off.

Now they need new hardware so they can start over

Sonic18815h ago(Edited 5h ago)

So far the best showcase this year

Flawlessmic5h ago

At this rate, best show of the last 2-4 years, been an absolute bangerrrrr so far!!!

Pixykont5h ago

Perfect dark looks incredible

shinoff21833h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Agreed. Way better then what Sony did and has done. Those multiplayer games really fked Sony over for a few years. Xbox showed off some good looking stuff. I'm most interested in state of decay 3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3h ago
lelo2play4h ago

Great showcase by Microsoft. So many interesting games...

Lightning776h ago

Very certain Perfect Dark will show up. fable showing up and 2025 release date.

Unpopular opinion here but INL think Final Fantasy 16 will release on Xbox. I dunno if it'll be on Gamepass but I think it's going to other platforms now.

6h agoReplies(1)
Obscure_Observer6h ago


Time to see what amazing games Xbox Game Studios has been cooking for us, boys!!!


Sonic18814h ago(Edited 4h ago)

I'm glad Microsoft had a great show. Hopefully this show potentially wakes up Sony and Nintendo. Competition is good for the industry. We don't need publishers and developers to get comfortable and get lazy on us. Keep them thinking and on their toes

cthulhucultist4h ago

well said Sonic. Competition is beneficial for us gamers

Master-Tonberry2h ago

Absolutely agree, many of the games shown are also coming to PS5 (despite MS hiding other platforms from the reveals) but the genuine exclusive all look great. Nintendo will obviously continue to carve it's own path and will be very busy with the Switch 2, but Sony and PlayStation really needs to pull it's socks up and start bringing out the big guns or people are going to start losing faith. Hopefully the rumours of a big PlayStation Experience show later this year are true.

The_Hooligan4h ago

This showcase was great. Not just a great Xbox showcase but in general the best one this year so far.

Kurisu6h ago

I'm tuned in now. I can't say I've ever been big in to Xbox, but I got myself a Series S when it launched. Can't say I've used it much but I'm intrigued to see what's in the pipeline.

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