
The 'Dark Souls' Series Is Not The Pinnacle Of Gaming Difficulty, So Stop With All The Comparisons

There is an increasing trend in gaming to reference the Dark Souls games whenever a game exhibits a degree of challenge to the player. This is not at all helpful, as it is both confusing and misrepresentative.

Gustertote2511d ago

I agree that certain people need to stop being ultra-lazy and just comparing everything that they find just a smidge difficult to Dark Souls, but I think why Dark Souls is so oft-referenced is because of how finely balanced the difficulty is. Obviously there are more difficult games out there, where enemies can just one-hit-kill you, but that's not enjoyable. Dark Souls manages to expertly tread the line between throw-your-controller-across-t he-room rage, and "OH GO ON THEN JUST ONE MORE TRY" addictiveness.

Nitrowolf22511d ago

Yeah, im tired of seeing stuff like this "its like dark souls except its with cars!!"

I saw one for crash bandicoot the other day, its such a silly comparison IMO. Hard games have always existed, but saying its hard like dark souls is a pretty bad representation

zeal0us2511d ago

Crash is like dark souls but with bandicoot and boxes.

TXIDarkAvenger2511d ago

Yea but anyone who plays games has heard of or played Dark Souls and knows it for being hard.

2511d ago
UltraNova2511d ago (Edited 2511d ago )

I think it has everything to do with the timing of when DemonS/Dark S were released. Back then gaming was heading into a perpetual path of hand-holding AAA games that were easier to pick up and play (meaning more sales). Add the advent of console online play, another way for devs to lure us into their games. It was all about go there, do that directions, buy that weapon pack shortcut, endless hud prompts, markers pointing you to where you need to go and offering to auto-reduce difficulty when you died a couple of times in a row. Yeah it was and still kinda is pretty bad.

Then From Soft released their nuke. It was so disruptive back then that people who actually tried them and persevered, including me, found themselves lost in those brutally unforgiving, beautiful unforgettable worlds... even when we were not playing the damn game!

So in essence it offered people an alternative in the age of shameless hand-holding and it stuck with them, so it's totally understandable that people are now using it as a dificulty exspression constant even when it seems out of place.

TWB2511d ago

I would still wager that its a spin on the meme "Its like Skyrim with guns".

madforaday2511d ago


That is the point, there is no difficulty in Demon/Dark Souls games. It is one game and if it is too hard for someone, they can't go into settings and change it, they can either quit or keep playing. That is why it gets talked so much, it is one difficulty (Unless you join a certain covenant in some games). Everybody who played those games as played the same game and can talk about it together. For an example, Horizon Zero Dawn, you have 3 different difficulties now 4 and you can have auto-aim or have it off. If someone played the game on easy with auto-aim on they had such a different experience to that game compared to me. We could talk about the story but our combat stories would be different.

2511d ago
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Nacho_Z2511d ago

Spot on, there are loads of harder games out there but none that make balancing difficulty an art form to the levels that From games do. All those games, all those deaths and barely a solitary cheap one among them.

Vegamyster2511d ago

Dark Souls is a game of patience, once you understand your move set & the windup/speed of the enemy it's pretty straight forward. If you just play it like a high pace hack & slash game you're going to have bad time, which i noticed is how a lot of people try and play it as when they first start.

2511d ago
TWB2511d ago

I think one of the reasons why people use Dark Souls as a comparison, is because the series is actually pretty popular and many have had at least some contact with it. Its just easy to use something so relatively widely known for comparison.

2510d ago
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EddieNX 2511d ago (Edited 2511d ago )

Souls is just getting past the learning curve and the odd hyper active enemy/boss. Other than that, its an extremely enjoyable bunch of games. Zelda on master mode is too difficult to enjoy. I dont know if I can be bothered to struggle through it.

NapalmSanctuary2511d ago

Its usually when you really REALLY enjoy a game's mechanics to the point you play it so much and get so good at it that you need extremely exaggerated difficulty just to remain engaged with the experience.

EddieNX 2511d ago (Edited 2511d ago )

Very true, certain games highest difficulties are just not enjoyable though. I might give Mastermode a real go , but its taking me ages to get through a group of Moblins, like damage sponges. I can do Forza on ultimate, I think thats one of my best achievements difficulty wise.

Uken122511d ago


I'm going through Master Mode right now. I'm at like 48 shrines and am doing the Trial of the Sword. It starts off really hard but usually just avoid enemies until I got good weapons. I feel like bombs are stronger now too.
Anyways the difficulty gets real noticeable in Trials of the Sword. Stage 10 of the Trials 1 is absolutely cheap hard. Like almost impossible because of the setup. I actually beat it last night, barely. It's 2 silver lazafos and 1 blue one. And they just stay in the water recharging. It's stupid and I almost quit.

Otherwise the rest of the game isn't as hard once you get good stuff. I fought Wind Blight Ganon and that was easy still.

2511d ago Replies(1)
shammgod2511d ago

It's where difficulty meets fun meets good gameplay, controls and environment. Still the Pinnacle in my eyes

PhoenixUp2511d ago

Ninja Gaiden was my barometer of a hard game

nRicosS2511d ago

Ninja gaiden & vanquish, the hardest platinum to obtain for me

Vanfernal2511d ago

Me too... For the NES... which makes the Xbox game look like a cake walk. XD

WelkinCole2511d ago

Yeah I remember NG2 on the NES. Just Nuts

WPX2510d ago

Agreed. Specially stage 6-2

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phoenixwing60d ago (Edited 60d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson60d ago (Edited 60d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.


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Father__Merrin88d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up