
Forza 7 Vs GT Sport Video Compares Xbox One X Vs PS4 Pro Graphics

Two and a half minutes worth of footage comparing Forza Motorsport 7 and Gran Turismo Sport. Both games were on display during E3 2017, and both games were supposed to be representing the pinnacle of processing power from Microsoft and Sony’s mid-gen refresh consoles.

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DaDrunkenJester2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

Both games look amazing. Forza's dynamic puddle system is awesome.

Edit: I'm sure you can disable some of this, but the HUD on GT is too much for me.

4Sh0w2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

I think you will really be able to see the difference on a 4K display side by side....but yes Forza7 is superior, GT Sport looks good though.

MVGeneral2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

If they are going to make a comparison they should use the same weather effects and cars and time of day.
This is just a fanboy made video. Check the other articles on the website by same writer.
Read the user "billy" 's comments on his own page (that's the writer btw). Fanboy evident

Compare Forza 7 on a day time setting vs driveclub in the rain on a better track and driveclub will look generations better too.

Why o why2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

Them forza sound effects sound soooo good. Obviously not the sound you'd hear from the camera used but I prefer it.

It would of been a better comparison if they showed the same tracks at the same time of day with the the same weather. My nod goes to forza off this video though

darthv722526d ago

Sorry General... DC is a nice looking game but they put to much effort into those weather effects and ended up with 30fps instead of making it 60fps.

I'll take 60fps over 30 any day.

2526d ago
darthv722526d ago

I hate to say it but Forza just out GT'd GT.

7th Forza game taking on the 7th GT game and it's pretty clear that Forza has surpassed the grand daddy of racing sims in terms of realistic image quality and physics.

Army_of_Darkness2526d ago

I would have to agree with some folks here... This video has fanboy written all over it lol! Forza 7 in an intense rainy type of weather with the sound blasted all the way up while gts on a basic track during the day and sound dropped very low as if the developers couldn't afford better sound effects lmfao! So much fail with this comparison that I can't even say which is actually better to be fair.... Let's wait for the real deal when they both release or a more professional comparison.

TKCMuzzer2526d ago

Really? I think many people are in for a shock when they get a 4K TV, even upscaled stuff looks great (TV,games etc). From 3 or 4 feet back its very difficult to see the difference. I tell you, people are going to be surprised and the reason why? because most decent TV's produce very good images, even when processing 1080p content. Most of the time you will just think, that looks good.

XisThatKid2526d ago

I honestly wonder which will sell more

hamburgerhill2526d ago

Yes but sells has nothing to do with which game looks or performs better.

freshslicepizza2525d ago

"If they are going to make a comparison they should use the same weather effects and cars and time of day.
This is just a fanboy made video. Check the other articles on the website by same writer.
Read the user "billy" 's comments on his own page (that's the writer btw). Fanboy evident

Compare Forza 7 on a day time setting vs driveclub in the rain on a better track and driveclub will look generations better too."

First you think it's an unfair comparison because they dont use the exact same weather effects but then go on and talk about Driveclub. Does Driveclub support up to 24 cars onscreen at once? Does Driveclub run at a steady 60fps? Does Driveclub play in native 4K? All of these things Forza 7 are doing take horsepower yet you want to talk about Driveclub being generations ahead?

2525d ago
2525d ago
UltraNova2525d ago

While comparing these two games on the more powerful consoles is all the buzz right now(even when those comparos are done so amaturely) what truly matters in the end is how both games run and look like on their OG platforms, you know where 90+% of the people who'll buy them will play them on? And we all know how that comparison will go.

That said I have no doubt that Forza 7 will look slightly better than Sport, I mean the xb1x is 40% more powerful than the Pro after all, just as I have no doubt Sport will sell double if not triple the copies Forza 7 will because most gamers know a GT game is where the best racing simulation on console resides.

In conclusion, we should all dial it back a notch and wait for both games to release and then put them against each other when proper (as in same track, time of day, weather etc) comparisons (DF) come out.

Ding2525d ago

MVGeneral12h ago(Edited 12h ago)
If they are going to make a comparison they should use the same weather effects and cars and time of day.
============================= ========

Indeed.. Strange how Forza 7 on the XBoneX, doesn't look that much different than Forza 6 on the XBone S eh??


This is just a fanboy made video. Check the other articles on the website by same writer.
Read the user "billy" 's comments on his own page (that's the writer btw). Fanboy evident

Compare Forza 7 on a day time setting vs driveclub in the rain on a better track and driveclub will look generations better too.
============================= ====


They already have and it does.. It also does VR too. lol

butchertroll2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Despite what Xbone fans think, but GTS car models clearly looks better in every way and especially lighting.

And also it's not a real-time lighting in Forza 7!

UPDATE 17/6/17 2:20pm: we'll need to look at our captures more closely, but transitioning between multiple baked lighting models may be how Turn 10 has achieved this - it's an approach most recently seen in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Forza 7 DOESN'T HAVE FULLY dynamic weather.

Fro those Xbone fans who trying to praise Forza's 7 dynamic weather :

Dark10x aka John Linneman from Digital Foundry :

"Well, in this race, I wouldn't classify it as dynamic since it is designed to change exactly the same way every time you race that track. I think it works well and, like Project Cars 2, they use puddles that seem to gradually fill in over time."


Gazondaily2525d ago

Damn Forza wins with ease but remember, GT is just a beta. I'm sure it will improve a lot between now and release

ABizzel12525d ago

Different track, different time of day, different audio, different weather settings, and more. This cannot be compared.

Rude-ro2525d ago

Here is a real PS4 capture and not whatever this bait site used

RacerX2525d ago

Man they're both gonna look amazing! Can't wait. GT will always hold a special place in my heart, I just play Forza now because I have an Xbox.

They're both pretty great games, and the realism is the stuff of my dreams from when GT1 came out.

freshslicepizza2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

"That said I have no doubt that Forza 7 will look slightly better than Sport, I mean the xb1x is 40% more powerful than the Pro after all, just as I have no doubt Sport will sell double if not triple the copies Forza 7 will because most gamers know a GT game is where the best racing simulation on console resides. "

The best racing game? The PS4 has double the useerbase, GT has its name going for it more than Forza so that doesn't mean one is better it just means one is more recognizable and that is actually a deterrent because Polyphony seems to be riding on that. You also have the European and Asian market on the Playstation side. What you don't have are review scores. You know, those who are not biased because they only own one console.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
DaDrunkenJester2526d ago


Driveclub's weather art is top notch. No game has gotten close to it as far as realistic looking rain effects, but honestly that's all Driveclub really has to outshine other racing games is it's strong graphical art.

tee_bag2422526d ago

The looped rain effects are nice but it takes more than a few prebaked weather effects and transitions to have a meaningful affect on racing that's on offer with the unpredictability of dynamic weather.

VforVideogames2525d ago

DaDrunkenJester: What's a Driveclub?

majedx92525d ago

Driveclub needs to be a sim racing game

fr0sty2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

teebag, the weather effects are dynamic in DC, not "looped". That is just a myth created by fanboys in denial of just how much of a technical achievement the weather in DC really is. If you need proof, hit a turn at speed and watch every single raindrop on the windows react to the physics.

Ding2525d ago

VforVideogames5h ago
DaDrunkenJester: What's a Driveclub?

It was the game that ripped Halo/ Flopza/ Sunset Overdrive a new arse in the U of goddam mofo K


============================= ========
Take a look below for the UK's best-selling PS4 and Xbox One exclusives in 2014, or head through here for the entire top 100.


1. DriveClub
2. The Last of Us: Remastered
3. Infamous Second Son
4. Killzone: Shadow Fall


1. Halo: The Master Chief Collection
2. Forza Motorsport 5
3. Sunset Overdrive

and is prob the reason why PSVR was selling out here. Thank fuck Sony didn't release the Brits favourite racer eh numbnuts


============================= ====
UK Retailer Dedicates All Employees to Handle GT5 Orders
GRAN TURISMO 5 48 November 20, 2010 by Jordan Greer

UK retailer ShopTo.net tells INC Gamers they’re bringing in all warehouse employees over the weekend to handle what they’ve described as possibly their “biggest ever pre-order”:

“We are very confident that we can fulfill all orders for release day. All our warehouse staff are coming in over the weekend and working double shifts. […] Over the weekend they will only be working on GT5.”
============================= =

In the words of the great bard

This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his cash with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in Britain, Europe, Japan, Murca now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That bought with us upon GT Sports day.

Gentlemen.. Start your engines


don your visors we are in for a hell of a ride


there are no respawn...rewind buttons in the REAL Driving Simulator. Or the Mario Kart Sim... lol

obidanshinobi2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

@ VforVideogames

Driveclub is a game developed by Evolution Studios for the PS4.
The game was heavily delayed, originally planned as a launch title or a least to be released before Xmas 2013.
It was/is a huge disappointment to most people that played it except from die-hard Sony fanboys who overlooked it's many many flaws and lack of content. Like eating a shit sandwich and telling yourself it's delicious.
Also half of the game is behind the season-pass.
People keep going on about the graphics whilst overlooking some terrible jaggies, low quality textures on the road and walls and poor car models that look like they've driven through a vat of vaseline.
Forza Horizon 2 released the same year and blew it away with it's huge open world, choice of cars and overall better graphics all round.
Driveclub was/is not a serious racing game, no tuning, poor physics, awful "follow the racing line" AI, poor car list. The game did slowly add content, weather effects for example but by then barely anyone bar deluded fanboys and games journalists gave three shits.
Unfortunately the failure of the game led to the developers closure.
No doubt many people will claim I'm wrong but just check out the reviews when it was released, both journalist and user reviews tell the story I've described to you. Those claiming it's a good game see my shit sandwich remark. Also there were loads of trade-ins / second hand copies about a week after it's launch, in the UK at least, it didn't go down well.
I hope that answers your question significantly :D

itsmebryan2525d ago

DC was supposed to be a driving game not a weather simulator. Weather was great but the driving was not. Are you in some way trying to say DC is a better driving game than Forza 7?

2525d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
2525d ago Replies(1)
Mbofa6om2525d ago

Forza 7 new
Gt soprts remastered from gt 5

IamTylerDurden12525d ago

No racer has even come close to the weather fx in Driveclub though.

You will be able to customize the hud in GT Sport.

Pit stops were recently shown in GT Sport showing a very in depth and high quality experience. Through investigation it also suggested that GT Sport may have much more detailed/deep damage models than originally expected. The visuals and engine sounds are coming along very nicely and a deep damage model would top it off. GT Sport is certainly rounding into form.

As for Forza, i think we know exactly what to expect. It's a yearly franchise (rotating between FH/FM) that maintains a solid level of quality. Kinda like NBA 2K at this point.

Regardless, it's an exciting time for racers. We have Dirt Rally, DC, and PC on VR. Dirt 4 is an excellent game and we have GT Sport, Forza, and P Cars 2 on the way. Heck, Wipeout Omega technically is a racer and it was amazing. Good days for race fans.

81BX2525d ago

Agreed, forza looks better.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
KingKionic 2526d ago

Forza 7 smoked GT Sport.

Jesus this is a insane difference.

Death2526d ago

These videos really make the two games look worlds apart. Hopefully the finished product will be better. I think a lot of what makes the difference in these vids is the static camera for GT which makes the cars look like they are floating vs the "shaky" camera on Forza that makes the roads look more dynamic. Surely fans of both series will be happy when each game launches.

MVGeneral2526d ago

If they are going to make a comparison they should use the same weather effects and cars and time of day. This is just a fanboy made video.

JackBNimble2526d ago

Really ,because I had telling the difference , in fact at first I wasn't sure which game was which.

mcstorm2526d ago

I agree just off this video for me forza wins hands down but both are unfinished so wait until we see the final products. I do think the camera fix on GT makes the game look dated now though.

Bigpappy2526d ago

I don't want to use words like "smoked", even though some PS4 users like to use those inflammatory words. But I would say that the differences are obvious and pronounced. Not going to blame it on the GT developers though, they are giving up a huge disadvantage in power and resources. X1X is just too much for the pro.

TKCMuzzer2526d ago

Let it go man, your an Xbox fanboy so every game will look better on the Xbox just as PS fanboys will think things look better on the PS4. Forza could look like shite and you would still say it looks better. I'm not saying your wrong its just your opinion is very much swayed before you even look at a video.
For $500 dollars and an extra year of development the Xbox One X should produce better graphics but you tout it as MS have produced some kind of miracle in hardware, lets have a look at the Xbox One version.......oh no we won't as you Xbox fans have pretty much forgotten that console exists.

4Sh0w2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )


-Why are you so upset? Plus your comment doesn't make sense because Forza7 will assuredly look stellar on X1 just as Forza6 did but the REASON everybody is talking about X1X version is because its going to be the premium version on a console, in *native 4K@60fps= A FIRST. Which is of course why most Xbox fans are interested. Current X1 owners who have no intentions of upgrading, don't care because they still will enjoy a great looking Forza7 on their X1 with no additional expense.

lol, your comment is akin to saying why are you guys talking about the latest tech, when older tech still exists....really?

rainslacker2525d ago

From my experience, it never matters. Any video that comes out, the fan boys of their respective console go on to state that the game that's exclusive to their console is somehow worlds apart and so much better than the other.

It doesn't help when these kind of crappy videos come out and do a piss poor job of actually comparing the two. To my knowledge, neither of these games have been released for a good setup to have equal comparisons put side by side using native(non-downloaded and compressed footage) captured video, instead of sources which are from different sources, and it's unknown what system they're running on.

4Sh0w2525d ago


Yes and No. I actually hit agree for those who said the comparison isn't good given its not the same type of weather scene, time of day, etc. That said my honest opinion is Forza7 just looks better even in dry conditions from what I've seen from the desert driving I saw at E3.... but I digress because again you're right fanboys will always claim its a dramatic difference in favor of their console.

rainslacker2525d ago


Yeah, in this comparison that would be the case. If I was using this video to make a judgement, I would say Forza is king of the console racers. But I have seen other videos of GT:S which show GT:S looking a lot better than this.

I wasn't really trying to compare the two games here, rather just stating an observation that no matter the quality of the comparison, it seems to come down to console preference than it does to any objective analysis.

I'm pretty well versed in how to objectively qualify graphics quality because of my job, and can point out things that are better in each video assuming the source is clean and of high quality. Some things that even DF wouldn't bother to look at. I could go on to describe how those things affect other things, and what not, but it's excessive, and generally, not the way I, or 99.99% of people actually play games, which is why they're never discussed.

As far as which is better? I don't really care. I like FH3 a lot. Play it a lot at work with their nice PC's and awesome wheel set up. I'll play GT because I'm a long time fan of the series, and despite what some say, I know the games always look good. I'm not really looking for the best looking racer, I'm looking for enjoyable racers. I find GT enjoyable, and what it has to offer is different than what Forza offers. Neither offering is bad, neither is worse or better than the other.

It just depends on what one is looking for, and from what I've seen, it seems too many are just looking for the best graphics, and don't bother to discuss the other things which actually makes racers more interesting....like Physics or how the cars handle. People are excited over freaking puddles. I'm more interested in how a car will handle when riding next to another car when going around a tight corner, and if I can tempt a bit more speed to get in front of them.

Wallstreet372525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Lol I don't believe you believe the nonsense you spew lol GT will undoubtedly look better like every first party Sony game. Only thing Xbox X will have is a few multiplat that slightly look better.

Come back to me when Xbox in general has a better looking game than "Horizon" a game released months ago, is open world and looks better than anything announced in the future for the beast.

I don't blame you though I've been reading your fanatical nonsense since the kinect days :)

4Sh0w2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )


Yep I pretty much agree with everything you said there. I'm glad you like FH3, it happens to be my favorite racer of all time now. I also have a wheel setup and I'm addicted to this game. While Forza7 I'm sure will be yet another fantastic addition from Turn10 I've become much much more a fan of Forza Horizons open world driving racing. I like the freedom of just exploring in between some pretty breath taking races.

rainslacker2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Outside the first couple Forza's, I've always thought the series was one of MS best offerings. In fact, when it comes to MS staples, I actually think they are at the top of the pack as far as quality games go.....but outside Forza and Fable, they don't appeal to me much because of their nature(FPS or space marine stuff). That's not MS fault, just my personal preferences.

I don't Forza has surpassed GT, as I never really considered them as games targeting the same kind of experience, or if I did, I considered them both equally good in different respects. Forza is closer to GT than Forza Horizon, and it does things better in some ways than GT does, while GT does some things better than Forza does.

The only reason I don't routinely play Forza at home on my X1 is because I don't feel like investing in a nice wheel set up for the X1. I had a decent wheel on the PS3, and after you get used to that, going back to a controller is just hard to do. That's the only reason I don't support the series by buying it. That's more because of how I feel about the console and MS right now, rather than any disdain for the series itself.

Anyhow, to me, graphics aren't what make a good racer. It's nice to have, but to me, it's all about how the experience of driving is presented. GT excels in this IMO, and Forza does a very good job. DriveClub did pretty good as well. FH3 was top notch although more forgiving with mistakes so it was more fun for what it was. So on and so forth. Unfortunately, no amount of comparison videos really lets you know how the experience of actually "driving" the cars will feel when you play the game. All they can do is compare graphics and features, and maybe give an idea of what to expect in terms of physics. How that all plays out though is purely in the game play experience.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
LP-Eleven2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

Forza has a sharper/cleaner look, but "smoked GT" it does not. What's more - I'm not seeing the huge step up over Forza 6: Apex on PC and DRIVECLUB can easily go toe-to-toe with both GT Sport and Forza 7.

2526d ago
Bigpappy2526d ago

We will soon see comparisons that debunk your idea that Driveclub can complete graphically with FZ7. Drive club had great rain effect. After that you are completely out of material.

Condemnedman2526d ago

ha ha ha ha sorry gt looked plain compared to forza in those clips but let wait until the games are releasd shall we?

hamburgerhill2526d ago

Yes we get it.....the rain looks great in Driveclub!

XanderZane2526d ago

You lost me when you said DriveClub. lol!! The only thing DriveClub has that looks good is their weather effects. GT Sport and Forza 7 pretty much beats it in everything else.

fr0sty2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

The Xbot's first reaction to any mention of Driveclub is that it runs at 30fps, ignoring that it is running on a console released in 2013 and there is no Pro patch for DC and never will be. Fact is, if Evolution were still around and they did make a DC Pro patch or a DC 2 built around PS4 Pro, and managed to get it running at 60fps, it would look hands down better than Forza 7, especially the weather effects and lighting. Forza 6 didn't even come close to looking anywhere near as good as DC, regardless of framerate, so it isn't even worth mentioning in the same sentence. Polyphony comes damn close with GT sport, but when it comes to graphics Evolution studios was king. Sony made a mistake by turning those guys over to Codemasters.

timotim2525d ago


I mean...you're talking a LOT of ifs there. DC doesn't touch FM7in terms of texture work, AA, amount of content on screen, track detail etc. It has really nice pre done weather effects that run on a loop but in almost all other areas, it's nothing really special.

What I find funny is that DC does in fact cook GTS in these same areas....a title which is also first party and made with Pro in mind. Most of you guys never mention DC vs GTS, because you know even on standard PS4, DC wins by a mile. One of the reasons for that DC win however is that its running at half the frames with less cars on screen. These are the facts...

XMarkstheSpot2524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

The only reason I mentioned why its 30fps is what do you think DC could achieve at 60fps(Graphics wise)? Or what do you think Forza could look like if it was only 30fps. Going from 30-60fps is a big deal, for a console that takes a lot of horse power. But of course ppl like to over look this. Polygon counts on all of Forzas cars are also higher than DC

But who cares about graphics, its the game that matters and compared to Forza DC is literally as shallow as my tub if I wanted to take a swim

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2524d ago
oasdada2526d ago

Are you people blind :/ such an unfair comparison.. are u too lazy to click on the other recommended videos where u can clearly see from the thumbnails that gt looks way better than the sh*t footage they used as comparison? Jesuss..

oasdada2526d ago

@TEAM_LITT stop trying to sound like a sony fanboy atleast they have alot to be abnoxious about. And if its abiut gfx the driveclub on standard ps4 looks better than forza 7 on xbx https://youtu.be/NKkEbp9Qu-... but im not here for that im just saying the clip used in the above video for gt is shitt se other videos it doesnt like this bad! Btw i only have a pc with gtx 1070 but fact is fact

Team_Litt2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

Lol what? You genuinely sound mad, am I wrong? 😂
Since we are sharing, I have an Xbox One and a Playstation 4.

oasdada2525d ago

i also had an xb1 and ps4.. sold my xbox and gave my ps4 to a friend.. i might get it back soon for crash & uc legacy though

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2525d ago
TruM06072526d ago

GT gets a blue ribbon for participation.

Orpheo2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

Agree, I wanted to pickup GT: Sport but Forza looks so much better it's ridiculous. I'll wait to see more footage of GT: Sport as time of day and weather were also elements that separated the settings of the comparison, but I may just hold off for GT7.

Forza 7 makes GT: Sport look like a PS3 game.

TKCMuzzer2526d ago

What is that on the Forza video? Press Y to rewind.....lol, that should not be in any racing game, you bloody crash then take the pain.

green2526d ago

You know you can disable the rewind button right and you get a bigger reward for doing so. And i. Regards to it not being in a racing game, the same can be said for the restart button. "you bloody crash then take the pain."

XanderZane2526d ago

True... Gotta laugh at all the disagrees you got from biased fanboys who still can't believe that Forza franchise has surpassed the GT series since Forza Motorsport 3 & 4. GT Sport looks like a remastered game from last gen. Then we get damage control from fanboys who want to see weather condition and same track, etc... I honestly think it would look even worse on GT Sport, especially if they added rain and wind effects. I have yet to see GT Sport game play with various weather conditions. Should be interested seeing DF compare these 2 games this fall. I'm sure they will use the same tracks, weather and time of day when they do.

SierraGuy2526d ago

How can u compare GT to Forza...ones a racing simulator the others an arcade racer.

Bigpappy2525d ago

Gt is not Arcade because they added Sports to the title. You need to play it and see that it is still a sim. Forza just has better animation, graphics and sound. But its best to wait until release to test the handling.

XanderZane2525d ago

GT is an arcade racer? When did they change that? Forza Motorsport is a racing simulation. Always has been 100%. You can tweek just about every aspect of your car and the driving controls. GT didn't have damage in its games and used a cheap rubber band type AI for the driving for a long time. The cars wouldn't even flip over in earlier games.

SierraGuy2524d ago

I meant it the other way around @bigpappy...Forza is ok but a bit arcadey.

SierraGuy2524d ago

GT is the definitive racing simulator. Forza is an imitation...always has been.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2524d ago
dreue2525d ago

smoked for real? because one is in the rain so it seams it is better....but just wait untill you see the weather effects in GT than we talk....so ya you argument is invalid ahahaha

MagicBeanz2525d ago

Well someones definitely smoking something that's for sure.

2525d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2524d ago
yarbie10002526d ago

Not even close. That's embarrassing for such a legendary series in GT. Forza team are the clear leaders in racing now

Christopher2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

I think there's at least one third-party racing developer who will disagree with that. Project Cars 2 or something?

Edit: GTS has been pretty lackluster since its reveal as far as technical aspects go. I'm thinking they might need a new crop of developers or something there to take advantage of the hardware better. Even for PS4 I'm underwhelmed.

EddieNX 2526d ago

The gameplay on Forza is electric as well, just listen to that GTR and look how much more realistically its behaving. GT sport looks no where near as good in any aspect. The reason I bought XB1 (and X day 1). Is because Forza and Halo are the best shooter and racing sim available. Ps4 wins in other genres sure...

steveo1234562526d ago

I could hardly hear the sound from GT, but the series is renowned for awful audio

TKCMuzzer2526d ago

Halo is the best shooter?
They are not the reason you are buying the Xbox One X..........

GNCFLYER2526d ago

The fanboy cut the audio on GTS. Then handpicked his video he wanted to showcase. Forza with rain and at dusk. Then GTS daytime no effects.

No one fights a harder fight than the x crowd. I've never witnessed anything like it. It's comical and sad st the same time.

2525d ago
eddieistheillest2525d ago

I was a Xbox fanboy at one time . Halo is dead . One the greatest fps died when Halo 4 came out.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
ziggurcat2526d ago

what's embarrassing is that they couldn't even compare the two games using similar weather conditions.

Team_Litt2526d ago

GTS looks unfinished, regardless of the conditions

ShottyatLaw2526d ago

Go to the article and watch the second video. Both in the desert, sunny, etc.

PistolsAtDawn2526d ago

True, Forza had the tougher conditions and still looked better.

TKCMuzzer2526d ago

Really? Clear leader in racers.....whats that, press 'Y' to rewind. Thats not racing buddy, thats cheating

aconnellan2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

So you've never crashed in a race and hit restart?

It's also an option that can be disabled

Kribwalker2526d ago

That is an option much like brake assist etc that can be turned off. The game can scale from beginner to hardcore fairly easily to if you turn off the assists

Condemnedman2526d ago

keep going with the Y button crusade might cover up the lacklustre graphics on gt

SynKakarrot2525d ago

cheating if u use it buddy....turn it off in difficulty settings and boom option gone from race

XanderZane2525d ago

That can be disabled, you know that right. It's called an "assist" if you don't want to end the game and restart, you can rewind. It's just an option. Something GT has been lacking. No different then being able to auction remodeled and customized tuned cars. Nice options.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
Nodoze2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

It is abundantly clear that Kaz + Polyphony are simply phoning it in at this point. The studio is coasting on past success...and it pains me to say this as I love Gran Turismo. The studio has simply not kept up. Features like Sound, Damage Modeling, etc are all significant pain points. Polyphony didn't even bother updating most of the car interiors and had to label them as basic or premium or some other such nonsense. Case in point everyone is celebrating that GT Sport has a a livery editor... Um, yes it is great, but let' be honest here Forza had that YEARS ago. For Gran Turismo - GT 3 A-Spec was IMO the pinnacle. After that things started going downhill.

What the heck have Polyphony been doing?? Their last release was in 2013. They have not released anything this entire generation!? Turn 10 is churning out a title almost every year (I am not advocating for rushed releases). Polyphony has already said this is not even a 'full' release, so this even further begs the question WTF are they doing? The sound still sounds like a digital lawnmower. Damage modeling is still not a go (has not been confirmed) the game is basically bumper cars. I know I will get some guff on damage modeling, so need to clarify. It has apparently been confirmed, but ACTUAL/VISIBLE damage modeling has NOT. Other than a cracked headlight and scratched paint in the beta. Also while sound has improved, it is still entirely to digital. No I have not played it, and I sincerely hope I am wrong and that Polyphony have in fact been working to bring their A game. Their last releases were NOT great, and the beta is not very reassuring.

Forza looks great, that sound...wow. I would venture to say that damage modeling will be present as well.

If Polyphony still has that plastic THUD noise when you impact walls and other cars, it will be very telling. Anyone who has played GT knows exactly what I am talking about. It is the noise that kills all realism and immersion.

nRicosS2526d ago

Fanboyism can drive someone into stupidity. Right?

dreue2525d ago

what a fuck...forza 7 is with fucking weather effects like rain,GT no weather effects...second the games are not finish and third just wait untill you see weather effects on Gt than we talk...

MagicBeanz2525d ago Show
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2525d ago
lptmg2526d ago

can you even compare both games? this GT game looks like to be just a spinoff, a quite lackluster one in terms of content in fact

2526d ago Replies(4)
TKCMuzzer2526d ago

From what I've read there is quite a lot of content...

Duke192526d ago

Have to agree and its not even close. Forza is the better looking game

MagicBeanz2525d ago

What made it "not even close" was it the weather effects in this uneven and unfair comparison?

Duke192525d ago

I personally could care less/racing games aren't my thing. People just downvoting based on console preference now. That said - of the two clips in the video, Forza was decidedly the better picture to me.

Car and track models in forza were clearly rendered at a higher resolution/models looked sharper. Lighting was also much stronger in Forza (track/non car shadows were more impressive), both effects on the top of the car and road, but also the sides/trunk of the vehicles.

MagicBeanz2524d ago


For someone who "could care less" you seem to care an awful lot. By the way I think the actual phrase is couldn't care less, but apparently you have more caring left in you and it shows. The video was made to trick and fool people and based on your comments it apparently worked.

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The Lasting Legacy Gran Turismo Sport Had On A New Generation Of Sim Racers

On the day that Gran Turismo Sport’s online services are switched off for good, a reflection on how impactful the game was for the sim racing industry.

purple101125d ago

fantastic game

innovative match making with player ettiquite tasked into account

GT7 improves on it with:

all the same tracks + loads more tracks
all the same cars + loads more cars
improved / new physics
dualsense support + haptics for road bumps
improved lighting + weather changable mid race
much more vast one player races, challenges, leagues etc.

more of an iteration than a revelation, but what they improve, they have improved so drastically it is deffo worth getting.


Why Gran Turismo Sport’s Final Update Bodes Well for GT7's Preservation

GT Sport, like Gran Turismo 7, requires internet to save. But now that its servers are going dark, that requirement is being removed.

Read Full Story >>
124d ago Replies(1)

McLaren has turned its Vision Gran Turismo concept into a real car

First an in-game concept car for GT Sport and Gran Turismo 7, the BC08 Solus GT has turned the virtual into the reality for 25 lucky customers.

ApocalypseShadow654d ago

Dat Vision Gran Turismo. Always getting new concept cars. Art imitating life imitating art.

If it's not "The Real Driving Simulator," it's definitely "The Real Car Creator."

MajorLazer652d ago

Actually, the manufacturers design the VGT cars so really manufacturers are "imitating" their own creations. Still, the VGT program has some relevance, which I argued on GTPlanet too.

purple101653d ago (Edited 653d ago )

I saw on YouTube the other day Lamborghini have also turned their vision Gt car into a real life car.

DaniMacYo652d ago

Yeah seen this so cool hope it comes to the game.

aaronaton652d ago

It just shows the talent that is at Polyphony Digital when real manufacturer's are that impressed with their designs.
Meanwhile over at Turn10....Hotwheels, Lego, and Minecraft avatars.


What are you talking about... Car was designed by McLaren.


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