
Strategy Informer: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review

Strategy Informer writes: "When I first heard about this game over a year ago I couldn't wait. The missing link between Episode three and four and you can pull down Star Destroyers; it was like George had been listening to my prayers reading my mind and tuning into dreams. You see I'm a Star Wars geek, my passwords, user names and my wallpaper are all Star Wars themed. Then there was more content released as we got closer to the release date, and then the demo (which I must have played 20 to 30 times never getting bored). The more I found out the more exited I got. So when it fell though my letter box I wrote for the rest of the day.

The game starts with a prologue of how you meet/work for Lord Vader. The best part of this is that you are Anakin for this level. It starts on Kashyyyk and Vader is hunting Jedi, and it is here after defeating the Jedi that Vader discovers the Jedi's son and decides to train him to be a Sith. For the rest of the game you are the apprentice Starkiller... (What is it with George Lucas and bad names?)"

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3 - What We Want In The Sequel

It's been years since the second game was released, but it isn't too late for a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3 game.

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CrimsonWing69601d ago

So random to see an article for this.

848d ago

The Six Best Star Wars Games Ever Made

Stan at GameSpew: Making a Star Wars game ain’t as easy as dusting crops, farm boy, but we reached out with the Force and chose the six best Star Wars games of all time.

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NecrumOddBoy2086d ago

Jedi Knight II: Outcast
Republic Commando
Shadows of the Empire

Should be on this list

SegaGamer2086d ago

The Force Unleashed better than every Jedi Knight game? Come on.....
The Force Unleashed is fun, and I enjoyed it a lot, but it's just a Jedi Knight wannabe.

EddieNX 2086d ago

KOTOR and Star Wars Galaxies before they ruined it. And Rogue Squadron and the original PS2 Battlefronts.

paintedgamer19842085d ago

The force unleashed and the 2nd are abominations compared to the older games. Hell id say the snes star wars games were better. I agree with rogue squadron. Like wth happened to the next gen RS we were supposed to get?

fluxmulder2085d ago

Jedi Knight
Dark Forces
TIE Fighter
Jedi Academy
Everything else

CorndogBurglar2085d ago

TIE Fighter is, and always will be the best Star Wars game ever made.

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