
Marvel Heroes Omega Review: Is this free Diablo-MMO hybrid worth your time? [Windows Central]

Paul of Windows Central: "What do you get when you mix Diablo with an MMO and the Marvel Comics universe? You get Marvel Heroes Omega, the free to play MMO that has just launched on Xbox One. Despite a few issues at launch, this game is a real treat for Marvel fans."

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Cmv382519d ago

If you like marvel comics, good chance you'll like this game.

Z5012519d ago

Not a big fan of the camera angle especially when a ton of things are going on on-screen i.e. multiple sentinels.


Why Aren't Superhero MMOs Hugely Successful?

Considering the genre's explosive popularity, why aren't superhero MMOs hugely successful? Shannon gets to the bottom of the matter.

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gangsta_red2336d ago

Why aren't there more super hero games? You would think it would be a no brainer with all the material right there for the picking.

And yet we have really only had less than a handful become popular.


Marvel Heroes Omega to Shut Down - Developer Gazillion Closing

Gazillion has announced the game and studio will cease operation shortly.

rdgneoz32378d ago

Took a while for this article to get approved? Cause they both (game and studio) shut down 2 days ago... Even the tweet is from 2 days ago.

ThatDudeMunkee2378d ago

It did. The article was from the Nov. 27th.