
GameSpy Preview: The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria

GameSpy writes: "Moria is a bad place. Of course, anyone who's ever read the adventures of a certain furry-footed hero and his eight companions is aware of that. The former homeland of the Dwarves was once the most magnificent structure in Middle-earth, but after a disastrous mistake in which they unleashed the Balrog, the place was abandoned to orcs and worse-than-orcs. That's what makes it irresistible to Tolkien junkies and gamers of all stripes, so when we were offered the chance to take a hands-on tour through the mines of Moria courtesy of The Lord of the Rings Online creators at Turbine, it would have taken an army of hobbits to hold us back."

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Lord of the Rings Online Five Year Anniversary Gifts

Albatross Revue are happy to present these screenshots to show some of the exciting in-game rewards that can be earned during the five-year anniversary festival activities as well as some of the gifts that players will receive automatically as a thank you for playing. Rewards will be given according to how long a player has been playing. Lord of the Rings Online celebrates its five year anniversary on April 24, 2012

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LotRO has tripled its revenue since going free-to-play

Free-to-play may actually be the proper way to offer MMOs instead of subscriptions, as Turbine has recently revealed that Lord of the Rings Online has tripled its revenue since switching the game over to that model back in September...

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Pandamobile4895d ago

Have a struggling MMO? Make it free to play, and you'll pretty much guarantee success.

Hello APB F2P.

N4GAddict4895d ago

I hope more publisher do this

Active Reload4895d ago

"LotRO has tripled its revenue since going free-to-play"


Panthers4895d ago

I dont really know how they do it, but I dont like the idea best gear in the game to be purchased with microtransactions.

I hope SW ToR isnt F2P

WhittO4895d ago

Not just struggling, Guild Wars came with F2P right out of the gate and sold millions, only because the game wasn't as robust or deep enough to play for years after did people stop playing.

If you look up Guild Wars 2 vids that game looks to be incredible.

imoutofthecontest4895d ago

Well, the difference being that Guild Wars isn't reeeeaaaaallly and *MMO* in the strictest terms. It lacks the "massively" part, specifically.

WhittO4895d ago

well, true but it is an online RPG mixed with MMO.

Really it is massive too, if you have EON expansion and the original, the map is HUGE, just as big as WOW, never mind the other 2 expansions that have their own HUGE maps/lands to explore!! It only lacks in content and updates..

DanCrabtree4895d ago

Micro-transactions are where it's at. Just ask Zynga.

WhiteNoise4895d ago

That's good to hear, if the majority of MMO's go free to play then I'll never have a gaming drought again.

OhReginald4895d ago

...or just make an amazing MMORPG that is worth your while....like world of warcraft.

SnakeCL4895d ago

Except WoW was pretty mediocre when it was first launched. WoW was a case of being in the right place at the right time, not being far and away better than everything else out there.

Lirky4895d ago

im sure this will happen with Dcuniverse someday

P_Bomb4895d ago

I hope so. Then I'd buy it.

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